Rectal pain pressure

Hi all I would really appreciate your thoughts/experience. Since mid December I have been feeling a pressure like feeling in back passage area along with straining when I pass stools. There is intermittent mild pain almost like a pulsating pain. I have had streaks of bright red blood on toilet paper a couple of times but no bleeding from rectum or mixed in with poo. I Constantly feel as though I haven’t full evacuated and like something is stuck there. I have had bouts of diarrhoea in between but they usually only last for a few hours or at most a day. What is concerning me is that my stools are thinner not pencil thin or ribbon like but definitely narrower. I have suffered from bowel issues for Years especially constipation but GP always put it down to IBS and advised to drink more water and increase fiber intake. My GP doesn’t take me at seriously and puts my symptoms down to stress/anxiety So earlier this month I self referred to a colorectal surgeon whom I saw a couple of weeks ago. He said that although my symptoms are “vague” he is concerned about the pressure I’m experiencing. so I will be having MRI and scope but on NHS as I cannot afford private investigations. When I asked him if I should be worried he said at present time it’s impossible for him to say. I am stressing myself out as I work in cancer services and so am convincing myself it’s either anal or rectal cancer! I suffer from anxiety and in particular health anxiety I know google doesn’t help but only thing To explain my symptoms is the big C word...I’m due to start a new job in 2 weeks timing couldn’t be worse. All thoughts and advice welcome.

  • Hey [@stefjarm]‍ 


    Thanks for updating. I'm just at the "googling,  what the hell is this happening to me" stage just now, so its great to read your reports.

    Very similar symptoms, and GP appointment is planned later next week, but it's been a few months now since your last post, any news?




  • Hi

    can i join?

    Today i recieved a phonecall from a private clinic that i ordered a fecal occult test from to say i have 10ug blood in stool.

    The symptoms that led up to this and right now are rectal pressure, loose but not diahrrea nor thin stools, visible internittent bright red blood, internittent left lower pain that basically feels inflammed, rectum pain intermittent also and also feels inflammed, gas also intermittent and sometimes cripplingly painful, intermittent orange mucus in stool, intermittent back and lef pain.  After being wrote off as piles without examination and sent for upper endoscopy!! (Which did show gastritis) i ordered the home fecal test.

    So now im left worried sick with these results and to cintact GP in morn. I have contacted bupa who have referred me to gastro consultant but i cant see him to 9th October 

    Any advice much appreciated 



  • Hi. Since I last wrote I’ve had 4 different doctors examine me and nothing can be seen, ie no polyps no tummy lumps. I had a routine cancer test, the one you get sent in the post and they found blood in the stool sample. I hadn’t seen this but it showed in the lab. Ive seen a consultant who also examined me and he used a camera prob. But couldn’t see anything either. Now I have to have a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis and then a colonoscopy. I’m also having an ultra sound. So lots of tests. I’m hoping of course that something will show up on these tests although in a funny way live with the thought it will all go away and the pain will stop. I’m managing with mild pain killers. I can post again after my tests. So what I’m feeling is a discomfort on my bottom so sitting is very uncomfortable, and an ache on the left side bone at the bottom of my pelvis.  I have various poo sizes from hard noguts to really soft and always feel there’s more to come and bowels not emptied fully. It’s horrible explaining all this but if it helps anyone else with worries then it’s not a problem. 

  • Everything you describe is myself.  I paid for a private FIT test which came back at 10ug.  Ive just today managed to get a private consultation for Wednesday. Im beside myself.  I too have the left sided pelvic pain in addition to leg and buttocks and sometimes up to flank  I also feel like my bowel hasnt fully emptied and feel like im always pressing which is worst on layimg and sitting.  Among gas and gas pains my other strange occurences which i now relate is my folic acid was zero

    Please keep me updated and i will you


    ETA My stools are 90% loose but formed to some extent and 10% hard but pellet like all into one large stool.

    my inflammation bloods came back normal so i can probably rule out Chrons & Colitis 



  • I have same feelings last 5 years had ct scane, colonscppy, mri scane didn't find aut any abnormalities. But my symptoms r still same constant pressure inside rectum and feels my bowls not empty properly. It's horrible feelings doc gave Me some pain killer but didn't work constant discomfort and pressure all tge time which effects my life quality. 

  • Oh my God have exact same thing did u find out what it is terrible constant pain up rectum 3 years now driving me insane low back feel so sick

  • Hi stefjarm!


    I have incredibly similar symptoms to you.  Have you had any improvement since your scope and it was just thought to be mild inflammation?    The pressure in the rectum is the strangest thing.   I too went to the doctors, was told it was nothing and just to use sudacrem - the feeling went away for a couple of weeks until I just worried about it a little and it came back.  Could it be psychological?   Any more details of your story would be greatly appreciated.  B

  • Hi, sorry to hear you're going through this. Trying to get to a diagnosis is so frustrating and it's just human nature to worry and find answers either via Google or through these forums. I've been there and it was, and still is, debilitating! So I no longer have the feeling of pressure or pain, I don't know if that's psychological because I know after a colonoscopy and a MRI of my entire small and large bowel there's nothing untoward there that shouldn't be! That said my bowel movements are so unpredictable, literally anything from water, to rabbit pellets, to worms-shaped stools to absolutely perfect stools could come out and sometimes a mixture of them all on the same day!! I still get pain both before and after bowel movements and often have a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Sometimes it's helped by diet, other times not. I've just come to accept it as IBS and manage it and not stress too much. That said, my anxiety only diminished until after I've had all sorts of tests and scans etc to rule out in my mind anything sinister. It's not particularly pleasant but a colonoscopy and even a digital rectal examination are really useful. I wish you luck! 

  • I have the exact same thing as you guys. I have had it on and off for ten years. Its muscle tension in the rectum or pelvis. I can have many months without it and then if I get stressed or even start to think about it again it comes back. My feeling is as if I have trapped gas in my ***. It's a sort of ache towards the tailbone side if my anal canal. I can say 100 percent this is a stress issue. If I have a few beers or eep it goes away. It comes during stressful times in my life. When my daughter was being born I had it and for weeks after. But then it went away until last month when I was sent away for work and I could feel it again. Now I have it again. But I find if I take fybogel and have lots of bowel movements it helps a lot. I once saw a pelvic therapist who does internal massage and she pressed on a muscle inside me and I nearly cried. That was the muscle that was painful. If I think about it I have it. If I eventually ignore it it goes away. I'm a huge anxiety magnet and I'm sure you all are too. 

  • Also if I pass gas or have a bowel movement it eases off slightly for a while