Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Hello


    I have been reading this thread trying to gather information about my symptoms. Last November i had blood tests done as I was getting tummy gripes when i ate. These tests have showed nothing and that was confirmed by my GP who referred me to the hospital but not as an urgent case. 


    In the last 3 weeks my symptoms have changed and my bowel habits too. I  contacted my GP and did a fit test and a H pylori. This came back negative but the fit test positive. I had a consultation last week with the nurse and she did a rectal examination and felt around my tummy. I have now been fast tracked to the hospital for further investigation.


    My symptoms include tummy pain after eating. Stitch type pain in both sides. Belching. Nausea. Weight loss but i think its because i am scared to eat. Loose stools with a change in colour. Mucus with blood in it but that happened on sunday.only Extreme tiredness. Heartburn. Bloating. Sweats and a feeling in the later evening of a temperature,/fever could not get warm. 


    The last 2 days i have been almost sympton free and have enjoyed eating food. But today I had my results showing something is not right. I am so scared now. Been tearful most of the day. 


  • Have you had your colonoscopy yet? What is the wait time.


    Im seeing my GP on monday to push and push for a sigmoidoscopy. My mental health isnt in a great way.

    I also in the past few months have started severely itching around the groin area/lower abdomen/between anus and private parts. The itch is red and the itch on my groin and lower abdomen looks like a hives rash. I am now worried the cancer may have spread to the skin??


    I have booked in to see a dermatologist on Wednesday aswell. 

  • Hi hoping you don't mind me jumping in.

    I've had symptoms since Nov last year.

    Daily diarrhea with mucus - this has been persistent and hasn't changed.

    I also get a twisting sensation in the lower left side of my tummy. If I bend down it twists so much its excruciating.

    I built up the courage to see Dr in March - they took blood and stool samples.

    Both came back with an urgent call from my Dr saying I was severely anaemic and have a b12 deficiency. Prescribed me ferrous fumarate, folic acid and I have b12 jabs regularly. 

    My stool sample showed high inflammatory markers.

    Dr said they would be urgently referring me to gastroenterologist.

    I've been back to Dr within last week as I've lost 16lb since Nov - unintentionally and, have found bloody mucus in stool. Stool has turned black but, says could be a side effect of iron tabs I'm on?! 

    Dr phoned gastroenterologist to chase urgent referral and was told waiting list is 39 weeks!! 

    I'm getting a little anxious now as none of my symptoms have subsided. And, 4 months after my urgent referral, I still haven't had any correspondence. 

    Please help put my mind at ease x


  • Hi All

    Just wanted to share my story. I was diagnosed with indeterminate colitis in 2016 aged 21 and was never classified as crohns or ulcerative colitis. Back them the symptoms were much more intense in that I was having chronic diarrhoea. Anyway cut a long story short I was given Pentasa and within 3 weeks it was totally gone. Not to return until...

    I had these exact symptoms starting May this year. Blood on stool, Mucus, changes in bowel habit going from normal stool to constipation, soft stool, slight niggling pains in abdomen, occasional sense of bowels not being empty. Everytime I went to the toilet I had blood and or mucus. Scary stuff. But not the same as before.

    Went to GP and had bloods done, elevated CRP & ESR. Referred to gastroenterologist and was seen quite quickly.

    After an agonising few months I had my colonoscopy today unsedated. Yes it was painful at times, more like and intense cramping pain and certainly unpleasant. But the prep was just as bad IMO. Small patch of rectal inflammation and some more at the cecum. Doctor suspects this is Crohn's due to the skip lesions (areas of healthy bowel) in between. Whilst this is not ideal. I am lucky that this is mild, at least for now. And if the last episode was anything to go by then it should respond well to the medication.

    The worry really is the worst thing in the world and makes us project and live worst case scenarios in our heads. Wish anyone with these horrible symptoms all the best in their diagnosis and eventual recovery.


  • Hi everyone,

    First time poster here and very glad that I found this forum as there are a lot of positive accounts of everyone's experiences. I really hope that everyone is staying positive and drawing the same encouragement as me from these posts...

    A bit of a long winded post so please stick with me, I just want to share my experience up to today.

    I'm 51, a single father of three teenagers, no previous health issues, no history of bowl cancer in my family although my 76 year old mum has had a couple of colonoscopy's in the past and had polyps removed.

    In November last year I noticed some bright red blood in my stool. I didn't initially worry too much as I thought it may be down to straining on the toilet. 

    It happened again in January and March with much more bright red blood.  Around the turn of this year I also noticed a dull ache in my lower abdomen about 2 inches to the right of my left hip. I didn't initially associate that with what was happening with the blood in my stools and to this day don't know if this is connected, but that dull ache has remained and periodically is more noticeable at different times of the day.

