Colonoscopy experience without sedation

i had a colonoscopy last week due to bleeding from back passage I am 37 and went down two week rule due to family history just wanted to say it was absolutely fine took the laxative drink night before and in the morning was not as bad as thought!Had colonoscopy at 1 30pm and had it without sedation staff were amazing felt at ease and not at all embarrassed!The only time it hurt was when going round the corners of colon but as soon as I felt the pain it was gone again!Was over in 30 mins and was out and done within an hour whilst everyone else was either asleep or not totally with it!I drove home and before I left told result was normal such a relief had lots of wind rest of day and worst part was not going lol for a couple of days after but would definitely do it again without sedation and to anyone worrying it’s honestly not bad at all so happy result was normal was so worried especially with symptoms and family history I also work in a cancer hospital so I see lots of cases s of bowel cancer!Its definitely worth going to the test for anyone worried better to be safe than sorry!My brother was diagnosed with stage 2 and his only symptom was tummy Pain and loose stools on and off!

Bowel cancer symptoms can be mild and if caught early can be cured!To anyone worrying about the procedure honestly it was fine would do it all again in a heartbeat!Its easily treated when caught early but caught late it’s a horrible cancer to have!Its also a cancer associated with older people but if your worried and have symptoms see your GP if your fobed off with IBS keep pushing as symptoms are very similar and we have cases daily of young people the youngest case I have seen was19!My brother was fobed off for 6 months luckily enough after 6th GP visit he demanded colonoscopy and had stage 2 which was treated and he’s fine if he listened to the doctor and just accepted it was IBS this story could have been very different!Trust your instincts you know your own body!

  • I'm sorry to hear this ,were they not able to complete the colonoscopy is that why they didn't remove the polyps bcauce they usually do remove them ,I had a colonoscopy a few months ago and never felt a thing I had sedation ,it makes you wonder why some feel so much pain and others don;t amyway I hope they can give you a general for the next one there's obviously a reason why it caused so much pain let us know how you get on .

  • I did a lot of research before I had my Colonoscopy & felt quite confident any Polpys found would be removed during the procedure. I asked the surgeon if he'd removed them & he just said "No" & walked away. I am a very strong woman & have had minor procedures performed with sedatives & have only ever felt minor discomfort. The pain yesterday was off the richter scale,absolutely no Sedative effects. Sedative administered & not even 2 minutes later the procedure commenced. No sleepiness or groginess & I remembered everything after being told I wouldn't.

  • Its strange you should say that because despite the fact I never felt pain I didn't feel like I'd been sedated I watched the screen the whole time and didn't feel sleepy dizzy or whoozy nothing and it seemed like it was over in minutes despite the fact they said they did biopsies and removed polyps ,they wheeled me back to the ward and I went and got changed straight away they called my hubby in we had a cup of tea and left within half an hour ,very strange .

  • After reading this page went for gas air earlier today. Now I think I know what it’s like to give birth. For me it was painful, even with lots of gas and air. If there is next time I am going for sedation.

    The doctor who performed it said he would choose gas and air if he himself was having the procedure  so must be my pain threshold, and it is different for everyone.

    It was nice to leave 10 minutes after it finished and not feel dizzy. But thinking about it makes me shrug. 

    50 year old healthy male.