Unexplained bruising, blood tests OK


Hope someone has some help and advice. 

Im a 34 year old male, in good health until the past 18 month, when I started getting unexplained joint pain and my mental health took a nose dive. 

About 8 week ago a bruise appeared on the inner side of my left upper arm, extending from my armpit.

At one point a bright right spot about the size of a 5p appeared next to the bruise, then went leaving a mark the same dark colour as the bruise. 

The bruise has not changed colour, there's no pain, no previous injury. 

I have had my blood tested for everything possible 3 times, each time it is good.

Ive had ongoing joint and bone pain that the GP has put down to stress. 

I'm at my wits end, my GPs dont want to know, just keep repeating that my blood and bone profiles are good. 

I'm fatigued constantly, my mental health is shot and they are just lumping everything on that. 

I'm a fit healthy lad, I've gone from running half marathons to struggling to get out of bed. 

  • Hi

    I was just wondering if anyone has had any answers yet? I have been getting bruises all over my legs and lower arms for about 5 weeks now, started off small green/yellow now they are much larger and black/purple! I am not banging or injuring myself! I have had all blood tests and they have all come back no concerns. If anyone has any advice, as it's all very strange!

    Thanks in advance 




  • I'm another one with mysterious bruises and supposedly normal blood tests ! They appeared all over my thighs in February and disappeared around April and have re-appeared again but now mostly on lower legs. They usually appear in lines and patterns. I had virtual meetings with haematologist but to no avail. I'm at a loss and have spent hours googling it all! Blood tests might be normal but these bruises we all have surely can't be?! ‍♀️

  • Googling my symptoms and found this post. I have unexplained bruises on my thighs and calves and it seems that everyday a new one pops up, they look like hand prints/finger tip marks  some are small and grouped together but i have a few large darker ones, they all seem to be the same colour (purple red black) and havent faded to green/yellow. No blood tests as of yet they have just started appearing the last few days. Family have asked if i have banged my legs (??) But the bruises look like Ive fallen down the stairs or something. Rather concerned, as i have a few other symptoms that have been explained away by doctors in the past year including; fatigue, depression, anxiety, worsening/blurry vision, memory issues, sensory overload, thinning hair, weight fluctuation, weak wrists and ankles, hips popping out when walking occasionaly (ive been told i could have hypermobility), i became ill with pneumonia last October/November 1 week after an emergency c section which i had complications ended up with a wound infection, cellulitis, anaemia and blood transfusion. Have not felt well since and been told it takes a while to recover from (fobbed off by gp over and over) This is my third child (I am a 28 year old female) i have had some of these symptoms on and off for a long long time. The bruising triggered something in me to research and google as its just not normal. Im due a smear next month and dont want them thinking im in a domestic risk household. I wake up with them! 

  • I am the same as you, 30 year old women who used to be a runner you could have fibromyalgia I have just been diagnosed with it
  • Google fibromyalgia It may be this 

  • Hi, It may be worth checking out the diagnosis I received along with lupus. I was told I had vasculitis. I believe the capilliary walls can break in periods of inflammation ( the main outcome of a lupus autoimmune episode), or the blood vessels are so inflammed they leak. I seem to get random bruises ( could be legs and arms, torso, face etc) which appear suddenly and take 2+ weeks to go.  More likely when I have generalised malaise or other symptoms. Not usually painful. often someone else will spot it before I do.

    My Lupus blood tests are rarely raised, even in relapse despite nasty effects ( joint inflammation/collapse, sight loss, short of breath etc.)

  • Hi ... just came across this post, and there looks like a theme on here of unexplained bruising...

    My granddaughter started with that ... then lethargy... then pains that were put down to period pains ... the lethargy due to being a teenager ... her gums started to bleed when brushed ... she was getting colds that wouldn't budge, and hard to stop nose bleeds ...

    Her Dr for bout a year said her blood were o.k , just low in iron ...  we trusted the dr ... then one night was in so much pain taken to A and E ... where she was rushed up to a london cancer hospital ... where she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia  ... 

    If we'd known what we know now, we could have insisted on her having a red and white blood count .. a test that could have helped months before ... so if you get these symptoms... ask for the red and white cell count... ask for a copy of blood tests ... that's your right ... there could be other things and not this serious ... but remember it's better to make a fuss then find out to late ... 

    Please anyone on here that got tested please let us know the outcome ... because if it was o.k , high 5 to you .. but if it was serious then you could help others to go and push for more tests with these symptoms...  Chrissie x

  • My goodness I feel like I could have written this post! I'm also 28 with the same symptoms! Did you ever get to find out what the problem was? Hope you are keeping better now! Sarah. 

  • I am in EXACTLY the same boat. Bruising, itching, rashes, hip pain, fatigue. Insane.... I feel like I am going around the twist and no one is listening... im a 28 year old female with one daughter and two step children, I cycle to and from work, I am fairly active. My blood work is mostly normal except testing positive for raised nuclear antibodies and on a couple of occasions a raised c reactive protein level. My gp literally thinks everything is fine, has diagnosed hypermobile knees and referred me to podiatry and rheumatology as non urgent. I'm scared they will fob me off so long and then it will be too late. I am taking 10mg amitriptyline which helps massively but finding out cause would be better!

  • Honestly I'm the same I feel like I'm going mad! Every doctor I've seen has no idea what's going on. Eds has been suggested because of the hypermobility and I see a blood specialist but bloods are mostly clear. It's so frustrating! Especially when your usually so active and have kiddies to look after. Long covid has also been suggested as new studies have shown it can cause unexpected blood issues, bruising, fatigue and skin problems. But still no further forward to a final diagnosis 

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