Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • So just to update everyone, I went in for my colonoscopy today at 12.30. Prior to that I had to take 2 doses of Moviprep, 2 litres in total 24 hours apart. To be honest looking back that was the worst part. I went in to theatre at nearly 5pm. They had me waiting in a private suite for over 4 hours, undoubtedly since I was private via BUPA and there was a nice charge for that. 

    Anyway under mild sedation they found 3 polyps and some small hemmeroids which were suspected as causing my bleed. The largest polyp was 4mm and the other 2 were 2-3mm, all successfully removed. 

    I was in an out finally in 30 minutes. I need to wait on the biopsy on the polyps but it's not thought they are cancerous. I can't tell you all the sense of relief I now feel. The procedure was not painful one bit and I can now breathe a big sigh of relief.

    If your nervous don't be. Give yourself a chance and don't hesitate, get it done. You will be very glad you did!!!

    Best wishes everyone.


  • In April 2021 I started to have abdominal discomfort and the sudden need to poo.

    I had bloods taken and a stool sample and both came back clear of anything serious. GP advised it's IBS in July.

    I've had fresh blood and mucus in my poo on and off since April. In recent days I've had black coloured lumps and flakes in poo too. My GP referred me to A&E as that would get bloods and a poosible endoscopy done much quicker than going through them. The endoscopy was to check for a stomach ulcer that could be causing the old blood to appear in my stool.

    The abdominal pain is generally below the chest/rib cage and to my right hand side of my belly button. The pain can be a sharp stinging pain or more of an ache. My GP has now referred me for a Colonoscopy and an Ultrasound. The ultrasound is to rule out gallstones and check my pancreas. 

    This morning my poo was a little darker, but more normal coloured as my poos have been lighter in colour for months, so not too sure how to take the darker colour, and also some mucus and fresh blood. 

    I'm absolutely worried sick, it's keeping me up at night, making me feel ill.

  • Hi I'm new here just wanted some reassurance I've been spotting bright red blood few times a year for past 3 years haven't really thought about it as I only noticed when I had a hard poo & it'd sting afterwards so I thought maybe frissure I gave birth 7 weeks ago & 3 weeks ago I had some more blood for couple days then stopped for 2 weeks then had again yesterday I went to my go she did finger exam & said I have piles which I don't believe I'm so worried now theyre doing blood & stool test now I'm terrified please help 

  • I know it worries the life out of you, it did me, but it may well be something as common as hemmeroids. We tend to think the worst and the not knowing is awfully stressful.

    I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think, so do try and keep an open mind which I know is hard as I was where you were only a few weeks back. 

    I hope you can have the colonoscopy soon, I had to go private as I wasn't deemed an urgent case.

    Good luck and try to stay positive. 

  • Hi everyone, 

    I'm having some very similar symptoms - blood and mucus in stool with no abdominal pain, however Ive been getting some pain/pressure in my tailbone area. Has anyone else had this? And how much blood have you had? Sometimes ive had streaks, sometimes it's like half the toilet paper is streaked with blood. I feel fine otherwise, no fever, no pain, no change in bowel movements that I can tell (although I think I'm more nervous when I go). I went to the docs and they did a rectal exam, they said they felt swelling but couldn't tell what it was. Now have been given two stool samples to give (one is a Fit test), one regular stool test, and I hve blood tests tomorrow. 

    really anxious and I can't think of anything else. Just wondered if anyone had any advice or had experienced similar. 

    Thank you for reading.


  • Hi, I've got the same conditions, what was the outcome?

  • Hi Adam,

    I ended up having a colonoscopy October last year, this resulted in a diagnosis of Crohn's disease. 
    Keep on with your GP for a referral to gastro at your hospital. 
    with my diagnosis, blood and stool samples didn't highlight any issues and was constantly brushed off as ibs. I requested to speak to a different GP as my symptoms where getting worse and after a few discussions he referred me. 
    I am now 1 year on in treatment, and have a follow up colonoscopy to see what effects the medication has had. 



  • How has it affected your daily life if you don't mind me asking. Hope the treatment has helped.

  • That's not a problem, so on a day to day basis from where I was to know is a massive improvement.

    From diagnosis I was put on steroids and anti inflammatory medication for 10 weeks. During the 10 weeks I ran out of the meds and the symptoms returned the next day so the IBD team at the hospital arranged the additional meds and I also ended up on Adalimumab which is a biological treatment (self inject every 2 weeks).

    This treatment has worked brilliantly and on a day to day basis, I do get some pains in my bowels but my toilet trips are now 1-2 times a day at its worst last year my record was 24 times! In a day. 

    A key thing is to identify any triggers, keeping a food diary can help, but everyone has different triggers.

    if your on Facebook I suggest joining the Crohn's & colitis uk forum, it's full of knowledgeable people who have and are going through similar  things and the support is second to non. 

    But please pester your GP until you get to the route cause of your symptoms.

  • Hope you are ok, going through very similar symptoms myself and the sleepless nights and anxiety is awful. I'm waiting a few weeks then have to hand in another sample as my calprotectin levels are slightly raised. The gurgling noises and aches and pains are just getting worse. Mine are the same as yours usually quite light but have had a few dark ones with black specks which I don't understand. X