Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Hi. 

    Ive had symptoms for pretty much over a year. No weight loss and generally feeling fine. However ive had blood when i wipe after a BM.

    Its been ongoing for a while and a few different doctors have said anal fissure, and i went to see a private gastroenterologist who also said a fissure. However i have finally got a colonoscopy booked in 2 weeks time. 

    It will be a relief to get a full diagnosis whether it be good or bad. Once i know exactly what it is, i can finally get on my with my life mentally. 

    Im dreading the prep for it though. Has anyone else recently had a colonoscopy? How was the prep for you?

  • Hi everyone,

    I thought I'd post an update on my outcome as I just had a colonoscopy with sedation today. I had bright red blood and mucus in my stool since July, no abdominal pain, just an ache and pressure sometimes in my tailbone, maybe once a month. 
    The prep was absolutely fine and far easier than I've read in some stories. It's a bit claggy (if that's the right word), weirdly sweet and salty at the same time, but I chilled it, drank it through a straw and added some lemon squash. 
    The colonoscopy today found 3 polyps, one small one in my ascending colon, one small one in my sigmoid colon and one large polyp in my rectum, which was what was causing the bleeding and "pulling" pressure I was experiencing. The polyp had inflamed my rectum and raised my fecal calprotectin level to 58 (0.00-50ug is normal) and gave me a positive qFIT test of >200ug. 
    My colonoscopy report gave me the all clear for bowel cancer and it states that I've now been taken off the 2ww pathway. However I'll need to wait for my biopsy report which is due within 2-3 weeks (I'm a bit confused as to how you can be given the all clear prior to you receiving the biopsies back, but the endoscopist did say he couldn't see any cancer on the polyp). 
    I just thought this might be a helpful write up for any of you still awaiting your tests and I'm happy to answer any questions about my experience. I know the anxiety is draining and all consuming. 

    best wishes

    Betty xxx

  • Hi all.

    So i had my colonoscopy and it was all clear. As amazing this is, my issue with rectal bleeding still hasnt stopped. The colonoscopy gave me the all clear for cancer however no reason why this bleeding is happening. Can anyone advise me on the next steps??? 

  • Hi Glad your colonoscopy is ok, my symptoms are the same although I've had a positive test for inflammation. i would ask your GP  for advice on managing the fissure. Mine has given some advice but unfortunately it just seems to keep opening. If that's even what it is because it feels swollen more like I would imagine a pile to feel like. What does yours feel like? Mine just constantly re opens when I do long walks or excerise. I'm sick of it x

  • My doctor gave me Rectogesic to try and it seemed to offer relief to an extent. However whe i came off this the fissure reopened. 

    I do feel like i do have a hemorrhoid though. Sometimes ill have a bm and for hours after i am sore. Also my bleeding has been intermittent for 18 months now.

  • Hi everyone, this thread has really calmed me down as I'm a nervous wreck and I now don't feel so alone. So for the last 6 weeks I've had terrible wind and bowel gas. Especially in the early mornings I'm waking and constant flatulence. I also have some left side pain when eating anything and terrible indigestion. I'm eating plain foods like rice, bananas, chicken and can't tolerate anything else. My tummy is constantly making weird noises. My bowel movements are all over the place. Used to be so regular, now it's none for a day or two, some days watery loose stools other days normal size and shape. Only one one occasion was there a tiny drop of blood on the paper when wiped, barely visible.I'm also suffering from bad back pain and sometimes pressure in back passage relieved by flatulence. 
    I had a pelvic scan due to fear of ovarian cancer but that was ok, radiologist said I was full of bowel gas and recommended a referral for colonoscopy etc. I also have heartburn at times. 

    Im absolutely terrified. Can't sleep or eat with anxiety so am losing weight. I'm so worried it's bowel cancer. I'm 44 and was so healthy up to this sudden change. The wind and flatulence is the worst. Can anyone relate or help? 

  • I can give you a bit of reassurance. I'm a few years younger than you and last summer, when I was 40, I was referred for a colonoscopy due to rectal bleeding (not just once, but almost daily for weeks on end), trapped wind and gas, some weight loss (about a stone in a year) and occasional loose stools (maybe once a week). The specialist said that if my mother came to him with those symptoms, he'd be considering bowel cancer but at my age, it was a possibility, but the least likely of all the options he'd be considering and that I'd be the "unluckiest person in the world" if it did turn out to be that.

    He said it was probably piles but there was a chance of IBD, so he'd do a colonoscopy and as we all expected, it turned out to be piles.

    And in your case, IBS is probably a possibility, because you didn't have regular rectal bleeding and there are probably a whole load of other possibilities. 

    I will add that stress can bring on a lot of stomach and bowel symptoms or exaccerbate them. Some of my symptoms disappeared after I got the results of the colonoscopy, so they were probably at least partly due to the stress of waiting for news

  • Thanks MargaretMary. I appreciate your reassurance. I'm just so so anxious and worried. It's more that I can't eat anything without the indigestion and wind. It's constant. 
    what kind of wind did you have? Could you eat normally? 

  • Yes, I could eat normally. Not sure how to explain the kind of wind I had, but I was getting pains in my stomach, particular the lower right hand side, to the point that the pain woke me up at night at least once and I could not release it. I actually got up in the night and looked up the symptoms of bowel obstructions because it felt so trapped. I had a lot of gurgly noises too.

    The doctor I rang said there were three possible explanations for that - it could be the stress of awaiting the colonoscopy (it did not start until about a month after the rectal bleeding began), it could be my sinuses, which I always have problems with, meaning I have to breathe through my mouth a lot or it could be my gallbladder, but that that was unlikely as I would probably have a lot more pain.

  • Thanks for your reply and I'm glad all was ok for you in the end. I have no trouble passing wind it's just constant. And when I don't I get pains in my back and side and rectal area pressure. It's so worrying especially as I'm not eating alot at all. One day I ate my normal food & I was up with indigestion and pains all night. I'm so so so worried