Colonoscopy experience without sedation

i had a colonoscopy last week due to bleeding from back passage I am 37 and went down two week rule due to family history just wanted to say it was absolutely fine took the laxative drink night before and in the morning was not as bad as thought!Had colonoscopy at 1 30pm and had it without sedation staff were amazing felt at ease and not at all embarrassed!The only time it hurt was when going round the corners of colon but as soon as I felt the pain it was gone again!Was over in 30 mins and was out and done within an hour whilst everyone else was either asleep or not totally with it!I drove home and before I left told result was normal such a relief had lots of wind rest of day and worst part was not going lol for a couple of days after but would definitely do it again without sedation and to anyone worrying it’s honestly not bad at all so happy result was normal was so worried especially with symptoms and family history I also work in a cancer hospital so I see lots of cases s of bowel cancer!Its definitely worth going to the test for anyone worried better to be safe than sorry!My brother was diagnosed with stage 2 and his only symptom was tummy Pain and loose stools on and off!

Bowel cancer symptoms can be mild and if caught early can be cured!To anyone worrying about the procedure honestly it was fine would do it all again in a heartbeat!Its easily treated when caught early but caught late it’s a horrible cancer to have!Its also a cancer associated with older people but if your worried and have symptoms see your GP if your fobed off with IBS keep pushing as symptoms are very similar and we have cases daily of young people the youngest case I have seen was19!My brother was fobed off for 6 months luckily enough after 6th GP visit he demanded colonoscopy and had stage 2 which was treated and he’s fine if he listened to the doctor and just accepted it was IBS this story could have been very different!Trust your instincts you know your own body!

  • Welcome to the forum RMT2011.

    I noticed no-one had replied yet so I just wanted to stop by and thank you for sharing your experience with us.

    I'm glad it went well and that the hospital staff made you feel comfortable throughout. Plus it's great that your results came back normal as well.

    We have quite a lot of posts on the forum from members asking about this procedure so I have no doubt your post will be a massive help to others waiting for their appointments to have this done.

    All the best, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I think the experience is different for everyone. I have had 2 colonoscopies, one 20 years ago in Germany, where lots of people would routinely opt for no sedation, and one here yesterday. I found the worst of the whole experience was the drinking of klean prep beforehand. I didn't quite manage the whole 4 litres, after 3,6 litres even the sight and smell of the liquid made me heave! With the procedure itself I found nothing embarrassing, the staff were all lovely, very professional and matter of fact. I was anticipating it to hurt more than it did, but it was just a bit of a weird sensation to feel the tube going in and that was it apart from a second or two of slight crampy pain when it went round the corners.Every time that happened I thought '' oh, this is where it starts to hurt ' but by the time I'd thought that it was gone again. The doctor was good at explaining what was happening and told me when he was coming up to a corner and I found being kept informed was helpful in knowing what's happening and made me relax. I just concentrated on my breathing exercises and just occasionally peeked at the monitor. Was surprised when it was finished as I thought it would last much longer. 

    Happy to say that results came back all clear, blood in stools must have been from a tiny haemorrhoid that I was unaware of. As I've recently been diagnosed with endometrial cancer I'm very glad it's nothing, one cancer is enough to deal with!

    All in all it wasn't a difficult experience apart from the klean prep which was vile!



  • I am recovering from a colonoscopy without sedation as the doctor said recovery time and discharge would be quicker.

    I wish I had had sedation as I found the procedure very painfull and I was sucking on the entonox gas like there was no tomorrow and I dont think it did anything for me. 

    Its over 12 hours since the procedure and the cramps and bloating have been bad coming and going and it is now the early hours and as I cant sleep I am typing this and getting some comfort from other peoples experiences on the forum.


    Male aged 59 years.




  • I've recently had a colonoscopy and I decided not to be sedated.

    I did have some stomach cramps during the procedure but these soon passed. Only once did I have any real pain and that was only for a second or two when the scope went round a corner. I was offered gas and air at that point but it seemed a bit after the horse had bolted! 

    I was actually pleased that I decided not to be sedated as it allowed me to be aware of what was happening during the procedure. There was a lot to take in information wise, both before, during and after the procedure. At the same time I was able to leave the hospital fairly quickly after the procedure. It was nice to get home.

    I did have some biopsys taken and having to wait to hear the outcome has been the most stressful aspect of the whole process.






  • I had the colonoscopy without sedation and for someone with the lowest pain threshold there is it was fine, uncomfortable but not painful, the gas and air worked for me. Bear in mind they insert air into your colon during the procedure, that could be the reason for the ongoing wind and bloating. 

    The downside was, before they had said sedation meant you wouldn't remember anything of it, without it you are aware of the conversation regarding what they find and booking CT and MRI scans!

    So, pros and cons but at least without sedation you can drive and don't have to have someone with you the next 24 hours! 

  • I recenty had a colonoscopy and after much consideration decided to have the sedation.  For me it was the right choice.  There were only two very brief moments when it hurt, perhaps at the corners, I can remember parts of it and could hear parts of it, didnt feel sick or dizzy afterwards which I'd been a bit concerned about.

    I think i felt more capable than I actually was and this extended to the next day so it was around 24 hrs before the effects wore off.  I did need someone to collect me as wouldnt have been fit to drive or travel alone.. 



  • I also had a recent colonoscopy and decided not to have sedation as I wanted to drive myself there and back. I had some small discomfort, like mild indigestion, but nothing much, I didn't ask for the gas at all and just chatted to the doctor and two nurses. They found nothing and told me at the time, except for a couple of small patches of diverticular disease which they said was just my age and wear and tear. They took some biopsies but just at random and reassured me that there was absolutely no sign of cancer, but the week wait for the procedure was stressful to say the least. I was glad I opted for no sedation as it meant I was fully aware and could ask questions all through, even look at the monitor. I'm a 70 year old male by the way.

  • Hi, 

    I think everyone is very different and it depends on their anatomy, whether there is inflammation or anything that can cause complications. You said that your husband has adhesions. Unsurprisingly he experienced more pain than others who have reported on here. 
    I've recently had to have 2 colonoscopies, not something I want to repeat any time soon but not excessively painful and I opted for gas and air. 
    I'm finding the wait for results far more painful than the procedure itself. 
    I hope your husband is doing well now. 

  • Hi

    Having had a Colonoscopy yesterday my only reference to pain caused by the procedure was from my mother in law, no sedation (she likes to talk!) and my father in law, not a lover of hospitals so took sedation (also likes value for money so anything free!).

    After a chat with the nursing staff in which they pointed out individuals pain thresholds are different, I woud say if you are concerned then the sedation is probably best. I was offered sedation or gas and air, given the choices I went for gas and air, and was told if needed sedation would be given.

    As it happened I didn't use either during the procedure, the discomfort was minor, the same as the blood pressure thing on my arm in my opinion.

    For me it was well worth being aware of the process and understanding what was seen 'live' rather than trying to understand from the photos.

  • Thanks for the input, have a colonoscopy next week, and really do not want to tell family or friends, just want to do this on my own, we family have history of bowel cancer, means I want to just have clarity for  myself.without the worry of my family knowing...this is precautionary...but will opt for gas and air, and take taxi back and be honest it is more stress with family sometimes..