Can a CT scan diagnose lymphoma??

I have a CT scan next Wednesday as I've been referred to a haemotologist due to symptoms of swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, slight weight loss, sweating, intermittent fevers and lower back and abdominal pain. 

I just want to know if anyone has been diagnosed with a CT scan and can it be ruled out by a CT scan alone? 

  • Hi, I have lymphoma, I can't answer your question as I had my ct scan after my biopsy which showed lymphoma, I was sent for the scan to see what stage it was at. I had to drink the contrast dye stuff before it and also had the other dye which went in intravenously. This shows the cancer more clearly. I had my half way scan today so I'm now on the waiting game again to see if my chemo is working. It seems strange that they havnt done a biopsy first. I also had a second biopsy to see what the grade of lymphoma was. It was a long waiting game from being referred by my gp to actually getting a diagnoses and starting my treatment. I wish you good luck with your scan, let us know how you get on. 

  • Hiya, thank you for your reply and sorry to hear of your diagnosis. How are you getting on? 

    Yes I'm thinking I might have the dye thing. Just waiting for the letter to come through. 

    Cam I ask what your symptoms were? I just hate waiting, I know it's just how it is. My consultant has said I'm going to have a ultrasound of the neck as well so waiting to hear when that will be. 


  • Hi, my symptoms were fatique, no appetite, lost quite a bit of weight over 12 months, night sweats. I have autoimmune problems so I never really gave much thought to the symptoms till I got the lump on my neck. It's does take ages to get scans, ultrasounds etc, I also had to have a bone marrow biopsy so maybe your doc just trying to get everything done quickly. I'm doing great with the chemo, not as scary as it sounds. The anti sickness drugs are much better than they used to be, the worst thing it the fatique and hair loss but I can cope with that. The scan also showed I had a lump under my arm which they took more biopsies from, it also showed enlarged nodes at side of my lungs and kidneys, it was a bit of a shock at the time to be told I have a very rare form of lymphoma, it's low grade, but they need the biopsies to find all this info, grades and type of lymphoma. Ct scan tells them what stage it's at. They need all this before they can decide what treatment is required. Try not to dr Google, they will give you good info if you need it at the hospital. The waiting is the worst bit. Again, you might be lucky, try not to worry.

  • It is quite amazing really how a CT scan can give so much information. Really pleased you are getting on ok. Fingers crossed that the chemo is doing it's job for you! 

    Thank you for replying, it's good to hear from real people. I know, I must admit, Dr Google has been in play a bit. I try not to and only really look at reputable sites but my husband works shifts so I end up sitting in the evenings on my own and can't help myself. 

    I have two young children so they keep me occupied throughout most of the day. Can I ask how old you are? I'm 30, nearly 31 so I'm hoping there's another explanation for all of this. 

    Take care and thanks for talking to me

  • Hi, I'm 64 and in the most common age group for this illness. There are so many lymphomas that I have never heard of. Mine is called nodal marginal zone b lymphoma. The leaflets they gave me at the hospital were from the McMillan Cancer Organization. They also gave me a book from Bloodwise which explained everything I needed to know. I'm more in the age group common to getting this so hopefully as you are younger it may not be lymphoma. Most of the people I see at the hospital for treatment are older. Fingers crossed its not lymphoma, keep in touch x

  • natbat87 - how did your ct go? And what was your diagnosis? My brother is on a 21 day wait for the same thing x

  • I am petrified I’ve had pelvic aches, pressure for ages now, had a scan 2 years ago when I 1st felt it and it come back fine. Last few months it got more intense and the last 2 weeks I’ve notice my neck is swollen and noticed today my gland under my arm is swollen. I have a ultrasound scan booked tomorrow. I’m expecting bad news I’m so scared 

  • Natbat did you get your scan results or find out what was going on?

  • Hello. Hope you are well. Could you tell me please if CT scan show anything? Because l wonder exactly the same question- can lymphoma  be ruled out by a CT scan alone?


    Thank you very much

  • Hi there how are you doing.  I have just come across this post.  I get my CT scan result tomorrow and I'm petrified.  I hate the thought of if there is something on the scan, the wait time to get treatment.  What are your symptoms?  I have had a cough and breathlessness for 4 months and i now have 2 swollen lymph nodes left side of my neck at the bottom.  It's only this last month doctors have taken me seriously.  The waiting is torture.