Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • Did you have any bloating at all? Or weight loss?


    It's hard to tell if I'm losing weight cos it always shifts 2-3lbs depending on the time of day and if I've eaten/gone the toilet or not, but I still think I've lost a few pounds in the past week or so. This could be from worrying as I felt like I worried a lot since Friday, which is causing me to not feel like eating as much. And when you don't eat as much, your stomach shrinks so you get bloated when you eat. The worrying also makes me feel tired at times too.

    I think my anxiety will likely increase as I near my appointment date next Wednesday

  • Hi yes I lost weight but that wasn't the bleeding or anything it was the fear of the stomach pain I got when I ate. My anxiety was through the roof and my fear of passing stools and seeing blood was just too much some days. I felt bloated and heavy after food so I avoided eating a lot and drank dioralyte a lot that's why I lost weight really. I had convinced myself that food was the enemy. Worrying didn't help either and not talking to someone to share my fears didn't help but as I mentioned before my kids live in USA and dad died of covid so it's been a rough 12 months . Thank you again for listening .
    don't do what I did and stop eating out of fear because they told me eating doesn't cause the blood it was the polyps apparently and now the blood has gone 

    I'm always here if you need to chat. It's a rollercoaster honestly and I have had to just make a list of tests and tick them off and eliminate as I go along just to keep sane lol x stay strong 

  • Can't imagine how tough that must all be. Try to focus on seeing your kids this year. Hopefully it won't be much longer now :)

  • Thank you. It's been really tough, but I know others have been suffering too. 
    live had my letter for them to remove the polyps soon so I will know when next week.

    im glad they are not worried but I would feel better once it's gone. Thankfully it's not a full colonoscopy. I hope you are feeling better and more positive. Xx

  • I have read all the posts. I was told yesterday that I am being referred for a colonoscopy due to blood detected in stool - this has been visible on and off for the past few months along with mucous. I am also still waiting of results of another stool test which are still to come back.

    I am worried sick about this. I have some questions - how long did you wait for the procedure after being referred? I have no one to take me and collect me from hospital so thinking of either getting the bus (not ideal) or driving myself there but not sure if I could drive home after. If anyone could tell me a bit about the procedure itself and how they felt after i.e if they had sedation. Also, do you have to wait on results or do they give you details of what has been found on the day..?

    Any information or advice would be appreciated 

  • Hi 

    I had the procedure. I had sedation but was awake but drowsy. It was a little uncomfortable but bearable. They spoke to me all and a nurse sat at my side reassuring me. When they were finishing the procedure she talked me through and took me to recovery. I was cared for by another nurse who cheeked oxygen levels etc. After 15 minutes I was fine. They gave me a sandwich, a biscuit and a cup of tea. I was given the results after that and spoke to the doctor. I had the same symptoms as you and it was a tiny polyps that they want to remove. They usually do it at the time but it was in an awkward place 

    the prep was harder than the procedure lol. I would get a taxi or a friend to take you. You are fine but they like to be sure and if you can have someone to stay with you the night they are happier. I waited five days as I was fast tracked. They were amazing and I had a covid test before it to make sure I was safe as the department was covid free. I felt much better about this. It might even be something more simple. Be strong we are here x

  • Thank you so much - you have no idea how much this information helps. Now that I know I have to have it I just want it done as I am worrying so much about it and the results The gp said something about two weeks but I don't know if that was an appointment within two weeks or just a letter with a date for procedure...I'll just have to wait and see. I think I'll ask my sister if she can take me and collect me, but I won't mention it until I know when it is to be. I haven't told anyone about this - I am on my own and my Mum is elderly and I don't want her to worry too.

    I have also been worried about covid so good to know they test for it , although I feel that I will need to isolate from my mum (we are in a bubble) for two weeks after in case I catch covid in hospital. 
    Do they give you the sedation intravenously? I hate needles but I guess I am just going to have to be brave and get on with it. Hoping so much that it's nothing too serious but you will know what it is like to have this constantly playing on your mind. 
    thanks again for your support x

  • Don't worry I will be here to support.  They put a small cannula in your right hand so they can add the sedation solution. You don't feel it and it really relaxes you. You lie on your left side and they may ask you to roll over half way through. The nurse helps you. Honestly our nhs are amazing they help you, care for you before and after and I cannot tell you how easy they made the procedure for me. Our hospital definitely gave a covid test for safety and I was glad. I too stressed out but it was easier than I thought. It's good if someone can take you. My mum is elderly too and I'm an only child so I knew I was safe but still stayed in my room for at least 6 days to be sure but she bought me home so it was probably a waste of time but I felt better. Try to relax and think positive 

  • Thanks so much. I think I have a better idea what to expect now.

    I phoned the hospital to see if they can tell me when the appointment is likely to be. They have the referral from the GP but it's not been looked at yet. So they suggested I phone back next Tuesday to see if they can tell me any more.

    Will try and not think too much about it until next week.

    Thanks for your support x

  • Hey! 

    Just wondering how you got on with the appointment?

    I have the same symptoms as you, however I have mucus pretty much every time I go. Had blood tests, stools tested, rectal exam, abdomen felt and urine checked - all came back fine. I'm also young (26) so I think the chances of it being something really serious are slim, however still a possibilty which is worrying me.

    After my tests came back fine my GP told me not to worry as it sounds like IBS. I then mentioned about the blood in the mucus (couple of times a month, more often recently) and she then said that it "ticks the persistant bleeding box" - I don't think she knew it was that often. I'm now waiting for a flexible sigmoidoscopy appointment to check what's causing it all. 

    Oh and I was prescribed with some hemmeroid treatment and supposorites as she seems to think it's potentially that, however I wouldve thought the rectal exam picks stuff like that up! Also I'm not in any pain down there, just mucus and occasional blood. Such a worry at the moment.