Breast lumps

Hi all, 

I posted the other day regarding a breast clinic refural ive had lumps in my boobs on and off for as lign as i can rember but never been refured befour so extra scared , i did have a bit of boob pain but i thought that was down to the time of the month although im on the implant i still tent to get achy. 

Im 26 (27 next month) and so bloody scared its unreal my clinic app is monday and im imagining all sorts of pains at the minute and constantly checking every inch of my body . I have 2 young boys and its such a hard time .. any positive outcomes id love to hear them please no negativity my heads doing enough of that thank you xx

  • The procedure of one dosnt scare me its thr thought of them thinking i need one n then the results i carnt hack it its such a rubbish time ill brake down in there no doubt about it x

  • I know its just awful.. if you break down thats fine honestly, it means you’re human!! I will be exactly the same i swear. You’ll get through it love honesty x

  • Thank you i honestly feel like the weakest and lonliest person at the minute , im dreading it i no ill have a panic attack in there x

  • I know same here, feel like everyone around me  is just normal and worry free and like im the only person feeling this way, yet I’ve looked through this site and the amount of young women like us goin through similar is SCARY. It’s awful but it makes me feel relieved knowing  im not the only person right now feeling this way.. and i dont mean that in a nasty way either as no one should have to worry about cancer. WHere in the uk are u hun im northwest in lancashire x

  • Hi [@Jadeh1992]‍ and [@WorriedMummyOf2]‍ ,

    The joys of youth, our everchanging bodies giving us stress.  Obviously you can have breast cancer in your 20s but hopefully in both of your cases the fact that you are now getting a referral is going to be down to the natural changes in your breast as you are ageing.  Unfortunately fibroadenoma is common and I had suspect lumps needing checked out from the age of 17 (worrying because my mum first had breast cancer at a young age).  My first breast clinic referral was at 17 but after that my GP was able to just check me and put new lumps down to the fibroadenomas.  In my mid to late 20s the lumpswere a bit different so did tend to result in a referral to the breast clinic rather than my GP deciding what it was.  The way I looked at it was just that the changes were enough that it was harder for the GP (non-specialist) to be sure, where a breast specialist would have been sure.  They still all came back as being down to fibroadenoma.

    I really hope that this is the case for both of you.  It is scary when they first say "got to refer you" rather than just going "fibroadenoma again" but actually it's better for you, it means you will be thoroughly assessed by someone for whom this is literally their job.

    Fingers crossed it's just natural changes in your bodies as us poor women do get lots of breast changes through our 20s.

    Best wishes,


  • Thank you so much! I absolutely agree with you. I’m sorry to hear you’ve dealt with similar yourself. And I also pray to hear the word ‘fibroadenoma’! I’m actually surprised how common the little buggers are! And yes, just like you said, it is so much better to be checked by someone who’s job is in that specific field. Im also hoping having my second baby just twelve months ago has made them ‘flare up’! Thank you for your helpful comment and I wish you nothing but the best x

  • I hope your appointment on 21st goes well and find out what the pain is. I too have similar, i am 26 and starting having armpit and breast pain in September. Now it's in my back too. I got referred to the breast clinic middle of December but still waiting on an appointment. This waiting part is the worst, my mind is in overdrive Xx
  • Hi Jadeh,

    Please don't spend any time worrying about how you are reacting to the current situation, or how you will react tomorrow.  How you feel is simply how you feel, there are no rights or wrongs, just go with it.  As for the clinic... they will have seen every reaction under the sun, don't remotely worry about how you react in there.

    If you feel you need to cry have a good cry, crying can be such a good release.  You may well find you 'breakdown' a bit at your appointment tomorrow even if it is the good news we all hope for, that's fine.  When I first had a lump that they were concerned about enough to send me to the breast clinic I cried when it came back clear.  And it's no wonder, in this situation we are constantly on edge and not sleeping, by the time the appointment comes we're exhausted, so even when it's good news the exhaustion finally hits us.

    This is one of those times in life when we are allowed to react in whatever way our brains and bodies decide we are going to react, so just go with it.  Sadly they may not be able to give you any answers tomorrow, but even if that is the case at least you will be one step closer to having answers.

    You are far from weak, and while you might feel lonely you are definitely not alone, we are all here hoping to feel the relief of it being good news but ready to support you through it if it's not.

    There seems to be a few of us getting results tomorrow so I think we should all have a virtual hug!!!!

    Hoping for the best news for you.


  • You poor thing, having to wait that long to get answers... I hope your appointment comes through soon and you get the outcome you want. Thanks for your good wishes, I 100% agree waiting around is the worst, and is also driving me crazy. I honestly feel like my heart is going to pop with fear! Our symptoms are very similar, and i hope it’s something harmless like a cyst as I’ve just read these can cause breast/armpit pain! Take care sweetie and good luck xx 

  • Good luck at your appointment!! You can do this xxx