Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading


    I am still waiting for my Colonoscopy Biopsies results, however I have just rang the hospital and they said that the surgeon is due to look at them next week. For an 'urgent referral' it's a longish wait.

    I've had no issues since the clear out, just persistant floating stools.

    All the best to everyone, enjoy the sunshine today :)



  • Bless you. Let us know when you receive your results, think positive xx

  • Thank you so much :) 

    I hate waiting haha 

    Hope you are doing okay? x

  • Some results today, my top to toe scan was all clear. Was told mucus could be because of polyps and the streaks of blood seen before were too. Suggested the removal of polyps but wasn't worried about it. 

    the abscess needed to be drained but in sheer panic I bathed it with salty water. It burst on its own and although painful I'm feeling more positive. Thank you for all your support 

  • Mucus and Blood in Stool


    Hi Everyone, 


    I have had persistent blood in my stool for well over two years, I thought nothing of it thinking it was just a tear and I'd just keep swimming. But on Sunday (four days ago) I woke up went to the toilet as ususal and there was a pool of blood ( happened only once before). I then felt incredibly cold and dizzy and had to stay in bed the whole day.


    I went to Urgent care the next day and they asked me why I hadn't come in sooner. Again, me being too proud, I said that I thought I could get through it. I got rused through the system, my blood being checked, MANY digital examinations, until the surgeon came out and said he thought it could be a herrmoid, but it was strange to feel it under the rectal skin and not on top. So I've been booked in for an urgent sigmoidoscopy on 13th of April 2021. 


    I'm now looking back on how I've been feeling and I have no weight loss (damn!) I have no nuasea, no stomach cramps,rarely VERY tired. The symptoms I do have is intermittent rectal bleeding, some tierdness and some mucus every so often, my stools are faily normal, sometimes softer, sometimes harder (once they were pencil like). I keep all my food down. The blood is bright and fresh. (Though I'm trying to remember whether I did see some darker blood in twinned with my stool some time ago).


    There has also been an episode about perhaps two years ago when I did have terrible consipitation and I felt a rip. (Sorry for the TMI but this is posted annonymously so it's all ok!) From then, the pooping was very painful with streaks of blood each time, but that has now subsided to occasional spots on the toilet paper (apart from Sunday and one other time).


    I am also remembering a time about two months back, two hours before my period started, when I had a bout of serious illness. I remember collapsing on the toilet with hot sweats, then cold sweats, vommiting bile, diarrhea, gonig in and out of conciousness and severe stomach cramps (VERY PAINFUL). I wonder wether this was triggered by my change in period hormones or whether this is related to the bleeding. I almost called defeat and called the abulance, but it subsisded very quickly (after two hours) and I spent the next two days recovering. This never happened again. 


    In summary, I've had some of the symptoms but at different intermmittent times throughout the past few months, and they have not been consisitent. I am very nervous between now and the sigmoidoscopy, the surgeons just wanted to make sure there was nothing strange going on, they made it clear the only reason they didnt keep me in was because COVID-19 was going around. I am worried that they made it an urgent sigmoidoscopy. At this rate I will put down recent weight loss a a symptom with all the worrying I'm doing. I'm particularly worried as my Mother died from breast cancer and I've seen the journey people make when they are diagnosed, it is not a fate I would wish on anyone. 


    I will update you all when I go through the procedure, but any words of wisdom or reaasurance would be appreciated. 

  • Hi everyone, I came on here as I'm a bit worried about my bowel habits. I had colonoscopy (and endoscopy) 2 years ago. 5 polyps removed on colonoscopy, apart from hiatus hernia, upper end was fine. In Feb 19 I had lower lobectomy and upper wedge removal (same lung). Consequently I have regular checks, CT scans etc. I'm due another CT for Thorax and abdomen in a week. I've had a really bad cold and cough and at the same time alternated between very loose stools and constipation. Lots of flatulence in between resulting in awful 'snotty' discharge - no blood just faintly coloured mucus. This has happened over 2 weeks, if I cough excessively hard the mucus flows like poo. I haven't bothered my GP as I'm at the hospital next week. But after that appointment I'll contact the GP surgery. There is bowel cancer in the family (my Dad had this, had a secondary cancer in his lung), Sometimes I'm fine, then the following day it starts again! Yes, I've felt ill because of this horrendous cold (first one in 2 yrs), but am I being over anxious? I hate bothering my doctor, what with the pandemic, but I'm unsure what to do. I'm a 68yr old woman, live alone.

  • Hello my lovely. You should not feel you are bothering anyone. You are just as important as everyone else. I too had a colonoscopy and found a polyps. They will remove it but I have ovarian cysts that are pressing on the bowel and I have to go to get the polyps removed at a later date. I too have mucus but with blood although that has subsided. I had a scan from head to toe and it was ok thankfully. Your mind gets so filled with thoughts and the anxiety and stress levels go through the roof. I was told this brings on a lot of symptoms and although we think the worst , after we are tested or speak to a professional it's not as bad as we thought. Be strong, know that we are always here to chat  with you if you need us. See your gp chat to them and they will help. Don't worry I am  here if you need to chat. Try and relax and get rid of this cold. Chat soon x

  • Hi I know there seems to be a lot going on but please don't worry. I too have had blood and mucus and was rushed through for a colonoscopy. They found a polyps and it needs to be removed and I will have a sigmoidoscopy with a small paediatric scope as it's in a difficult position. Please don't worry. As I was told stress brings on a lot of symptoms and worry is the worst enemy. Be strong x

  • So I had my flexible sigmoidoscopy today. I was so nervous, not so much for the procedure but worrying what they might come across. 

    I haven't had any blood for a while now and I've come to the conclusion that I only get it when I'm constipated. I still get mucus with most stools, but not as much as I used to get. 

    Nothing was found during the flexible sigmoidoscopy, no haemorrhoids, proctitis, polyps etc. To say I'm relieved is an understatement.

    if anyone has any questions please feel free to reply to this response (so I get notifications)



  • Hi 

    Ive had similar to you. Been fobbed off with ibs for aslong as i can remember as bloods etc come back normal and because of my age. Since my appendix ruptured in 2013 its only got worse mucus and blood in stool and pain in all my right side and lower back. My gp eventually took a stool sample which come back with something high in it. Now waiting for a referral for possible colonoscopy.

    Really anxious of all the tests.

    Good luck to all.xx