Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Hi,


    How long did she wait for a colonscopy, I'm 19 years old and for the past month I have been seeing blood when I wipe with a tissue and muus and some blood in the stool. I also have very painful abdominal pain mostly on the lower left and right im sooo scared i have cancer. I really want a colonscopy done because my anxiety is through the roof its literally all i think about 

  • Hi everyone. 

    I am 26 year on female and I have been suffering the same symptoms as you all by the sounds of it. I have had these since around June 2020, being embarrassed by my problem it took me till November to see my GP about it. I have been experiencing bleeding when passing stool, looser stools and also at times i would need to toilet but just pass a liquid type mucus. I'm in no pain whatsoever so hoping that's a good sign! I went to the GP who prescribed hemorrhoid cream but that didn't help I have now been referred for a flexible sigmoidoscopy on the 15th of this month so monday and currently am isolating for 7 days under hospital instruction! Does anyone know what the prep is like? I don't feel nervous much for the procedure more for the prep I have plenvu prep that I have to start at 6am the morning of my appointment( I have an afternoon appointment 3.45). Also, one of my symptoms is a strange one, if I feel a need to pass gas when I am standing up I will pass mucus( so will soil my pants) sorry TMI!  Is this a sign of hemorrhoids? I know sometimes they can affect the muscles and allow stuff tk leak?? Has anybody had this? Thanks a lot! 


    A worried girl! 

  • Hi, sorry you are experiencing these problems and I am glad you are finally getting it investigated. 

    My prep was worse than the procedure and I was on Moviprep and had to drink two litres of the stuff the night before. What I recommend is having alot of clear water to take with it as it really helps to be completely flushed out and also it just helps you be able to 'keep it down' so to speak.  I am currently awaiting for my biopsies to come back and I had no pain what so ever like yourself and I thought it was strange. They found mild patchy inflammation in my Colon so not sure what that means... Have they checked your stool for a Baterial Infection and may I ask what your Calprotectin levels were like? 

    My second Calprotectin test result came back as 3305 which is really high!. 

    I've only experience mucas in my stool while this was happening and pus, but I did get some discharge from my Anus which was pinkish on one occasion. 

    Try not too worry too much, I know it can be when you don't know what's going on. 


    We are all lovely here and support each other, please feel free to message one of us. 

    Let me know how it goes.


    All the best, 




  • Hi I've had tests done and the prep isn't too bad but there is a lot. I spent most of the time on the toilet 

    the mucus is more some days and less other days 

    since my colonoscopy I've had pains but was told that it could be that they disturbed the ovarian cysts

    dont worry too much they will check you out and they really look after you

    im here if you need to chat 

  • My symptoms are the similar . I had a colonoscopy and they found a small polyps 

    since being checked there is no blood but still mucus 

    please don't worry because I was told it makes it worse

    everything will be ok and once you have had tests the relief knowing that a process has started makes you less stressed because you are finally going to get answers

    my stress and anxiety comes in waves but I've found a thing called meditainment and it's short guided meditation that I use to calm me down

  • Thanks for replying everyone! 

    See when I went to my GP she just prescribed hemorrhoid cream then I rang again (all telephone appointments) when the issue hadn't resolved itself, then when I rang again and she asked me to come down to the doctors and would see me in person so I expected maybe a finger examination but got nothing. She then referred me for blood tests and said she was referring me to a GI. I havent received the blood test results, and this was back in November! I'm hoping no news is good news?! But I've never had my stool tested. Yeah mine mucus is more some days and less the others but is always blood. It is always bright red, and always more when I have to force a bowel movement. Going out out my mind with worry but seeing other people have had the same really puts my mind at ease!

  • I've also been passing sometimes blood clots with stools. They won't be on stools they will just be in the water after I've finished. Has anybody experienced this before? 

  • Don't worry we are here to support you

    once my colonoscopy was done the blood stopped

     right red is a good sign they say because it could be a fissure 

  • Thank you so much for the advice and for replying my gp called today and they said at my age they won't give me a colonscopy and said my symptoms are due to consipation. I'm so upset I haven't stopped crying I know doctors are rarely wrong but I have such a strong feeling this is more than consipation I feel like they think because i'm young its not anything serious but I just know myself and how i feel that this is more than constipating especially since my stool is rarely hard. I just don't know what to do anymore I feel like the longer I go without colonscopy to be 100% sure the more anxious I will get and the worse my conditon will be.  I really don't know what to do but the waiting is agonising, even as i'm writing this i can't stop crying because I feel so helpless and stressed. 

  • Please please don't cry we are all here to support you

    if you feel so strongly about it get a second opinion and explain how you feel they do have to listen 

    on the positive they maybe right and it could be constipation that caused a fissure or tear and that's why there is blood

    please don't worry it will be ok x