Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Thank you and I am here if you need a chat too, hope you are all doing okay?



  • Hi, getting stressed a little because a little constipated and mucus is still there. Yesterday not very visible today more visible. People around me are stressing me out because they all have an opinion and no one is really supportive they just scare me by saying ooh it doesn't sound right it could be .....

    to be honest I feel quite stressed now 

    sorry I just need to be more positive otherwise I am no good to anyone 


  • I am sorry you are feeling quite stressed about it and stress can only make symptoms worse if you want to private message me any time you are welcome to :). Some people are ignorant and need to maybe think before saying stuff to you, but maybe try and have a hot bath to relax and try to distract your mind, I tend to over think about these situations but at the end of the day all you can do is wait and see.


    Take care of yourself, 



  • Bless you 

    sometimes I need to chat private,y but never want to bother anyone. I try to just deal with things. I help others but never myself. Is that silly

    i will try to relax and take a bath . Thank you so much for your advice and offer. You are right people just do t understand sometimes. A lot of people tell me oh just go to the hospital and get it over with. I want to say, have you ever had to lie in the operating theatre for a procedure in covid times having lost your dad to covid? But I say nothing and stress alone.

    this group are wonderful and I've been upbeat but the last week or so I'm just very low because I don't understand what is happening 

    no biopsies were taken and they want me to remove the polyps because they could do it last time. No is that because they didn't see anything to biopsy or they are waiting to biopsy the polyps? I think I'm low and my mind is working overtime. It's coming up to dads anniversary soon too

  • So it turns out that I'm waiting for a phone call from the hospital, this has been scheduled for the start of April.. this will then decide either colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. I'm sick with worry, I honestly don't think I can wait so long but.... covid... :(

    On another note, the bleeding seems to be happening more often. I looked more closely this time and it was on the stool but only on one side, which I'm hoping makes it even more likely to be hemorroids? I never knew that you could have hemorroids and not have any pain/itching. Also (sorry to be graphic) I only get the blood if the stool is firm which I'm hoping is another sign of something less serious. 

    I guess for now I just have to wait for the call in April, and then probably wait another month or so for the actual procedure. I'm going to try get an Anoscopy in the meantime.

  • Hi again


    Sorry I've not posted on her lately, I'd been quite busy.

    Can you give them a call to ask them these questions directly? I know that when I was confused about some of my tests, I called my GP and asked them about it. And another time I arranged another phone appointment with my GP just to explain why I was worrying and see if i had a good reason to be worrying, and it did help having them explain everything to me again.

    Im a bit concerned again myself. Since the doctor said I had hemorrhoids last week, I've been pretty constipated. Was in some discomfort for a few hours after the rectal exam but that went away, but then I couldn't go the toilet for about 2 days so I took a laxative which helped me go on Saturday quite a bit. Didn't go at all on Sunday or Tuesday and when I have been going, I'm having to push harder and it's coming out in more parts, often narrower and flatter in shape.

    I'm a bit concerned as I didn't think hemorrhoids could cause this, though I may be wrong. I have my sigmoidoscopy next Saturday so at least I don't have much longer to wait now.

  • Hi 

    I called gp he just says wait to speak to specialist

    they said I have a polyps that needs to come off. They took no biopsies either I'm not sure why not

    since the colonoscopy I have become constipated too with mucus

    honestly I'm a wreck. I thought all was ok 

    am I stressing over nothing I'm not sure 

    I'm just so tired now of constant worrying 



  • I'm feeling totally the same. Wasn't worried over the weekend as I thought I probably was just overthinking how frequently I should be going the toilet but I've definitely had strange bowel movements for the past week. I think the best thing we can both do is listen to the doctors advice and wait for whatever the next step is.

  • Hi Sterbo


    Your symptoms sound like mine!

    I've been feeling a strange sensation under my left ribcage for about 3 weeks. It feels like something is moving under there.

    Ive  felt a pain which seems like its radiating from my left rib which were sore to the touch. So much so I had to use a muscle rub on them.

    In the last few weeks ive had indigestion, fatigue, constipation and felt very lightheaded.  

    I've  recently seen that my stool has red pepper/ tomato type of bits in it and im having bad cramping!

    Can blood look like red pepper bits????

    My stools are now all over the place and before this I was very regular.  

    I've had blood work, stool tests, chest xray and an ultrasound, everything has come back clear.

    I'm going to contact my gastro today and advise him of my new symptoms.  

    I am so worried its unreal. 


  • Hi 

    I think you are right. I need to just listen to see what they say and do the tests they need. I've had to cancel my session at the colonoscopy to remove the polyps  because I've been called for my covid vaccine. I think I might just start ticking off things as I go along until I've had all the tests. 
    I was told that if there is any blood in stool it could be that the polyps that sticks out can rub on colon and cause friction and make it bleed slightly. Can't explain the mucus or the fact that stool is in little bits like a rabbit lol well bigger but not in length. Honestly stress is awful.

    the other thing I was told and did notice was when I ate red meat for Sunday lunch I had more mucus. By the end of the week after eating pasta and chicken dishes, not so much xx

    thanks for being there x