Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Hi, no worries at all!

    If anything, that is a good thing that the doctors haven't asked for a stool sample, if you would like, you can request one, as they're honestly very good these days, the FIT test, which they run on stool samples has a 99.8% accuracy at ruling out bowel cancer if it comes back negative, and this was in a huge study, the largest one yet!

    For the blood side of things, I believe that blood tests are a general good indicator, raised blood cell counts, white or red, or lowered counts can both be a sign of cancer, but absolutely not only cancer, if they came back clear it's a very good sign, but not 100% ruled out, not all cancers affect blood count I believe!

    When I went for my exam, I too had the doctor push around my abdominal region, checking for pain, tenderness, lumps, I think it's routine. I believe diverticulitis isn't a serious condition, and doesn't lead to health problems, and I also believe it is treatable, hopefully you'll get some answers quite soon, best of luck!

  • Thank you again for replying 

    I wonder why they didn't ask for a Stool Sample , I suppose he has all the symptoms to suggest it needs checking . 

    how many days do people often get called or a letter during the two week referrel ! Im desperate to call them to check but my husband is happy to wait 

    such horrid worrying times :( 

  • Hi there, nice to hear from you again!

    I think he should be able to request one, but please don't be overly worried if it comes back positive, even then the chances of it being cancer causing the positive reading are still quite slim, but as I said it's a good way to get fast tracked for a colonoscopy which if nothing else, should put your mind to rest!

    I'm not sure I understand your question, I think you're asking how many days do you have to wait until they give you a call or a letter to give you your appointment? Well for every test it's different, some tests require longer waits, or some like blood tests should be a relatively short waiting time, as they're fast to get taken! I'm not sure on anything else though, can I ask what tests your husband is getting?

    Worrying is the worst part, my most recent test was a test for coeliac disease, and although my doctor said he's almost certain it isn't coeliac, towards waiting for my results, my mind started wondering what if! It's easier said than done, but try stay positive!

  • Hello everyone, I am worried and want to share here.
    Sorry for my English as I am not native speaker.

    I am 34 male.

    Last December, one day I suddenly had stomachache and went to toilet. It is the first time I discovered loose stool with a lot of mucus mixed with blood.
    After that in the next two weeks I sometimes had this symptoms, most of the times comes with stomachache. 
    But after that I feel better and no more issues so I forgot about that.

    Few months passed. Until last week this comes back, suddenly feel the need to go to toilet and found loose stool with a lot of mucus mixed with blood, the blood is red.
    The next three days the same problem, then after that the stool is not loose and become a bit normal but still has a few drops of mucus mixed with blood.
    Then one day there is no mucus but there is blood directly mixed with stool instead in a darker red color.
    And today it became loose again with lots of ucus mixed with blood.

    It should not be hemorrhoid from the symptoms.

    I am going to consult my GP or find a specialist.

    Anyone still following this post? I am very worried.

  • Hi,

    I just found this thread and honestly I'm so glad I did. 

    I've been having very similar symptoms to everyone here. For weeks, I've had blood and white mucus in my stool. Regular bowel movements, no diarhea - but I did go through a bout of constipation a few weeks ago? I also get this discomfort after I pass a stool. I can't quite describe what it feels like. 

    I was examined (digit), but nothing was found. Doctor said it's most likely haemorhoids. I have a blood appt next week and I'm waiting to hear back about a stool sample. 

    I've been so worried, like a lot of you in this thread. But reading your replies have made me feel so much better. 


  • Hi


    I've been having similar symptoms as you recently.

    Just wondering how you got on?

  • Hey! 

    So, still not sure what's happening, but I've had a colonoscopy which came up clear (still waiting on the biopsies though). I'm still physically well, nothing is wrong except the blood and mucus which still occurs with every BM. 

    They ruled out Crohns and UC (I think?) but I have a small bowel MRI on Friday. 

    I asked the doctor who did the colonoscopy where the hell the blood was coming from and he confidently said haemorrhoids. 

    They also found 2 cm of distal lymphoid tissue (no idea what that is) and that may have caused my high calprotectin levels. 

    What are you experiencing?

  • Thanks for replying.

    Glad to hear your colonoscopy came back clear and hoping your biopsies are all good!

    I've been having intermittent orange(ish) mucus/slime with small amounts of blood for a few weeks. I have slight stomach cramps that feels like trapped wind which has been going on for a few of weeks also. I think I might just be paying too much attention to every grumble and feeling in my stomach though. Other than this (and the worrying), I feel fine. No weight loss, no change in BM frequency, no appetite loss or fatigue.

    I had a FIT test result of normal last week which is reassuring but the day I gave in the sample, I didn't see any blood in my BM (typical). If I had multiple FIT tests, I'm sure it would be abnormal because I can see the blood, although not every day.

    I've just had blood taken today for multiple tests (liver function, cbc etc) and provided 2 stool samples, one for h.pylori and the other to check calprotectin levels.

    I'm anxious but not panicking. I'm 34, no family history of any cancer other than my grandad who was in his 90's and I'm relatively fit and healthy so statistically, the odds really are in my favour but I can't stop the over thinking.

    I appreciate you taking the time to reply.

    How long did you have to wait for your colonoscopy?

  • Hi AJ,

    I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately with those symptoms it could be a wide variety of issues but could be as simple as constipation, IBS and internal haemorrhoids! 

    I'd recommend keeping a diary of your bowel movements for a couple of weeks and note how frequently you have them, what they looked like, if there was blood etc and then you can go back to your GP with that so they can look into it more. It may also be worth noting what you've been eating on there in case you see any patterns emerge. Of course, if your symptoms get worse, see a doctor sooner!

    Good luck!

  • Hi Lemming

    Thanks for the reply.

    I started a food/symptom diary last week and have so far not found any pattern but it's only been a week so I'll see how it goes.

    I also wanted to give an update on my test results.

    I received my results back via the patient app (I requested further access to beat the telephone queue). I haven't yet spoken to a Dr regarding the results but have a video appointment this evening to go over them.

    everything seems normal with my blood apart from folate deficiency & as a consequence (from what I've read) my red blood cell width distribution is slightly raised.  I've been prescribed folic acid supplements for 3 months (received by txt message). I'm putting this down to my diet as my b12 was normal (I eat a lot of meat but very little vegetables) and I only eat 1 meal a day and fast the rest of the time. I still need to check this with the Dr tonight though.

    My calprotectin level was completely normal which I think was the big one for me. I understand high calprotectin doesn't mean CC but it would have increased my anxiety for sure!

    I'm definitely less anxious now but it hasn't gone away completely because I don't have an answer to my symptoms yet. I suspect they will diagnose IBS but I will post an update after the appointment tonight.

    Still waiting for my h.pylori result.

    Thanks for your support I hope you're doing OK.