Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • I think we are all so worried we are all overthinking things. Between us we will get through this and be strong for each other. We have to be positive even if some days seem bleak. My husband was trying to be positive too but partly he thought he was helping and partly he was trying to convince himself because he's no good without me lol x I was grateful for his positive thoughts but I'm so glad I have you two 

    let's support each other and stay strong x

  • I feel quite strange because I'm not having any other symptoms but the amount of blood is remaining the same. I tend to wake up feeling nervy, go the toilet, see some blood, and then feel worried for a few hours. Then throughout the day I feel less worried, and at times no worry at all. Even sometimes I feel daft about worrying in the first place, but then the next morning I wake up worrying again!

    Even though my test results all came back normal and I'm young, have no other serious symptoms, and no family history of anything sinister, I keep asking myself why the bleeding isn't stopping. I sort of feel like if it was a hemorrhoid or fissure (the type that bleeds for 3-4 weeks) that there would be some pain. But there never is. I found it a bit strange that my GP never suggested trying anything to to heal a fissure/Hemorrhoid tbh considering that was what she said is the most likely cause

  • Did your go ask you to have a full colonoscopy. I had one in the end and they found the polys. After four weeks of diarreah and blood it has now gone completely. I'm grateful for that but now I have abdominal pains when I pass water  only slightly but it could be they have disturbed the bowl they said. My scans were clear it was confirmed again today . I still have the large ovarian cysts but hey ho. I have decided that my stress bought on a lot of my symptoms because I just didn't know what was happening and I couldn't understand why. I knew it wasn't right and stressed everyday. After all of the tests and my results I realised that there was nothing sinister despite my gran dying of bowl cancer. I do not have it. I have gone back to normal eating and drinking because I had lost over a stone. My stools are back to normal, no blood or mucus. I am relieved. 
    I believe you will be fine once you get all the answers. I am always going to be here to help you and if you need to talk. Stay strong , I'm here xx



  • Hi Everyone 

    I have recently had a colonoscopy after years of suffering with pain and being told i had IBS and nothing more, years of being told to take a codeine a day to stop running to the toilet between 7 and 20 times a day oh and my bowel was back ward and that i should be taking anti depression tablets for it . Years of blood tests and stool samples coming back normal/satisfactory. A female doctor told me she wouldn't send me for a colonoscopy because its a very uncomfortable and invasive procedure ??? That she would just give me enzymes because thats all they would give me after a colonoscopy anyway , I begged for a colonoscopy i said that something was not right she referred me in the end 5 years down the line then have the consultant ring me and tell me he wouldnt be doing it as i have IBS and i have no red flags ....i told him i would complain and take legal action if he did not perform the colonoscopy and i am so glad i stuck up for myself for once!! another Dr performed the colonoscopy and found that i have been suffering with crohns disease he also took 22 biopsies of my bowel/colon the results im still waiting for but im so glad a pushed for the colonoscopy anyway the point im trying to make with my long winded story is all of your tests may come back normal but if you are suffering you need a colonoscopy yes its uncomfortable but for half an hour for your life that could save your life please don't be worried its the only thing that will settle your mind and believe me the prep is the hardest part but not horrendous. 

    Good luck to all xxx

  • Called the hospital today as they told me to call if not heard by 8 Feb. said they could give no timeframe for next consultation due to backlog caused by covid. Rang my GP back and explained no additional symptoms or pain or anything like that but still same amount of blood on stool and sometimes mucus, same as when I first spoke to her, so still worrying as hoped it would have stopped by now. She said initially nothing they could do to boost urgency as my normal blood/stool sample results, age, lack of other symptoms and family history etc all make me low risk (which is obviously good despite it meaning longer wait for answers) but I could wait less time if I went to a different hospital, so as it turns out, I have an appointment next Wednesday! So that relieves the worrying a bit around waiting and not knowing how long etc. 

    Appointment will be to do another rectal exam, possibly more in depth with a camera but not a sigmoidoscopy- that may be needed after. Nervy about the potential findings or possible inability to diagnose something non-serious, and this will no doubt increase my nerves as next Wednesday approaches, but it could also be the day they're able to diagnose something like a fissure or burst blood vessel or something, which would be great.

    Fingers crossed that date comes quick and they're able to put my mind at ease.

  • Hi, please don't worry. It's annoying that we have to wait to be tested because of what is happening. They are right I guess in a way about your results meaning you are low risk which is good news, but it doesn't help us who are suffering. Since they gave me a colonoscopy and scan I I was given the results along with blood results and stool test results I have calmed down and stopped reading what could be causing it. I now have no blood in stool which is a relief and they didn't find anything sinister at all. My only problem yesterday was that I feel nauseous and after eating I feel queezy . However, my gp said this is stress about other things in my life at the moment, eg kids live in another country, covid is not getting better etc. I was advised to use a meditation tape twice a day and walk. Hopefully this is the reason, but I think the ovarian cysts could be causing a problem, or there is a parasite causing me to feel sick. I'm thinking of doing another stool test. 
    sorry didn't mean to go on about me. 
    please don't be nervous about the rectal exam. I was terrified and imagined everything possible but it was a single polyps under a centermitre along with a fissure.  You too will feel relieved once it's done. I am here if you need me. The test is a little uncomfortable but thorough and worth it

    you will be fine and I'll pray for you. Be positive you will beat this and I'm here to help. It will be ok xx

  • Thanks again. I find I feel more relaxed in the evenings than I do in the mornings but unsure why. 

    It's brilliant that your bleeding has stopped and tests all came back normal. I can imagine you might not fully relax until you feel 100% back to normal but you are definitely getting there by the sounds of it.

    Im confident I will be ok and I would feel like I have a new lease of life if they give me good news next week. I know it's possible they may still be unable to diagnose me then, but just taking it one step at a time now. 

  • We will get through this as a team. I do feel much better I just wish I knew what the nausea is and why it's happening. I'm positive but I'll be happier when I get back to normal. I've had so much stress and upset last year I feel my health has suffered . I m so grateful for your support . Be strong and tell me how you get on 

  • Thanks for always replying. Feels good Knowing someone is listening

  • I'll always listen and reply xx I'm here to help x