Blood/mucus stool


For tge past 8 months ive had blood and mucus in stools, i went to the docs and they said IBS, tge symptoms persisted so i went back, they took blood tests which were all normal, a stool test which said i had high calproctin levels (1200) so gp said i had suspected IBD, i have a colonoscopy appt in 2 weeks. Obviously no one can diagnose other than the docs after colonoscopy but im freaking out and expecting the worst! Has anyone else had anything similar? I have absolutely so other symptoms just mucus at rhe top of stool (first bit to come out) then blood on the outside sometimes quite a bit sometimes barely any and thats it but it has been every stool apart from maybe 5 in total for the last 8 months! Maybe a slight niggle in left lower side of stomach occasionally right but nothing major at all.

No family history, no weight loss, no tiredness, bowel habbits normal, no pain, no other symptoms, just an increase in anxiety!

Thanks for reading

  • I wanted to post on this bc over the last couple of weeks I was glued to this forum worried about my girlfriend who is 27 and had been bleeding with mucus for the last 5 months, intermittently and then more consistently and heavier to the point where it was every day. Strangely she maintained a regular consistency and didn’t increase the visits to the loo. Also she had bloating and loud stomach gurgling She was recommended an urgent colonoscopy after a stool sample for occult blood. I was completely prepared for the worst and luckily she came back with procitis, the doctor was very reassuring and she’s responded q quickly to meds. The symptoms were very severe I’m amazed it was a mild case. Wish everyone the best. (Sorry if you’ve seen the same post in different threads, just wanted to post this experience to offer some reassurance)

  • Hi I was just reading your message. I have been feeling the same lots of mucus in stool and sometimes just yellow mucus with stomach crumps but no blood in stool. Thats making me very confused and worried if I have cancer or not. I had stool test done also fit test to detect if and is blood in stool. That was clear. When I touch inside my bowels on the right I feel there is a slightly  raise bump also the GP felt it but the gastrointestinal specialist said it's my uterus. That made me even more confused because I didn't think you can feel your uterus in the Bowles. (Sorry forgot to mention I have multiple of fibroids in the uterus).  My stomach Alway hurts also after I opened my Bowles I feel I still need to go back I'm not constipated.

  • Hi [@Jay7]‍  how have you got on ? I have very loose stool for around 7 months.  Mucus  and and blood becoming more often - noticed it once a month now more.  Bloated, sore left abdomen and gas.  I also run to the toilet in the morning. 

  • [@Olive94]‍ how have you got on? I also have same symptoms starting to feel very worried. 

  • [@afw123]‍ 

    had a colonoscopy that revealed nothing other than some inflamed blood vessels in rectum, no haemorrhoids, polyps, tumours etc thankfully. My anxiety was through the roof for the month leading up to the colonoscopy and it was all a massive waste of time! 

    Hope that helps

  • [@Olive94]‍ Thanks for getting back to me! I am getting really anxious but hoping it isn't anything serious. 

  • I wanted to message you because I was in this situation for 4 weeks of pure worry with not knowing what was wrong with me. 
    me I'm 26 years older had had 2 positive stool tests for blood in stool one being a FIT test which they screen for bowl cancer (which freaked me out) but I didn't listen to anyone and only googled and read forums online.. trust me IT MAKES IT WORSE. I had rectal bleeding for around a month came on all of a sudden was pretty weird.. my stool was changing one minute I was constipated then I had loose stool then I had normal ish looking stool kinda narrow.. I had my colonoscopy today and I had mild colitis after thinking I had the big C!

    Don't worry don't google! 

  • Hi, I'm 36 since April 2020 I had streak of blood in stool and drops of blood after bowel movement then for months mild abdominal pain after reading alot on Google finally made up mind to contact GP did various blood test and calprotectin test which came out to be high <200 but due to covid-19 no GP was willing to attain face to face appointment straight away was referred to specialist Gastroenterology from April to 2 September 2020 after long wait completely stressed and lost, after having telephonic conversation with consultant was again given few test including stool. November test done and calprotectin was below >100 which is good but found out that I had infection H.pylori was given 7days antibiotics and 2 months for omeprazole 20mg to clear infection Abdominal pain is gone but still mucus and blood in stool continues have got another telephonic appointment tomorrow with consultant as he was willing to see me again after 4 months, also he had asked for sigmoidoscopy test but again due to coronavirus I had no luck as hospital are too busy but fingers crossed I got call from hospital today and they have book me in for coming Tuesday I'm so tense stressed anxious scared I just don't know how to deal for now I have stopped reading on Google completely....... I have no courage to speak to my family or my partner what if something is upside down just can't cope I breath heavy whenever I think of consequences don't have immediate family and friends here don't want to stress them as they also farway just stuck thinking to fly back to my country for fast treatment and diagnosis but can't do that stuck financially and lockdown 

  • Hi I have had diarreah blood and mucus in stool for four weeks. I was tested and they said in was gastrointeritis they did a stool test and said no bacteria but didn't check for parasites. I'm off my food and loosing weight, probably as I'm not eating. I find it difficult to drink water and my anxiousness is off the charts. I will be having a full body scan and a camera soon after that. Stools are yellow, but look slimey and stringy. I'm just scared of everything now, the test the findings everything. I lost my dad to covid and am worried about taking the test . I need advice and support please anyone 

  • [@disneyqueen]‍ hi - try not worry.  I have drastically changed my diet to a low fodmap diet and it has helped so so much! I was convinced I had something bad wrong with me.