Rectal pain pressure

Hi all I would really appreciate your thoughts/experience. Since mid December I have been feeling a pressure like feeling in back passage area along with straining when I pass stools. There is intermittent mild pain almost like a pulsating pain. I have had streaks of bright red blood on toilet paper a couple of times but no bleeding from rectum or mixed in with poo. I Constantly feel as though I haven’t full evacuated and like something is stuck there. I have had bouts of diarrhoea in between but they usually only last for a few hours or at most a day. What is concerning me is that my stools are thinner not pencil thin or ribbon like but definitely narrower. I have suffered from bowel issues for Years especially constipation but GP always put it down to IBS and advised to drink more water and increase fiber intake. My GP doesn’t take me at seriously and puts my symptoms down to stress/anxiety So earlier this month I self referred to a colorectal surgeon whom I saw a couple of weeks ago. He said that although my symptoms are “vague” he is concerned about the pressure I’m experiencing. so I will be having MRI and scope but on NHS as I cannot afford private investigations. When I asked him if I should be worried he said at present time it’s impossible for him to say. I am stressing myself out as I work in cancer services and so am convincing myself it’s either anal or rectal cancer! I suffer from anxiety and in particular health anxiety I know google doesn’t help but only thing To explain my symptoms is the big C word...I’m due to start a new job in 2 weeks timing couldn’t be worse. All thoughts and advice welcome.

  • Yes. Had bloods and stool.sample and all clear. Dont want to bother docs again as bombarded with the covid 19 . Just it doesnt feel right.  

  • Have you tried anusol with Hydrocortisone suppositories and cream? 

  • I havent . From chemist or doctor? 

  • You can buy them over the pharmacy counter.

    just be careful though as there is normal anusol without steroids as well.

    you will be better with the ones with steriod. Get both suppositories and cream.

    ive started them again today with my ongoing symptoms and I've been told to use them for up to 2 weeks. Suppositorys with the cream on the tip to help insert into rectum use morning and night (and/or after a bowel



    let me know how you get on xx

  • Hi 

    Did you ever find out what caused you pain, sorry I know it's an old post but just wondered how you got on

  • Hi Gogirl

    Did you ever find out what was causing your pain, did it go away?

  • Hi. Your problem sounds exactly like mine. Goes away when I sleep and comes back after a poo because I sort of expect it too. I go to the toilet with trepidation always expecting to find something nasty in the bowl or on the paper. So I basically go in with tensed up pelvic muscles. I have had it now for a year. Last time it lasted for two years but miraculously vanished after my heart attack in 2011. Didn't come back until last year, 2019 after some quite vigorous physio on my sacro iliac joint. I had loads of doctors looking up my bum last time, none of them could see anything except I sometimes had an anal fissure but then most times I didn't.

    i also suffer from General Anxiety Disorder and I am always especially anxious about anything about my body that doesn't seem right. So yes, I tend to focus in on the area and it certainly makes my bum pain worse.

    The GP's are useless and don't seem to want to know anything that isn't in their PHE /NICE mandate. I have decided, like you, through my own research ( being a Doctor of Biological Sciences, I do know how to do that), that it is down to the pelvic floor / Levator Ani  muscles being over tight or it could be down to pudendal nerve neuralgia or entrapment. Neither of which the GP's seem to be interested in as the NHS has no prescribed or widely available treatment for either. The only consensus we do seem to have is that it is mainly down to my current stress and anxiety levels due to various recent episodes in my life. There is no denying the more stressed I get about it the worse it gets. A nasty viscious circle.
    However, chronic pain is chronic pain, whatever is causing it and it would be nice to know that there were some medical people out there who thought outside the box of the colonoscopy as the being and end all. Until then, my quest continues and my stress and anxiety levels continue to rise.


  • Just found this forum and have very similar symptoms.

    Was rushed in to hospital in February with pain in lower left side which turned out to be signoid diverticulitis and was treat with with anti biotics which did the trick but was down to have a signoidoscopy as back up.

    Unfortunately was delayed by Covid 19 and due to happen on 31stJuly.

    Had an external haemmeroid last year but was treat with anal cream which appered to work.

    Started having pain in lower back which has a dull sensation and always feel I need to use the toilet even after I've been.

    If I have a few beers I can pee for England.

    Reading posts on this forum has really helped and I will continue to update on the progress of my health.

    Good luck people and stay safe

  • Been in awful pain the last two days with recum pain like I'm sitting on a SWORD! started after a fairly normal bowel movement and has got worse, this morning I woke up in pain and throughout the day my stomach has become bloated and tender too. No upset tummy so I don't think anything to do with a bug. I know this sounds grim, but it even hurts my bottom and all the way up to pass wind. Anyone else get this. Also feel pressure like all swelled up inside?