Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • I'm sorry I thought I had replied to you I'm not sure if I sent the reply to the wrong person

    if I have I can only say sorry

    im going through a bit of a tough time 


    anyway please don't cry we are here for you 

    insist on a second opinion and insist that it would make you feel better 

    constipation can cause bleeding and fissures too 

    make sure you see your doctors for you to stop feeling anxious 

    on a positive note sometimes doctors know by your symptoms if it's anything to worry about

    we are here to help and listen


  • Hi I hope everyone doesnt mind me joining. I have been reading the threat and wanted to get some support from people experiencing what I am.

    In 27 years old and been getting alot of mucus in my stool for a while now. I built up the courage to call the gp in November and I sent a stool sample and had blood tests. They both came back ok. Anyway the problem continued and in January/February I called back because I started to see blood in the mucus.  Sometimes I would just go to the toilet and it would be just mucus no stool. Other times it would be stool with very visible mucus. Then the bloody mucus aswell. So I have sent another sample off which has came back ok and had my bloods done which are ok but the notes said I need to be referred to the hospital which has worried me. I was abit shocked when they rang but I think they said it isnt IBS like the doctor said it could be. They said the doctor might call me but if not I should here from the hospital or somthing like that I just blanked out in panic when they rang. I think she mentioned have a procedure at the hospital because it's not normal these symptoms. I'm just really scared and anxious right now x

  • I am so grateful for your reply they have really made me feel better in this situation! thank you so much it means a lot.

    I am going to try the consptipation tablets and see how they go but if my abdominal pains continue I'm really going to press for a colonscopy.


    I hope everything works out for you and i am also here to support you! you seem like such a kind person and I'm really praying your symptoms goes away too 

  • Hi please don't worry. I had a colonoscopy to check and they found a small polyps which they want to remove. I was told that polyps hang down and rub on the colon causing blood and the mucus was ibs related but I had the colonoscopy and have arranged to remove it but I'm more worried about COVID in the hospital so I might delay. I'm relieved I have had the tests because your mind goes everywhere and you imagine all sorts of things but slowly you can eliminate things. We are always here to chat to you. 

  • Thank you so much for you kind wishes. I am always here to chat to privately or otherwise. We have a wonderful group who are always there for each other. I'm a little slow sometimes in answering but I will. Finally my iPad got fixed 

    keep strong xx

  • Hi thank you for replying. The receptionist said I needed to be referred and to wait on that. I had a call from a different receptionist today saying after they consulted the doctor I need to wait 4 weeks to see if my symptoms are still there. I feel so let down I have booked back in with the doctor but could only get it for a weeks time as a phone call and tty to get them to refer me. I am worried because one receptionist said it's not IBS and because I have streaks of blood in the mucus. You are right it is so horrible not knowing what is causing this.


    And I completely understand why you feel like delaying it. Having these issues is scary enough and to have to deal with covid on top off it is really worrying. But do what you feel more comfortable with.

    And thank you so much its reassuring listening to everybodys experience. 

  • I know it can be worrying and it's a nightmare waiting. You did the right thing by booking another appointment to check. Receptionists are not medically trained but she may have been trying to receptionists are amazing and they always tell me I'm here to help and listen but I have no medical experience .  Talk to the doctor and see what they say, emphasise you are worried and concerned . Don't worry too much remember we are here to chat and help

  • Hi, 

    Im hoping for a bit of guidance, and just support really I suppose.  I have been experiencing contipation since the birth of my second child about 6 years ago.     The bowel movements sometimes has mucous in it/over it. Other symptoms are occasionally gassy.    I put all this down to constipation, and possibly caused by stress (I so have alot of ongoing stress in my life).  More recently however, I have experienced hard bowel movements, followed by softer movement, within the same bowel movement if you know what I mean.  The other day, I experienced a single bout of diarreah that sent me runnoing to  the toilet, and noticed a trace of bright red blood.  I went to a & e as it scared me so much, and the doctor did a rectal exam, felt my stomach, and also suggested that it could be covid related??!!  She also said it might be internal haemorrhoids.....I do know I have a 'bulge' that comes out when passing bowel movements and sometimes there feels like there is a cut on the skin (it stings etc).  But she didnt think it was anything sinister but to keep an eye on it, and sent me on my way.  Today, I had a bowel movement, covered in mucous....I looked and noticed a very very small streak of what I thought might be red blood in the mucous.  This was not on the outside of the stool, which makes me even more worried.  I cant be 100% certain that it was blood, as there was a lot of red food matter in my stool as well.   This was again followed by softer stool, which had a very bad smell (almost sicky type smell), and quite alot of undigested food.    I did a home stool test for occult blood a few days ago (  to try and calm my nerves), and it came ouit negative.  The other thing on my mind is that I have two cousins who both have ulcerative colitis.  Im lost as to what to do, and my gp surgery are not seeing people but only doing consultations over the phone.  What is the best thing to do - watch and wait? 

  • Hi, to be honest I wanted to watch and wait but was told to investigate. I had a colonoscopy and they found a small polyps. I was told that sometimes the polyps hangs and rubs and can cause blood and if constipated the stool may have blood due to this or hameroids ( I wish I could spell lol)

    also if it is bright red they were not worried. 
    the mucus is a lot some days and small amounts another time. I too have had a blood mucus and a white mucus. 
    I went to the hospital around Christmas time and they believed it to be stomach related gastroenteritis and ibs 

    now the blood has cleared and mucus is less but I had a trace of red blood today, not much but there. As I was told to link it with the polyps I wasn't worried. They want to remove the polyps but don't seem to be worried. 
    I too stress a lot because I lost my dad to Covid and other stressful things going on at the moment and apparently that doesn't help the mucus situation. 
    try not to worry. I'm glad I went to have the colonoscopy though. It's not difficult the prep is worse. I'm here if you need to chat 

  • Hi, thanks so much for replying, and I'm glad to hear your doctors aren't too worried about your polyp. I'm sure it is a weight off your mind! I just thought that since the stool test I did was negative then that would be enough to rule anything really bad out? Also Iv had the constipation 6 years, only very recently noticed what might be blood in mucous. I'm not sure what to do, I may ring gp on Monday for their advise. The hospital doctor didn't think there was anything sinister. But I felt uneasy as she was mainly going off blood tests which all came back fine, the fact I'd no weight loss, and rectal exam clear, stomach felt fine. Its soooo difficult not to worry, and I'm the world's worst the point that I can't actually function properly lol