Normal blood test and ecg


My name is Charmaine and I am 33 years old. I have been having symptoms on and off since October of last yr. 

I have been having pains and burning in my face, pains on and off in my chest and dizziness. I have had all the routine blood work done and they all came back normal except my folate which was low. I have taken medication for this. 

My chest pains were investigated and ruled as acid reflux again which i take medication for. However I have been dizzy all week and the pains in my chest are still present. My ECG came back normal. 

I am so stressed over it and constantly checking Google for reasons to my symptoms. I have 5 children I am scared to not see grow up. I'm super scared there is something wrong with me my doctor can't see . Help! 

  • I'm kind of experiencing the same thing perfectly fine then suddenly I start gasping for air at night and I've been experiencing weird chest sensations every time I try to sleep. I've not been to able to sleep properly since and I've been tested for ecg blood and I've been told they're all fine. After reading these posts maybe it is anxiety because I feel fine throughout the day, I'm even able to play sport but when I try to sleep I don't feel right at all. Im also scared of not waking up but maybe that's making me anxious. I've only been able to sleep when I'm completely exhausted I'm 28 btw

  • Omg I could if written this myself! Everything about it the pains just playing with my children or chilling watching tele and the only time it eases is having a drink but the next day wow they're even more intense!! Had bloods and ecg all ok so now don't know what to do! Just wondering if you hav gotten anywhere with yours since this post? 

  • Hi there i read all your messages i am also the same to all of you random chest pain on and off higher bpm 120 to 145 headache tightness in my chest discomfort comes and goes my gp think its all in my mind and nothing is wrong with me but we know our body. Its all started when i got my vaccine last year since then i had this issue I can't even do any physical activity at all I'm out of breath all the time i've been to a&e couple of times now and I'm getting fed up keep on waiting for long and then you go home not resolving your issue i did alot of blood test diagnose ecg xray. All came out normal aside to my ecg that my heart rhythm isn't normal too high so they gave me a beta blocker they said i need to do echocardiogram .I'm still waiting for it they said it might take 6months for me to be seen which is too much and it was really stressing it doesn't really help cause of waiting it makes you worse.They said it could be anxiety or panic attack okay i accept the fact it might be anxiety so i did a lot of meditation to make my self calm especially if i feel my heart pounding and have a higher bpm and chest discomfort and its helps a bit. I never had any issue and problem to my heart before its just happened when i got my vaccine and i am suspecting its a aside effects of vaccine. The nurse ask me if my doctor diagnosed me that i have a mayocarditist i said I don't know you should tell me about it. Cause most people who got vaccinated that the said effects they got inflammation to your heart valve or any heart issue i am not a doctor but thats what i think but still i am looking forward for more diagnosis and assurance to resolve my issue and yours too 

  • I am the same my gp think its anxiety so in my mind he thinks I'm a cucuo so I don't admit that maybe he was right so one moment when i was in the agony of my chest pain all of sort of stuff that your thinking you will have a cardiac arrest that moment. All of the sudden I question my self what is wrong with you? So I started to calm down relax my mind speak to my self its okay self calm down you don't need to worry i know its sound a bit stupid but it works i know we feel something is wrong to our body but I learn this technique to calm down yourself and not focusing on your fears i focus on to be greatful everyday even on a simple things I appreciate what i have. I have food on the table i have a comfy house to stay  then day by days its help me to cope the pain don't get me wrong my issue is still there i still have a moment that i feel pain numbness in my chest specially in my left chest which is in my heart but i try not to overthink on it and make my self calm. I am still looking forward to got answer to my doctor but i hope my experience will help you xx

  • Hi. Mine all started before coronavirus even came about. Before I had the vaccines. I've since had surgery on the hernia I had and its helped with the chest pain to an extent. Still getting chest pains though. I'm also getting neurological symptoms. I waited 3 months for my heart scan which I had 2 weeks ago. Waiting on the results. I hope you get sorted too

  • Hi since thos post they found inhad gallstones  but I spoke to a surgeon who o nt going to remove them as he doesn't believe the pain is caused from them. We have tried numerous anti depressants to which none have worked. I've been doing exactly wha you've said and not panicking n keeping calm. They now believe it might b  stomach related so I'm being referred for camera down throat. It's getting annoying now bcoz it's happening all the time an the last thing I want is for my children to find me collapsed somewhere.

  • Hello, 

    I can relate to your symptoms 2am this morning I woke coughing struggling to breath. Pain in back and chest, I passed put at 7am so rang for Ambulance when I came around. Ecg was not showing heart attack very scary awaiting a gp call now

  • Sorry for the late reply yeah a lot has changed I feel perfectly fine in my self I have got a new job and things are going good. It took me a little while to realise that it was all in my head. Trust me when I say I though I was permanently having a heart attack or worse. In permanent fear of passing out so I would only stick to doing certain things I had some cbt meetings via zoom with MIND which really helped me antidepressants was a no go for me they didn't work at all. I found going to the gym has helped a lot how are you getting on since your last post. 

  • Hi folks,

    I'm thrilled beyond belief that I managed to come across this thread.....I'm 37 years and relatively fit however been having tightness of the chest and chest pains for a few months now, also resulted in nausea and sick feeling.This has resulted in 3 trips to A&E and 2 emergency appointments with the doctors and like most people on this thread my ECG,bloods, chest x day,heart rate all came back absoloutley fine and it was marked as "Anxiety" on my record with both parties saying it could also be  musculoskeletal Injury.


    I'm a pretty chilled person day to day , love nature, gaming,photography, travelling and my full time job I wouldnt say is in the criteria of "stressful", I don't for one minute doubt medical experts however that feeling that you might not wake up in the morning has led me to many sleepless nights, I have been prescribed beta blockers and have been taking aspirin to try settle myself. 

    Id just like to thank you all for letting me know it's not only me who's suffering from this, It puts my mind a little at ease and hopefully this thread can do the same for others.


    Take care folks and thank you.

  • Hi, I'm also 17 with no history of heart problems in my family. I have been getting chest sholder and arm pain for about a month causing so much anxiety. I've had a ECG and a blood test and apparently it's all clear but I feel the pains most of the day and it varies in how it feels. did you ever get a answer to what this is? I try to tell myself there's nothing wrong but the pains and pressure are always there.