    Then more bright red blood appeared this week Thursday 22 July, so bite the bullet you must I said to myself and phone your GP! I guess I was very nervous about doing that as once you start that ball rolling you are on a process of discovery that you don't necessarily want to be on, but time to face the music and deal with it head on than bury my head in the sand, at least that was my thinking.

    So spoke to my GP on Thursday he had me in yesterday Friday 23 July and took bloods, performed a rectal exam, and a feel around in the tummy area and we discussed my symptoms and next steps. There was nothing obvious he said and in the large majority of cases there is nothing to be overly concerned about. I had to smile when he said, that being said, we need to get to the bottom of it! 

    I mentioned I'm in BUPA and given that I didn't appear to fit the urgent criteria for the NHS then we agreed that I would more than likely go via this route with his referral next Tuesday when we have a follow up to discuss my blood results. 

    Low and behold the bright red blood was back this morning twice which is a change as it has been weeks if not months in between similar episodes previously.

    So I immediately phoned BUPA this morning and registered my immediate requirement for a gastroenterologist specialist and colonoscopy which will now be booked next Monday.

    Obviously I'm hoping for the best next week but whatever happens, I know I will get to a conclusion with BUPA very quickly on this and I'm drawing a lot of encouragement from others accounts here. 

    Just wish I wouldn't have hung around now and put my big boy pants on a bit earlier, but as they say let's face the music and keep dancing. 

    I will certainly keep you all posted in the coming days regarding the process I'm now embarking upon and its outcome.

    Fingers, toes and everything else crossed.

    Keep well all and please stay positive anyone going through similar to myself.

    My nerves are a bit threadbare and my anxiety seems to be reaching new heights every day, but we can get through this!

    All the best





  • I had my consultation with the gastroenterologist last week, he was fairly optimistic in fairness and suspects small hemmeroids or possibly polyps but didn't think it was anything too sinister. However to be on the safe side a Colonoscopy has been arranged for the 6th September. He did say that he might not be able to diagnose the cause of the bleeding but thought based on my risk factors, family history and infrequent nature of my bleeds that it's nothing to be too concerned about. Easy for him to say. However I guess we all tend to panic a bit and presume the worst, but one way or another hopefully I will have an answer next week. No further recurrence since so fingers, toes, arms, legs, anything I can get hold of is crossed.

    Interestingly a friend of mine who has similar abdominal pains on the lower left side suspects a hernia could be the culprit. 

    Massively nervous about next week but time to try and get some answers if only to rule out anything nasty.


  • Hi there 

    I have similar, I constantly have mucus in my stools never no blood and am always constipated, I was diagnosed with ibs three years ago but was diagnosed with stage 1 vaginal cancer feb 2020 and was given the all clear in October last year, so we are doing a colonoscopy tomorrow I'm currently writing this and constantly running to the loo.. we just want to see what could be causing the mucus and if I have radiation damage to my bowel cause of cancer treatment, I'm praying all is good and although I really didn't want to do the colon prep we need to get answers let me know how you get on next week 

    speak soon Laura xxx

  • I have my consultation on a week on monday and then a sigmoidoscopy is being booked. Im nervous, but to be honest i just want a diagnosis. Once i have a diagnosis i know what cards i have been dealt. The unknown part is the worst and bad for my mental health.

    My symptoms have been constant. Still occasional rectal bleeding after bm and mucus discharge. The doctors believe it is an anal fissure as i have a skin tag on the outside of my anus and that is where the bleeding is coming from but it just wont heal. Ive tried and tried for a gastroenterologist to have a look and finally im seeing one.

  • In may I was admitted to hospital with a high temp and stomach pains.  Since my wife died from aggressive bowel cancer in July 2020. I live alone. and  I metioned to the hospital about this colonoscopy that following week. I said I had concerns about the lead up as I'm also diabetic, was diagnosed with liver cancer in early January 2020. So they brought the colonoscopy forward while I was in hospital.My concerns were validated when I had to fast and drink the movieprep that night. I ended up having four hypos that night. had the colonoscopy the following morning. found several things wrong but non that needed  anything doing other than having 8 polpys removed and sent away for biopsies.. So I'm having all this done. I went the toilet before bed past a stool. then noticed a rednass coming out of the stool. This is all I need ontop of what's going on already. There are times when I tink why is all this going on with me. I'm not a nasty person, I keep myself to myself. if someone says hello I will reply back in the same vain. I know I'll need to get it checked out. but if the transplant unit see I have another problem I will not be put forward onto the liver transplant list..

    With what has gone on over the last year and a half. there are times when I wish I had died back in 2015 when I had a massive blood loss when I had a vein rupture in my oesophagus.  I know I'm frustrated and will see it in a different light. but why where we put on this planet for. Sorry for the negativity.