Normal blood test and ecg


My name is Charmaine and I am 33 years old. I have been having symptoms on and off since October of last yr. 

I have been having pains and burning in my face, pains on and off in my chest and dizziness. I have had all the routine blood work done and they all came back normal except my folate which was low. I have taken medication for this. 

My chest pains were investigated and ruled as acid reflux again which i take medication for. However I have been dizzy all week and the pains in my chest are still present. My ECG came back normal. 

I am so stressed over it and constantly checking Google for reasons to my symptoms. I have 5 children I am scared to not see grow up. I'm super scared there is something wrong with me my doctor can't see . Help! 

  • Hi Charmaine,

    Sorry you're having all this stress.

    Unfortunately there is a chance that the stress is making your symptoms worse!

    I'm not a qualified medic so all I can do is speak from my own experience and that of friends.  When I read your second paragraph my mind went to conditions like fibromyalgia or issues with the trigeminal nerve in your face.  There are many conditions along these lines and they can present in weird and wonderful ways.

    In terms of your chest pain and dizziness, I'm pretty sure these symptoms can be caused by folate deficiency.  They can also be accounted for by anxiety and panic attacks, and it does sound like you are anxious (understandable with the symptoms in your face).  In addition to that the chest pain can, as your doctor has said, be accounted for by your acid reflux.  Given that they have checked out your heart, and you have three very possible and treatable causes for the chest pain, I wouldn't worry about it.  I know it's hard, I've had chest pain on and off for 27 years, really severe at times, but my heart has been checked out twice and it is absolutely fine.

    With all those possible causes for the chest pain it might be best to consider those as separate from the issues with your face and try and get to the bottom of that problem.  That said I wouldn't be using Dr. Google unless you have medical or anatomical training, it isn't your friend and will just worry you needlessly.  From what you've said I can't see any reason to even start thinking that it might be cancer, if it was me I'd be looking to rule out numerous other conditions first.  But I realise that some people suffer from health anxiety and that health anxiety seems to be on the rise too.

    Has your doctor given any thoughts on the problems with your face?  Has he suggested any nerve or myalgia-type conditions?


  • Thank you so much for your advice.

    I have been seeing the same gp since october, she has suggested that it could all be anxiety related. 

    She has just recently refered me to neurology, but seems to think they will not see me as I am not presenting with enough symptoms to cause any concern. 

    I think, with having young children and other people relying on me, and using Dr Google I have made my anxiety about my health sky rocket. Now I think I have every condition under the sun. 

    It doesn't help that I cant talk to my partner or family as they seem to think it's all in my head. 

    Again thank you for your advice. 

  • No worries Charmaine.

    It's possible that just with the referral the neurologist will be able to advise in some way, so even if they don't see you they might still be able to offer some help via your GP.  Still, if it doesn't get better don't be fobbed off, push for a diagnosis, it can't be easy getting on with all of life's tasks with pain in your face!

    I don't know if you have health anxiety or not, but it does seem to be becoming a real problem these days which is why I mentioned it.  It's understandable with the internet providing so much information and, in a sense, misdirecting people.  If you think your anxiety is getting out of hand then please do speak to your GP and ask for help, any form of anxiety can become life-destroying and you deserve to have a life.  If they can't help then see if you have a mental health Recovery College or mental health charity nearby that can offer help.  Anxiety (of whatever type) can be managed, even cured sometimes.  My chest pain and dizziness eased off greatly when I tackled my panic attacks, in fact I rarely get the chest pain now and I don't get any dizziness (unless due to other causes).

    You know your family and partner far better than me obviously, but if some of your symptoms are down to anxiety then they are well placed to help you with that so it might be worth trying to talk to them.  I don't know what their understanding or views of mental health are but if you think anxiety is an issue for you then it might be worth telling them that you realise this and want to do something about it.  That could be a way to get them helping you rather than telling you it's "in your head" (which technically anxiety is, but it can still be a serious illness).  No-one should be dismissive of anxiety.  Is it worth giving talking to them a go?

    Feel free to message me if you want to talk more about it.


  • Hi I feel your pain,

    I suffer bad with chest pains iv had ecg bloods stress test 

    all normal but my chest pains comes with a burning feeling and discomfort when this wave comes over me I’m thinking worse case all the time.. 

    when it happens during the night when I’m in bed I’m thinking I won’t make it true the night.. 

    it makes me get a fit of coughing as I feel it’s hard to breathe and I freakin out.. 

    i cant tell my wife as she just thinks look it’s in your head but I’m going true real symptoms 

    she just will never understand so I hide it

  • Hi I can really relate to this 

    it all started about a month ago I started getting dizzy spells when I was driving and at work I put it down to just over doing it but it didn't stop, on the 3rd day of having these dizzy spells on and off I had to call a ambulance out to my house early evening. 
    they took my pulse and it had shot up to 165bpm and wasn't going down so they took me into a&e. 

    after a few hours of being hocked up to a ECG scan my heart rate still wasn't going down so they had to give me something to bring it down and kept me in for 5 nights monitoring me, Taking bloods etc. I couldn't have a heart scan as they have been over run with coronavirus patients so I am having my heart scan done as a out patient. No body knows how long this will be. 
    I came out on the 5th day and they diagnosed me with AF but my heart rate had gone back to a normal rhythm and was around 70bpm when I came out so back to normal. I thought this was the end of it but it hasn't stopped. I keep getting dizzy spells and pains in my chest (heart) there not there all the time but feels like they come on at random times of the day and then can last for hours and sometimes the next day. 

