There’s a lump but scan didn’t show anything???

So after waiting 3 months for a fast track ultrasound I have finally been seen. My gp made a real mess of my referral and sent it off incorrectly  

Now it has completely thrown me as they could not detect the lump on the scan but yet the person scanning said it can clearly be felt. I asked if that meant I could stop worrying and he just said I advise an mri of the neck to see what’s going on. 

Surely if it hasn’t shown on the ultrasound it means it’s not cancer? Not sure if anyone has been in the same situation and can put my mind at ease. I’ve had/felt this lump since July and I just want answers but all I seem to get is more questions.



  • Hi there

    Did you receive any answers ? I feel your worry as I'm petrified after my teenager has had an ultrasound and an X-ray, neither of which showed, or explained the clavicle lump you can clearly feel.

    He is like a jigsaw puzzle at the mo since having a pinprick blood rash last February which was dismissed as a reaction to a virus. Still has the rash, may also have a separate clotting disorder which has been acquired and the list of reasons to acquire it are awful. But have been told the clotting hasn't caused the pinprick rash.

    Anxious beyond anxious at the mo !!! 

  • Hi I was wondering if anyone who experienced this eventually got the answers they needed? I was sent for an Ultrasound for a lump in my neck that you can clearly feel. They said my lymph nodes were reactive but couldn't see the lump so told me to go back to my GP for a referral to have a different scan. My GP won't refer me, it's like the lump doesn't exist to them, even though they can feel it!

  • Hi my husband has a swelling in his neck his ultrasound said they couldn't see anything suspicious, consultant referred him for mri, this also didn't show up anything sinister just swelling, next he has to be put to sleep for biopsys around the swellings just to make sure it's nothing serious so we are still in the dark at the moment, hope everything goes well for you. X

  • Same thing with me I can feel the lump . Gb can also feel it but scan is clear what I do

  • Hello. What has happened to your lump? What was it?

  • Hello Sadi. What has happened with your neck. Do you know what the lump is?

  • Hi AgiN, 

    I noticed you were hoping to get an update from Worrybot and Sadi143 on their situations with their lumps.

    Unfortunately Worrybot hasn't been on the forum since 2018 so you may not hear back from them. Sadi143 was last on the forum in October so I do hope they reply to you, but if you don't hear back, you could try reaching out to others on more recent and active discussions about this topic.

    I can see from another post you've made that you have an MRI coming up. I hope it goes well and that the results show your lump is no cause for concern.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Steph, thank you for your response. I went privetly to see an an oncologist who did the ultrasound and he saw it! He took some images of it and measured it. He didn't know what it was and said that an urgent MRI was neede. I had been booked for it anyway.  I will have it done in a few days. I worry so much. The lump is in the neck muscle and has an irregular shape. Once again thank you for your responce.

    Kind regards
