Swollen right tonsil, ear feels blocked

Please can someone help me relax. I'm absolutely terrified as for the past 3 weeks my right tonsil is visibly swollen and my right ear feels blocked. Two rounds of antibiotics and still no change. Throat is not sore and no other cold/flu like symptoms. 

Doctor assured me its viral and will go away on its own...but I'm worried sick

  • Hey, I've been though similar apart from my thoat was sore too, I had swollen right tonsil for 8 weeks, had 2 lots of antibiotics and eventually reffered to ENT. They looked and said it didn't look sinister but the only way to know for certain is tonsillectomy for histology and a biopsy, I had both just before Christmas and soon as I woke from surgery the nurse came over and said the surgeon didn't find anything and wasn't expecting the biopsies to come back as cancer, which was a relief, but I get my results tomorrow. I'm still really worried even tho no one thinks its anyhing bad. If your concerned, go to your GP and don't let them fob you off, I went back numerous times, think they got sick of me! Lol thing is its you that's going through it, be persistant if you feel like something is wrong. Wishing you best of luck and hopefully it's nothing. X 

  • Thank you for your reply and good luck with your results, I'm sure you'll be find and it will finally be a weight off your mind. Did you also feel a pressure/blockage feeling in the ear?

    I have another doctors app today (4th one regarding this issue) and will insist on being referred to the ENT. It stresses me so much and is made worse by the fact I feel the doctors aren't talking me seriously. 

    Strangly enough I've woken up with a slightly sore throat, and it reminded me that it had been sore/scratchy on and off. Some days it's fine for several days weeks, and then it gets sore for a day or two...just really scared now :( 

  • Please don't be scared, I had the same symptoms and they don't seem concerned even after all the tests I've had. I had to push and push as they kept telling me tonsillitis and galandular fever and I knew it was non of them. There was no white spots and I had no fever. Don't take no for an answer if your not happy. Im so nervous for tomorrow its been months of worry but just want to know now. Just want an answer as I'm sure you do too. Let me know how you get on x

  • Same here, doctor said its viral but I don't have any other symptoms. No white spots and no fever and my throat is nowhere near as painful as tonsillitis is. 

    I have a feeling I'm going to have to really push for an ENT appointment as my doctor seems to not be the slightest bit concerned. Just so bizarre to me that seemingly overnight my right tonsil swelled up and there is no reason for it?! 

    Anyway, I'll let you know how I get on and please do update me of your results tomorrow! Just think how great you're going to feel tomorrow to have the all stress lifted! 

  • Just got back from seeing the doctor. She point blank refused to send me to the ENT. Told me that although it's enlarged the tonsil looks healthy. She also told me that I had tonsillitis when I first visited about the problem. I haven't had tonsillitis since I was a kid, and what I have now feels and looks nothing like tonsillitis. She said "no one will be interested in seeing a healthy swollen tonsil"


    I may sound paranoid but I don't trust GPs. Years ago they told me nothing was wrong with me (a different issue to the throat) and for over a year they refused to send me to see a specialist. I went private in the end and was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. So when a GP tells me not to worry, I won't stop worrying until I get the all clear from a specialist :( :( 

  • Yeah they said that to me too, swollen but looks healthy?! When I saw the ENT doctor he said you can't tell by just looking so them saying that is ridiculous. I know it's expensive but maybe book a private scan? I looked into that when I kept getting sent away. If your really worried its maybe an option? 3 hours time and I'll know.. Been going on since September so I just want to know now :( will let you know how I get on and I hope you find someone who listens to you soon, it's so frustrating. And your right not to be sure after them getting it wrong last time xx

  • Did you get the results? 

    I'm getting really worried now. Still no change in my tonsil. 

    Do you know how much a private ENT appointment costs? 

    Mine is almost completely painless. Sometimes hurts when I first wake up but otherwise I wouldn't know it was swollen unless I look.

    docoter felt all my glands and said they were fine. But I'm not going to be able to rest until I've seen an ENT. :( 

  • Sorry for late reply, yeah I got my results and no cancer they couldn't find a reason at all for my symptoms. Very strange. Feel so much better for having them out tho so something wasn't right. How you getting on? I'm not sure on going private but you shouldn't have to, I hope you've got some answers x 

  • Offline in reply to Kel668

    Hi there, 

    i have the same symptoms with my left tonsil. No pain in the tonsil but clogged ears. Its 2 weeks old. I am planning to book an appointment with a GP. Kindly let me know what the doctor said. Really worried.


  • hi, sorry to jump on this. I have the same thing, a swollen tonsil, and only yesterday did I start to get ear ache. I did go to the doctor and he seemed so surprised that I came just for a swollen tonsil. He said to only come back if it gets bigger. 

    Everyone seems to think I’m overreacting about it. 

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