    I tried doing some exercise on one of the days and my heart rate shot up and didn't come back down so I had to take a b-blocker just to bring it down to a normal level 

    I am 30 years old in good health, I am taking vitamins b12 and multivitamins since all this has happened and also my local gp prescribed me a low dosage b-blocker 


    anyone have any idea as this is really worrying me 





  • Hi. 

    I have exactly the same symptoms. I'm 34 Male. Been having chest pains on and off for nearly 2 years now, been to A&E at least 20 plus times, numerous ambulances out to my house, my work. These pains can come on out of the blue. They get that bad I do actually think I'm having a heart attack. I've had ECGs over 20 times now every time came back normal, also bloods normal. I've had chest Xrays normal, colonoscopy normal, abdominal CT scan normal. I've just recently had a Endoscopy which they have found a hiatal hernia. This is where your stomach pops up into the chest through a hole in the diaphragm. My GP is adamant that this is not causing my chest and back pain. So now I'm back to square one with it. I'm now being referred to a neurologist and also having a chest xray but from the back and more bloods done. It's very frustrating, they try and fob you off with it could be anxiety ect. I know my body and my mind, I was fine all my life then one day these pains came on suddenly and have never gone. I am now on I think 9 medications. It's worse now this coronavirus outbreak because they aren't seeing people, on waiting list and got told it could be 18 months! So that would take it to nearly 4 years of pain! Anyone else having the same experience? Any advice?

  • Hi I've just read your post am a male 35 I've got exact same symptoms as you they can't find out what wrong ive been at a&e lots of times with my heart racing up to 156 just resting. Its so scary I need to get it fixed 

  • Hi, did you ever find an answer? I have very similar symptoms and have been told not my heart but looking online which I know I shouldnt, it seems that it could be my heart and they are not making the correct diagnosis.  

  • I have the exact same. Mine started last year at work I had a bad chest pain after moving some tool and I thought I was having a heart attack on a building site and it scared the crap out of me, I couldn't breath properly chest pains tingling in my hands. I went to see my doctor she put it down to too much caffeine and stress. I had a week solid of bad chest pains I then ended up at a&e I had a ecg and bloods done all fine no problem with me at all. I had a good couple of months then more stress then bang I driving to work I couldn't breath Ann chest pains again back and forth to the doctors. I got diagnosed with panic disorder and anxiety which has now developed into health anxiety so my senses are now heightened to every body sensation so my mind is always thinking the worst. In total in the last year I have been to hospital four times. I have had ecg's chest X-ray ct scan blood test after bloods test thyroid checked cholesterol levels checked all come back no problems there. I have been referred to a cardiologist I have had a exchocardiogram and I have got to go and have a stress test as well then I have got a telephone appointment on the 11th of December thanks to corona. 

  • Hi,

       I too have repeatedly un diagnosed regular occuring most violent pain in my left chest, middle, extending sometimes over to my left armpit.  And for around 8 years now.  I'm now 66.  Chest pain never ever happens in the right side of my chest, which really should mean something. I get pins and needles in my left hand and numbness, but not in my left arm. I have other health issues but this chest pain is so severe and distinctly different.  Barely tolerable in fact, especially in that I consider myself to have a higher pain threshold than many because I also suffer from 24/7 chronic stage Fibromyalgia and Polyneuropathy - a break down of my nervous system.  Regards the chest pain, everytime I've had an ECG its come back fine, as have specific blood tests.  From being once the ultimate fit guy to now, the chest pain gets blamed on symptoms of various illnesses i've collected over the years.  Rheumatoid arthritic pain symptoms anywhere and everywhere, (Fibromyalgia) with added extreme nausea and sickness and developed vertigo. Regards the severe chest pain, no mention there may be a blood flow issue causing these symptoms considering I have poor upward circulation in my legs anyway. Constant imbalance issues finding myself toppling over, or If I walk in low light or the dark i'm all over the place - all said to be some of the many symptoms of Fibromyalgia.  Not a thought on light headedness being to do with poor blood flow.  Additionally, the Polyneuropathy I have causes severe burning sensations in different parts of my body, especially across my rear shoulder blades and upper back where it is indescribable when it happens. I suffer from constant bad stomachs due to having been prescribed Naproxen, which takes the lining off your stomach. And regular pressure headaches from sinus disease. So with all this I am obviously constantly very tired and take a B12 supplement.  Is it all putting a strain on my heart?  No they say.  The medical conclusion for the severe chest pain?  Every part of the body is inter linked in some way!  One last thing, I bought a revitive leg E.M.S. machine you put your feet on to stimulate your leg muscles to promote blood flow. When turned up to 60% of the 100% full setting, I only feel the slightest tingle in my left leg, but at the same 60% setting, the strength of the E.M.S. muscle stimulation is intolerable in my right leg.  So the left half of my body has issues on the nerve side.   A last mention...  A  friend had severe chest pain that went repeatedly undiagnosed, until one day it eventually came up as a sticking valve he said.