Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Also, I'm really sorry to hear about loosing your Dad to covid....that must be so so difficult. Big Hugs

  • If they are not worried please don't worry. Your tests were clear so that's brilliant. Think positive xx

    i think you will be fine. I know that stress makes us worse but sometimes I can't help it. I'm so happy that they are so positive and your tests were negative. Maybe the stress caused the mucus and hameroids the blood. Don't worry everything looks positive. I'm here if you need me x

  • Thank you. It's been tough but I have to stay strong for mum and my kids xx

  • Thank you for your kind words.  I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you to loose your Dad, and have the extra stress of health issues to deal with as well, plus staying strong for everyone around you.  I know that kind of situation can get very please, I'm here also if you need to chat.  

    I was thinking I would watch and wait for a couple of weeks to see if I saw anymore blood in mucous etc, as Im not 100% certain that I saw blood.  How often does colon cancer bleed....the docotor I saw seemed to believe it would happen many times again if it was something sinister, and would be more than just a one off.  But I just dont know.  

  • Thank you so much for your support 

    I agree wait and see . I was told that it wouldn't be red blood it would be almost black blood and like tar if it was sinister. 
    please don't worry I'm always here to chat at anytime if I'm needed. Have a relaxing weekend x

  • Thanks for your advise. I found another very small streak of bright red blood in mucous again today. I k ow for definite it was blood this time. However, I also have a cut/tear I think possibly due to internal haemorrhoids, as I can feel it stinging. I don't know if this is where the blood is coming from, and it doesn't really explain the mucous either I don't think? Also I thought the blood seemed to be more in the stool rather than on the outside. I'm just not sure but it feels like I'm on a roller coaster of serious worrying and then not worrying, and then back to inconsolable worrying again. So I think I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow morn....I can't live like this, can't function with worry I really am going to have to do something about it. 

  • Hi, call the doctor to be sure . It does sound like the hameroids though. A little in the stool is just a warning to check. It doesn't mean there is anything serious so please don't worry. I agree it's a nightmare of worry and stress but you have had positive feedback. Keep thinking positive 

    I have days like this and my imagination is all over the place 

    the mucus I was told is present most of the times but we never notice unless there is blood in it. But the mucus could be related to stress and it comes from the stomach 


    usually the doctors go through processes and want the tests just so they can be sure and put your mind at rest. I'm here if you need me x

  • Hey just after some reassurance after reading all these posts. 

    I have been suffering from horrendous abdominal pains for the past 8 months. Originally my GP thought it was my ovaries so sent me for a scan which came back clear. I then started noticing a difference in my stool, I am constipated and have diarrhoea sometimes at the same time. My stool changed to weird shapes as well and when I go I have to really strain to push it out and it feels like it's not empty when done it. I was sent for blood and stool sample which has come back and I was urgently referred for a colonoscopy which is booked on 1st April. 

    I'm getting a little worried as I can see a lot of visible mucus and also my stool looks like it has coffee granules in it. And I have pain constantly all day and all night. 

    Anyone else experience this? I'm just a little nervous about colonoscopy too. 

  • Hi, sorry for the delay.

    the colonoscopy wasn't as bad as I thought. Drinking the prep was a nightmare lol it never ends

    they will give you sedation to make you drowsy if you want it. The nurse with you will be wonderful. Throughout the proceedure they will talk to you comfort you and help you turn over if needed. They are amazing once it is over they take you to recovery and they give you a tea and a sandwich and make sure you are fully ok and then doctor comes in with results and a chat

    they truly are brilliant

    i have mucus and blood streaks due to a large polyps that needs to be removed. I do get pains but they told me it's probably trapped wind due to slight ibs and once the polyps has gone and been analysed we go from there. Don't worry about anything they will sort you out and you will feel so much better once you learn more from the colonoscopy

    im always here if you need to talk



  • So update - I spoke to my gp over phone a few days ago, and she gave me suppositories to try for a week.  Then she is ringing me this coming Tuesday to see what to do next.  The bleeding has entirely stopped, well I havent noticed anymore anyway.  I have had loose stool most mornings as soon as I wake up though, but not during the day.  Stomach making lots of gurgling noises too, and gassy  at times.

      My two cousins were disgnosed with IBD, one a year ago, and the other a few years because of that family history, the doctor said there is a test we can do - not sure exactly what she meant by that.  

    I think the suppositiories have helped loads, as the swelling around back passage has definitely gone down.  Im just still worried as I want to be sure the blood (which really wasnt alot tbh) was coming from haemorrhoids.  The small streak of blood I saw in mucous looked to be more in the stool, and that is playing on my mind  - the only reason I saw it though was because I had been told by the hospital doctor to keep a close eye for any more blood.  There was aot of undigested red peppers in the stool as well, so Im wondering if the colouring from the red peppers could have been the red streak in mucous?  

    The loose stools is odd, and Im wondering if it is actually stress related from worrying so much about blood in stools!  I actually cant stop thinking about it, and have now done 2 home occult blood tests (fit tests), which have both been negative for hidden blood.  I think well, thats reassuring, and then I read about other people whos tests were negative, and they still had something wrong.  

    I've stopped reading google - it definitely causes more stress.  Good to be informed, but not so good if it becomes a daily obsession!  

    Thanks all for support xxx