First haematology appointment UPDATE


the doctors have referred me for an urgent appointment. I was just wondering what the procedure would be? Had blood tests done and they showed I was anemic. 


in my appointment the dr asked about my medical history and examined the lumps. Had blood tests done and he said he was going to reffer me for a CT scan and that I should receive the letter in the post. He also said I will see him again in three weeks? When looking at his papers I noticed he had written Lymphadenopathy and weight loss??

  • Hello XRX and thanks for your post

    I’m sorry to learn about your situation.

    I am not completely sure what will happen when you are seen at the hospital. Individual specialists may do things in different ways.  But it is very likely that the specialist will take a full history (ask you questions about your health). Then they will do a physical examination. This will include feeling the glands (lymph nodes) in your neck,and checking to see if they can feel any lumps anywhere else in your body.

    Depending on the assessment the specialist may order further tests and ask to see you again when the results are available. It  may take a few weeks to get others tests organised I don't think that it is common to get everything sorted in one visit. The doctor may suggest a biopsy, as you know this is the removal of a small piece of tissue to be examined under a microscope in the laboratory. Sometimes if lymph nodes are enlarged the doctor may suggest a neck ultrasound. 

    You might find that the specialist is able to give you an opinion of what they think is the matter on the day and there may be no need for further tests. But if they are unsure you may find that they are reluctant to say much at this first appointment. Please do not assume the worst if the specialist asks for more tests. This does not always mean that anything serious is wrong.They will then ask you to come back to see them after the test results are back.

    We have some information on our website about what to expect at an urgent referral appointment. You can read this by clicking here. 

    I hope you know more about your situation soon. Do get back to us if you have any other questions. If you would like to telephone the nurses our freephone number is 0808 8004040. We are here from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am to 5pm.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello,i've got my first haematology appointment on the 25 January 019.My doctor made the referral on14 December 019 and on the the 20th December i had a letter from the hospital cornfirming the appointment aswell as a letter from the doctor at the haematology department saying he had downgraded my referral from a 2 week appointment to a 4/6 week appointment.I have to have blood tests 2 weeks before my appointment

    My referral was made due to a raised lymphocyte count .

    Hope all goes well for you on your appointment.


  • Thank you for the reply. Would the biopsy be done at the first appointment or will it be arranged for another day?

  • Hello XRX and thanks for posting another question, 

    I'm afraid I can't give you a precise answer as it would depend on how the assessment goes and what the specialist thinks might be going on, but if they do want to biopsy the lumps in your neck, I reckon it would be more likely for you to be called back on another day. 

    These things are inevitably unsettling. If you can, try and keep your mind in neutral for now and take things one step at a time. 

    I hope you know more soon. 

    Take care,


  • Hi, I have just finished treatment for lymphoma. My first appointment was with an ENT consultant who examined my neck and put a camera down my nose to check everything was ok. He referred me for an ultrasound and FNA biopsy. It was after the results of that I was referred to haematology department. I guess that’s what they will arrange for you first, it probably won’t happen on your first visit as they will take a note of your general health and examine you. There are a lot of tests before they can make a diagnosis. When my biopsy came back positive I had to then have a ct scan, a bone marrow biopsy then another FNA biopsy. This was to make sure they could treat me correctly. I’m afraid to say it was 3 months for me from going to my doctors to actually getting treatment. These tests all take time to get and even longer for reports to be done. You may be quicker than me, I guess it depends on which hospital you are in. I wish you well in whatever your results are, let us know the outcome and if I can help in any way, please let me know.

  • Hi Roger, 

    Hopefully everything goes well for you on your appointment. Keep me updated. I’ve been referred for a ct scan which is on the 15th jan. 


  • Hi scones,

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My first appointment was with the haematologist. During this consultation he conducted a physical exam and blood tests. He then referred me for a ct scan. 


  • Hi,on Monday 7th Jan i had a full blood count done at the hospital.Today the 11th Jan i heard from the doctor at the haematology department.

    He said my white blood cell count is not very high in the grand scheme of things and we  will likely just keep a gentle eye on it,and there is no need to be terribly worried about the fbc test.


  • That’s good news, if they were concerned they would have done further tests. Very pleased for you. 

  • need help red blood cels over from 14 years old til 41need find how long i will be die love my wife kids pls help gp ignore syptoms over 5 years need help