Bowel gurgling

I’ve had alternating diarrhoea and constipation for the past 25 days. Started out as nothing but diarrhoea for the intitial 7 days and then trended towards constipation. I’m scheduled for a colonoscopy in 4 days, so I’m not looking for medical advice, just anyone with a similar experience or information. One thing that has been a constant throughout this ordeal are loud bowel noises (gurgling, whining, etc) that seem to be most active late-night into the early morning. It’s still happening during the day but seems to be hyperactive during these overnight hours. Has anyone experienced this and if so what was the resolution? Any help is appreciated. 

  • Hi Chris, experiencing similar symptoms the last month almost. Just wondering how long it lasted for you and if anything has worked? I have been on some presciption drugs but nothing seems to work for longer than 30 mins or so.Hopefully this message will get to you.

  • Alternatives to Bacon?? are you crazy!!,


  • Hi Jack. I had it for about 3.5 months. It started sending me nuts I couldn't sleep. Nowhere seemed to know what was causing it and some people found it almost funny which it certainly wasn't. I'm all ok now though,  although I do get reminded of those dark times every time my stomach or guts rumble. I have private healthcare and saw specialists, had cameras and scans with dye etc. The only think that worked was exercise, cutting down on all the fibre and healthy food that was hard to digest!!! And having a nightly glass of red to help me chill.  I think it was stress related - all started off by by drinking acidic  cider every day for two weeks on an all inclusive holiday for the first time which may have upset my gut balance which I then worried about. Stress definitely affects digestion so I entered a circle that had to be broken. I had food fermenting in my gut and not passing properly which rumbled and I then stressed which made it worse.  If I could recommend one thing that also helped a lot, which may have been the cure,  was a 12 week course of Symprove. It was recommended by my Gastro consultant. It kept me regular and allowed everything to pass.its not cheap but it's the only clinically proven probiotic that reaches the gut. Oh, that and some  St.Johns wort tablets to help me relax as well.  You'll get there but it's a fairly long process.  Do the 12 week Symprove course and it will help. They will have a box with you tomorrow or Wednesday if you call them direct. Good luck, let me know how you get on. 

  • Hi,

    For anyone who comes across this thread via a search (as l did), just wanted to add l had identical symptoms and feared something significant. 

    I got a referral from.the GP after changes in bowel habit and what l suspected was a tiny amount of blood in the stool but aside from that it was mainly bowel gurgitation with loud noises - sometimes even in the middle of the night.. This started last November with the suspected blood happening 3 weeks ago. 

    I am very active and generally in good health so began to worry and secured the GP referral for a colonoscopy.. This took place today and l came through ok - nothing detected. My GP was confident they would not find anything but it has given me peace of mind. 

    It is always worth getting checked out and this thread was a great help so l wanted to post. The cause of my noisy colon still isn't clear - perhaps IBS but l am going to try probiotics to see how that goes. 


    Good luck to everyone. 



  • That's great to hear! Once my tests came back ok I took probiotics and it fixed the gurgling and digestion issues. I'm still not sure what caused it but it happened again last September, probiotics for 2 weeks and fixed. I'm not saying that this will work for everyone but it does for me. 

  • I might follow up with my GP as l got stepped down with the colonoscopy result so l doubt l''ll be contacted by my health centre for options from here .

    There are quite a few sites on  probiotics to try different things. Symprove seems to have the best reputation. PM me if you can recommend what worked for you. 

    Conscious this is a cancer forum so will leave it here. 

  • Align is the probiotic that I used. 

  • Thanks l will look it up. Strangely it has settled since the colonoscopy but it has taken a few days for my bowels to move waste through again. .I stil can't believe how hard the second litre of Moviprep was to get down - had me retching. 

    One other thing l have used is deep breathing techniques to relax the colon spasms by breathing more through the abdomen than chest. This is recommended for IBS. 

    There is definitely an element of anxiety when you're concerned what is going on in there which can compound it with the stomach agitation. 

  • Hi Chris,

    I have been having similar symtoms to yourself and wanted to ask a couple more questions if thats okay and hope you dont mind responding. The feeling im getting is like grumbling/air popping sensations which is usally worse when waking up/ lying down in evening but seems to get better with movement i think. I have had this for 4 weeks now and its really getting me down. I have had blood tests, stool test, chest xray, abdominal ultrasound, ct scan which i am awaiting results for everything else has show as normal. Did you have any other symptoms as i find myself quite constipated and burping quite a bit. I have started taking pro biotics but with no effect so far after a few days of taking them. I was just wondering if you ever got to bottom of what had happened or if this has re occured since then ? 

  • Hi Phil,

    I have been having similar symtoms to yourself and wanted to ask a couple more questions if thats okay and hope you dont mind responding. The feeling im getting is like grumbling/air popping sensations which is usally worse when waking up/ lying down in evening but seems to get better with movement i think. I have had this for 4 weeks now and its really getting me down. I have had blood tests, stool test, chest xray, abdominal ultrasound, ct scan which i am awaiting results for everything else has show as normal. Did you have any other symptoms as i find myself quite constipated and burping quite a bit. I have started taking pro biotics but with no effect so far after a few days of taking them. I was just wondering if you ever got to bottom of what had happened or if this has re occured since then ?