Swollen lymph nodes and thyroid nodules

hi there 

i could be completely barking up the wrong tree but I’m worried even though I tell myself not to be. 

A year ago I noticed I could feel a swollen lymph node in my neck. I went to the GP and he referred me to ENT as I had had a couple of night sweats too. 

I went to see the consultant in January and he started making notes that the node was not palpable. I corrected him and placed his finger right on it. He explained to me it was nothing to worry about as young people like me (I’m 37 and flattered lol) might get enlarged nodes due to acne (I had one spot on my cheek). He referred me for an ultrasound anyway.

appointment came for end of June. I got the date wrong and turned up a day late. They rescheduled and my appointment was in mid October. 

3 weeks later I got a letter for another appointment to see the consultant on 6th Dec. I called my doctor and he was able to tell me that the report says several enlarged lymph nodes and several cysts on thyroid. You can now see one of the nodes clearly in my neck and it’s not one I could feel before. The doctor doing the scan told me the ones I could feel weren’t the big ones as there were bigger ones deeper in.

All bloods show normal thyroid function.

so as every human does I panicked. I’m trying work out if the timings and spacing of 3 weeks means it’s obviously not urgent.

so my questions are

what time scales do they work to?

any specific questions I should ask?

anybody been through anything similar?

thank you


  • Hi there I have various swollen nodes in my neck the other day I spoke to my doctor about feeling tired since them stopping my b12 and 2 nodes getting bigger and back in sept I had an ultrasound to check the nodes well he said I had nodules on my thyroid. This info was never passed on at the appointment at all. My neck is so sore and I feel almost like I'm being strangled. Health is such a worry isn't it 

  • Dear all. 
    great to find this chat as it's hard to talk to family in case they worry. 
    I have had a multi modular goitre for over 20 years and am now 50. 
    recenlty the goitre has grown but weirdly the glands in the base of my skull have become very painful. 
    as usual, the bloods have come back normal but awaiting another ultrasound scan. 
    not a good time to have something wrong due to the NHS under the strain it's on, however I have been onto the GP. He has said he doesn't understand the glands up on the base of my skull and how this could be connected to an inflamed goitre. I of course have googled it! The search immediately came up with thyroid cancer. 
    just wondered if anyone else has had similar symptoms ? 
    it's going to be a long wait, which I understand. Especially living in London. 

  • Hi Jodc17

    I hope you now on the mend and getting back to some sort of normality

    I have just read your post as i am currently waiting to go for an ultrasound next week and i think my heart just stopped for a second reading your story

    9 years ago i have half of my thyroid removed due to a 5 1/2cm multi nodule goiter but my TSH levels were ok with the remaining half, althought there was a small nodule in this one also.  A few months ago i put on 2 stone in a very short timeframe and asked my doctor to check my thyroid levels.  He said they were fine.

    Last week i contacted him again because i was feeling very agitated and feeling like i was blacking out for a split second.  My BP was increased, although never had a problem with this before, My TSH levels came back as high and have since been put on medication

    As well as this the remaning half of my thyroid has now grown substantially and throat is very tight.  My voice is hoarse and vibrates, i have had a constant chesty cough for months now and my gland and ear on the lump side are very tender

    I am feeling a little sick and worried now and next week couldnt come fast enough


    I just need someone to say it will be fine but after reading your story im not so sure :-(

  • Hi Natalie13

    I am in the same boat and going for a scan next week. My TSH levels came back high this time so have been put on medication.  I had 1/2 my thyroid removed 9 years ago but they left the other half although it had a couple of nodules in it

    This has now grown and become systomatic. My voice has been gravelly and has a vibration to it, i have had a chesty cough for months and my neck gland on the same side and ear are painful.  Something that i never linked to this is swollen glands at the base of my head until reading your post.

    I have given myself an awful fright googling the symptoms and came back with the same searches as yourself.

    These next few weeks are going to be stressful to say the least but i hope you get a good outcome from your tests

    Regards Karen

  • Just a quick update on my post from back in October 2020. I went for a biopsy just before Christmas and i am super pleased to say my biopsy was not cancer, i have to go for another scan and biopsy in July 2021 just to make sure my lumps in thyroid and lymphnodes have not grown. Unfortunately other symptoms have started and my white blood cells are still high, (  Doctor cant find no sign of infection) i know what you mean about pain in the base of the skull, it is like a patch (just one spot) of pressure, hurts when cough my head throbs in that one spot and my head feels too heavy for my neck and shoulders, i cant go out in the cold without a hat ( the ear ake is unbearable) i am always sneezing and coughing and suffering from awful headaches ( allergy test came back no allergies) my glands in my neck are like 2 giant golf balls, the gland under my chin also swells. I feel like i am being constantly strangled from under my ears to my chest, but i hope the news none of my symptoms are cancer brings you all a little hope. And please let me know how you have all got on. 

  • Hi all hope your all well , me and my partner are worried sick,  my partner had a uss done 2 weeks ago the results have came back that she has a ? Enlarged lymph node with a thyroid nodule, does this mean she has cancer we are so upset she has been referred under a 2 week rule but we are overcome with anxiety 

  • I'm 29 and back Feb I found  a lump  had bloods everything  was fine nothing  showed up I went for a scan and it show that there was something  not right with my thyroids  the lady told me to get my bloods tested again and that the lump could of been a lymph node . The lump  is still there now and I'm getting  a little one on the other side . I had blood done again yesterday  so hopefully  will find out as there is family  history  . But I am terrified  as the doctor  asked me if there was thyroid cancer  in the family history  which I wouldn't no about . 

  • Hi Karen

    i don't know where the last 6 months have gone !

    how are you getting on ? 
    im still waiting for my scan even though I'm having a thyroiditis flare up every 3 weeks or so. Problems clearing my throat and food becoming stuck every now and then. 
    mill report back when a scan finally comes round but like everyone, desperately trying not to google ! 

    have you managed to be seen ? 

    natalie x

  • Hi Karen. 
    just wondering how your getting on ? Did you have the scan ? Any outcome ? 
    I finally had my scan yesterday...it was a long wait. 
    Sounds very odd but I'm really hoping they find something this time. I hate feeling like a hypochondriac. 
    my goitre has become bigger and I'm feeling slightly strangled, especially when lying down. 
    N x