Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Hi all

    I hope you don't mind me joining the chat?

    I have had a bit of a tough time, Covid over Xmas and then tests revealed H Pylori, a stomach bacteria which made me feel  rotten. A week of double antibiotics and omeprazole and I'm pretty much back to normal after a few more weeks.

    Then at the weekend I had a tummy upset which is pretty rare for me. Days later when I went to the toilet I noticed a mucus on the toilet paper with a little blood. I checked my poo and there was some there. Then yesterday morning a bit more.

    Doc has asked for stool samples now. I don't have any weight loss/tiredness or pain but my paternal grandmother had bowel cancer so it's a bit scary!

    I am so grateful to come across this forum.

    Any advice greatly received! I hope everyone is well this morning :-)

    Many thanks 

  • Hi, sorry to hear about your symptoms. 

    First thing I'd say is that you've done the right thing by going straight to the doctor. I know that it can take a while to get a diagnosis, so the sooner you go, the sooner you can find out what it is and put your mind at ease. I couldn't say if the blood is linked to your other illness that you suffered over Christmas, but it could be. 

    If you're not in pain and don't have fatigue or weight loss, it seems like it's probably hemorrhoids.

    I started keeping a diary of my meals, bowel movements and how I was feeling each day which helped me to be sure of what to tell my GP or doctors. After my GP said she assumed it would be piles, I asked if there was anything I could do and she said no, so other than just drinking plenty of water and getting enough fibre, I don't have any advice for you.

    If you feel any discomfort or twinges or anything, make sure you don't ignore them completely, but once you start paying attention to every little thing your body does, you'll notice things that normally you would pay no attention to. So I'd say only class something as a symptom if it persists for a few days, rather than if it's just a one off thing.

    Happy to answer any other questions. :)


  • Thanks so much for replying ! 

    Yes I read through this forum and I saw that you got a diagnosis along with others which is good news. I would say I'm not that 'regular' to be honest so thanks I will keep a diary. I am also not sure if it could be linked to the H pylori to be honest. 

    I think it's just a bit scary but you are all so positive on here and I am grateful just to join in and have a chat! I will get the samples off as soon as possible and try not to worry. I feel well so that's a good thing. 

    I will let you know what the results are - docs say they take about a week. 

    Anyway keep well and as said much appreciate the reply ! :-)

  • Hi yes we have all been through the same kind of symptoms and worries. We will all be here to help you through it. It is usual for us to think the worst and then we find out it's not as bad as we think. You did the right thing going to the doctors. I'm sorry you are having such a bad time of it

    just to let you know my grandmother had bowel cancer too but they told me it doesn't always mean we follow suit. They ask so that can check. I too had stomach problems but wasn't given anything because they could not detect a bacteria and I'm ok now

     if you ever need to talk that's fine I'm here.

    I have to say sorry for not answering some of the posts. I thought I had an alert sent to my email to tell me if someone was on but then realised you only get that if someone replies to your post. Sorry . I am here for anyone who needs support 

  • Hi there! 

    Thanks for your reply , I love this forum, you are such lovely people and so kind, sometimes you just need support from people who have experienced the same.

    I agree, we do all think the worst! Googling is not the best way forward and would rather chat on here. I guess it's just a bit of scary thing to discover.

    That is true re our grandmothers! I am actually ok today, feel really positive actually. I feel well and I think that just makes you feel better. Plus it's Friday! Busy week working from home, will be lovely to relax at 5.

    Thanks again and I will give an update next week.

    I hope everybody has a great weekend :-) 

  • Hi thanks for answering, 

    I too look forward to the weekend . My children live in USA and we speak everyday but the weekends are always special

    it is a wonderful site and we help each other and support each other and for me that is the best thing in the world . Support is amazing and talking to others who have similar problems  and discussing them helps me a great deal. Thank you to everyone . Again I would like to tell anyone out there who needs to chat if they are worried I will answer them . Thank you for being there for me.

    I was ok today I feel much more calm but I still have another test to do and hopefully that's it 

  • Yes it's great to be able to support each other. I am more than happy to support others too. 

    Just to update, stools had no blood today - just mucus. I know that could change but im feeling optimistic anyway which is better than yesterday when full on panic set in! I'm 55 and I think that's the worry, being a bit older?

    Thanks again!


  • I'm glad there was blood. It's always a relief. Did they tell you why there was mucus. I've noticed I have some more now too but no blood 

  • Hi, thanks for reply

    To be honest I haven't even spoken to the doctor , when I got these symptoms on Tuesday I messaged the doctors for a call back but just got a message saying that I needed to do the samples for the FIT and cultures. 

    I have had mucus before and I wasn't so worried, I think it's the blood that is more scary! 

    I wonder if anyone else has just had mucus... anyway like I say it could change again, I am still going ahead with samples and wait and see.


  • Yes I did samples too. I guess we have to go through a process. It's great when you tick them off the list. Good luck with the test and let me know. Have a great weekend everyone xx