Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Hi. Sorry to hear about that. Sounds like you're in the same boat as me. Probably nothing serious, but like myself, will be a concern until it diagnosed. It's really hard to forget about it when it won't go away isn't it.

    I have a consultation tomorrow with a specialist. Not sure how much they're going to check. I think probably the same as my GP (feel around abdominal area, rectal exam with finger) and then maybe look a bit further inside. This could be an anoscopy I think, so could potentially be able to diagnose something like hemorrhoids if it's that, but if they can't, I guess I'll get booked in for a sigmoidoscopy. I still have mucus pretty much every time and blood every time (possibly a bit less in the past week) but no pain. Stools seem less firm but I'm always really nervous in the mornings when I go the toilet, so that would probably explain it being more loose.

    You've done the right thing by chasing it up straight away. I know I'll only be able to relax fully once I get told I can by a doctor.

    For now, focus on the positives:

    You've not got other worrying symptoms, not in any pain, tests have all come back normal. And the odds of someone aged 25-29 getting bowel cancer in any given year are like 0.06%. (Or 60 cases in every 100,000 for that age group). So even though it can't be ruled out, it's so extremely unlikely, and your test results only back that up. 

    I hope you get some answers soon. Keep pushing for whatever tests/procedures you feel like you need until you get them. If a doctor tells you that you shouldn't worry, you can take that advice, but if you still find yourself worrying to the point it's affecting your life, then you should pursue it until you're satisfied and can relax again. 

    Hoping for good news tomorrow. Will update here once I know more. Feel free to ask any other questions!

  • There's so many different things that it could be, but I guess we always go to the worst case scenario. With the stats too, around 10% of people with a new diagnosis have a history of bowel cancer. My GP told me it's "once in a century" that someone under 50 gets the C word in the bowel. 

    When I get blood, it's mixed in with the mucus and usually at the start of the stool - which makes me think it could be something like a hemmeroid, but the digital exam didn't pick anything up and I'm in no pain down there. I feel like I've googled every single possibility, but everyone's body is different I guess. 

    Please keep us up to date! 

  • In my case I think the mucus is attached to the bit that comes out last. Can't be sure as it's not always easy to know what came first and what came last just by looking in the toilet. I've had a few lately where the blood isn't really visible in it, only when wiping, which leads me to believe it's coming out last.

    From online research i can't see much evidence of mucus attached to stool with hemorhoids (only separate to stool), but it's quite possible it could be IBS causing the mucus and hemorrhoids causing the blood. And apparently it's very hard to diagnose hems with just a finger exam because they're so soft and therefore difficult to feel, they're normally diagnosed when they're seen during a more invasive exam/procedure.

    did you have a fecal calprotectin test?

  • Good news!

    Went for my appointment just now and the doctor said it it's hemorrhoids. He done some sort of rectal exam and could see them. Such a relief.

    I still have to go for a flexible sigmoidoscopy in a few weeks which they said I would do before he done the exam. I think that's mainly because it's a private hospital so they have the capacity to do that and rule out anything else in addition to the piles. I'm NHS by the way, just got referred to this private hospital which is further away as they have shorter wait times. Not looking forward to sigmoidoscopy but I may as well take advantage of being under the care of a private practice while I can! I don't think I'd be getting a sigmoidoscopy if this was all done NHS to be honest. 

    Thanks to everyone who's spoken to me on here so much. Has really helped having someone to talk to.

    I will likewise be here for anyone going through the same.

  • Have just posted a response at the end of thread. Good news! See my other post :)

  • Brilliant news! I bet you are so relieved? What was the rectal exam if you don't mind me asking? As your symptoms are similar to mine I'm hoping I'll have the same result from the sigmoidoscopy. 

  • Hi I'm so pleased for you. I wondered where everyone had disappeared to I couldn't find any body to talk to talk to. Apparently my meassages were not being posted

     I m so glad all is well. I too will be here if I'm needed to chat to 

  • I'm not 100% sure. It was a normal finger rectal exam like I had from my GP but then they looked inside with something that I think was a sort of tube to allow them to see just inside.

    I was just that relieved to hear it was piles that I didn't have many questions about the exam.


  • I bet! So is the mucus a result of the piles I guess? 

  • He never confirmed that but I'd guess so.