
I had my smear last Wednesday and week later I’ve had my results back confirmed HPV and high grade dysaryosis, cytology appotment is Monday 17th  I can’t sleep and am a bit emotional! im also very angry with myself 30 years old mother of three and never had a smear (not because I was scared just life was busy, I forgot to keep booking and I’m a idiot) anyone had any experience with this? I cant help but think the worst! For months I’ve had heavy periods sometimes clots, and pretty much 80 percent of the time there’s light bloody on tissue, I’ve had lower back pain for months and hip pain that comes and goes? Are these a sign? I’m driving myself mad! 

  • hey 


    how are you feeling today? I can imagine it’s a massive shock! Do you know how long you got to wait for the scans and operation? The more and more I read online the more I’m reading positive stories for people that have been diagnosed. Xxxx

  • hi Laura 

    Thabk you for replying i find it comforting to hear positive story’s. I’ve only had abnormal smear (high grade) and hpv positive thinking the worst hoping for the best xxx 

  • Hi all!

    well I’m currently 3 days in to my 4 week wait for the biopsy results! & I’m assuming you are still waiting on your appointment for the coloscopy & biopsy Rosie? 

    & Sharon I’m sorry to hear that news but hopefully it’s been caught early & praying the scans are all clear for you!:) but I’m just wondering if you could answer a question.. you said it was the let’s treatment that has picked the cancer up? So the biopsy results I’m waiting on what will that actually tell me? Does that not tell you if there is cancer present? It’s all abit confusing but the nurse did say by looking it’s CIN 3 which I am aware that’s just the grading of cancerous cells.. & I did ask if there was cancer there would she be able to spot it from just the examination? & she did say in most cases yes it can be detected from inspection? Is that Correct? 

    & Laura that is fab news!!! It is lovely to read comments like yours & know the results us ladies Are receiving doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world & it can be treated:) 

    But I would just like to wish every one a happy Xmas & new year & all the best for 2019!!! But I’m sure we will be in touch & keep each other updated over the next few weeks :) 


    thsnks every one xx

  • Hi the biopsys done at colposcopy came bk as cin3 and squamous cells so it had already got to the cancer point. The colposcopist didnt think it was cancer or even cin 3 so was shocked when results came bk as that.  The lletz I had the following week was to remove all cells and stage the cancer.fingers crossed your results will be good news. If your recieving results thru post then thats positive as mine was just another colposcopy appointment thru the post within 2 weeks of having biopsys which I had a horrible feeling then as I was told I would get results thru post not another appointment.

  • hi 


    I’ve got my coloscopy appointment tomorrow not even two weeks after my smear test! Nervous is a understatement not sure what to expect. I’ll keep you ladies updated xx

  • Hi Rosie how did you get on today? Xx


    Hi Emma 

    Had two biopsy’s taken at the appointment today I was expecting them to remove the cells  there and then as lady on phone said may have treatment then but they said will wait for results and then book me in to have cells removed. She said she thinks CIN3 least 2 and she will contact me first week in January to arrange appointment to remove cells. Oh and my hpv virus is one of the ones that can cause cancer. 

    I’m so worried as thought the cells would be removed forgot to tell her about my pelvis pain suppose now It’s another waiting game! Hope your ok? How r u feeling now? Xx 

  • Hi hun, yep that was exactly same as me she said CIN 3 which will lead to a procedure to get them removed but have to wait for biopsy results.. did she tell you it would also take 4 weeks for your results? 

    & my hpv has always been the cancer causing one that’s why I have been on yearly smears for last 4 years..

    tbh I’m going back to doctors tomorrow! My partner thinks I’m loosing the plot! But I’ve been complaining for months about back pain to the point I wake up some mornings & I can’t move! Going back to April time there was a lump on my lower back just above my bum cheek to the right.. never thought of anything cause I was pregnant at time & put it down to that.. but I’ve just been feeling about my back we’re the pain is & the lump is still there but double the size!! So I did the dreaded google search all sorts came up but 1 was about cancerous mass which can grow in that area.. I sound like a total hyperconderiact & hoping it’s just a cyst or some sort of fatty lump.. but with all that’s going on at the moment I can’t help but relate it to this xx 

  • Hi


    how did you get on at doctors? I think it’s completely normal how you are feeling I to have linked a lot of things and thinking the worse. I’ve had pain in my pelvis for weeks just put it down to my job and picking up the kids! 

    Are you going to be put to sleep to have the cells removed? I think I’m going to go for that option I really don’t think I can handle being awake. Xxx 

  • Hi, was hope for some results but still nothing as yet:( I didn’t get in to doctors they had no appointments!!!!

    well I had really heavy bleeding which started last Thursday 1 day after my coloscopy appointment which has lasted till yesterday! I’m assuming it was my period ( 10 days late ) a lot heavier & lots of clots & also lasted a lot longer... 

    my discharge seems to b normal again but still getting the pain in lower back & twinges in my abdomen & very light persistent pain from my knees down!!! 

    Have you Hurd anything yet? & hope your ok.. I’m not to bad in my self at the moment been quite busy but it’s on a night I reflect on every & start thinking all sorts! Are you feeling better about things? I just need to learn to keep off frign google lol xx