Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Hi there! Sorry for the stressful experience, I have been suffering from pretty much the exact same symptoms. Did you get you results back?? I'm am really struggling with the anxiety of it all. 

  • Posting on this thread as i had been following it for close to a year and incase anyone still is. I had these symptoms for almost a year before i eventually got scoped. All totally clear except for Internal hemorrhoids which was causing the bleeding. Pretty unbelievable considering the amount of blood everyday was filling the toilet bowl/covering the toilet paper and was being a big cause for concern. After 6 months of bleeding daily i was convinved i had bowel cancer. I had also had a lot of gastrointentinal symptoms but im now blaming anxiety for those as they have all totally cleared after i got my diagnosis. Staying calm is easier said than done with these symptoms but its by far the best approach because they are mostly from benign causes.

  • Thank you for posting this! Honestly, it helps a lot to read stuff like this, I just had blood on toilet paper for the first time in months, I had haemorrhoids about 2 months ago, the bleeding stopped, and has just come back, I'm not too worried, but it's always nice to read that someone has gone through worse than myself, and knowing they're doing okay! I also have other gastrointestinal problems, but as you said, I think it's down to anxiety!

    May I ask what sort of other symptoms you were having?
    Thank you!

  • Hi Tace, i had what i would describe as an unsettled stomach/bowels. Just very noisy and rumbly and a lot of discomfort sometimes with trapped wind. It seemed to happen a few hours after eating too no matter what i had. Then my bowel habits changed so i would have looser stools for no apparent reason for a few weeks at a time then go back to normal for a bit and repeat. Like i said they found absolutely no cause for this in the scope, no inflammatory bowel disease or colitis etc, and with no change in diet they basically said they are 99.99% sure its was anxiety/stress causing it as a year was a looonnngg time to wait. Sure enough i did look up the symptoms and usual physical manifestation of anxiety/stress is stomach upset, including diarrhea or loose stools. Its always good to get checked if you are worried because you don't really realise how much it grief it is causing you until you get the all clear.

  • Thank you very much for the quick response! I absolutely think you're right, I'm going to get it checked out, and I'll let you know if it's anything serious, however, I doubt it will be and I think it is most likely stress/anxiety! I think the all clear would probably put my mind at rest, then I'd slowly return to normal! I just feel like I'd be taking a colonoscopy away from someone who might need it more, and I'd never want that. I'm 21 so that's where that comes from, I'm going to ask that I'm not taking a spot away from anyone else, or delaying it at all!

  • Best of luck with the doctor and hopefully they will help you. You shouldn't worry about taking a colonoscopy away from someone else because its all triage and theres a 2 week pathway for treatment for people who need it so they will always get priority.  However just to warn you i wouldn't be surprised if they told you it would be years before you would be seen as long as you don't have an abnormally high FIT result, as you are so young at 21 the chance of it being bowel cancer are so so so tiny. Looking at the stats on the cancer research website there were less than a dozen people aged 15-21 who were diagnosed which is less than 0.05% of all cases. I know its not always helpful when someone dismisses your fears with numbers but i think for these symptoms it always made me feel better. Even at 33 the chances of me having something serious was very low

  • Okay, that's actually quite good to know! It was definitely making me reconsider if I should even ask for one! I suppose the doctors know best so if they say it'll be years then so be it, I might go private at that point? But then the worry would arise that I'd be barging in and taking it away from someone else. I done a stool sample and apparently it came back all good, although it was weird as for the week that I was seeing blood on my stool was the week that I took the stool sample, that came back negative. I guess they do the FIT test on stool samples, plus any other test they deem necessary? I'm glad to know that for you it wasn't anything sinister, or well nothing at all! Are you in good health again?

  • Hello 

    I've been reading all these posts and it has helped me a little . 
    my husband is on a two week urgent referrel for Tests . He went to the doctor after finding two teeny hard lumps in his rectum after suffering bad itching . However he has also got change in bowels , constipation , diarrhoea , mucas and some dark blood occasionally . Obviously I'm in a panic mode and can't stop googling . The doctor felt under his left rib and he is experiencing uncomfortable there and said it's possibly Diverticulosis. 
    I really think it's going to be bad news ! There's so many symptoms that all mean one thing  
    he still has appetite and not lost alot of weight ! He once had complybactor and his bowels have never really got better after that ! Any advice ? 

  • Hello there!

    It's nice to hear that reading some of these posts have calmed you a little! The good thing is, the two tiny hard lumps you speak of are most likely haemorrhoids, especially if it's causing itching! Can I ask if he has done a stool sample? They're very very good at ruling out a lot of things, and can be a fast track way to getting a colonoscopy if the stool sample detects something! It's a very good sign he hasn't lost weight, as a lot of people show that as their first symptom, and up to 80% of advanced cancers cause weight loss, so it's a very good sign!

    My advice would be to try look into probiotics, if his bowels haven't been the same since, it could be, and most likely is caused by a bacterial inbalance, probiotics can reset your gut bacteria back to normal! I'd try give them a look! Let me know how your husband gets on, and best of luck!

  • Hello , thank you for taking the time to reply  
    he hasn't been asked for a stool sample no , but in January he has full bloods done as he had some bruising on his body . He is on medication for adhd and after a few days of starting this particular one the bruises went . Aparently it's a side effect , but bloods came back clear . Would they have showed anything if it was cancer ? 

    he has lost weight over two years as given up alchol and again it's a side effect of his medication too 

    but he won't be honest on how long he's had the bleeding and mucas , constipation ! 

    doctor did an internal check and felt the lumps which are small and hard and are inside on the ' ridge ' ( whatever that is ) . He also spent along time pressing all his stomach and other areas which is when he thought he could have the diverticulitis!