Large lump at front of lower leg

Hi I am new to the forum and I have read a lot of articles from different people  

I went to my GP practice three weeks ago with a lump in my leg, at the side of my tibia. The GP I saw was non committal and didn't give me any indication of what she thought it may be. She decided to refer me for an ultrasound. 

Three weeks later I am getting a dull ache in the lower leg and my foot keeps going numb, so decided to go back to the doctors and this time saw a different doctor who is a Proffessor who took a completely different approach to the lump. He said it was odd and said he wasn't sure if it was attached to the bone or coming from the muscle. I was told to get an xray first thing this morning and he will expedite any further action..

Needless to say I am very anxious and will feel better once I know the outcome either way  

Anyone else in a similar situation ? 



  • Hi Alfonso, worry is debilitating and your mind goes into overdrive, thinking of all the worst case scenarios.  Lumps can appear for all sorts of reasons, I have a large one at the top of my leg, it's a ganglion, swells up, causes pain but is nothing serious.  So let's hope your lump is nothing to worry about, it sounds like they are moving fast on diagnosis , so take it steady and stay calm.  Hopefully this helps a little!   Carol 

  • Hi, I've had an ultrasound on my leg today for a lump in my leg next to my tibia like you have described, after the scan they said they can't discuss results with me and my doctor will arrange an appointment with me to discuss what happens next so playing the waiting game now. Did you find out what yours was x

  • Hi

    Like you, I have a painless lump in my tibia/shin. I was wondering what your diagnosis was? 

  • Did any of you find out what this was? I have the same following swelling and pain in my knee. 

  • It turned out to be benign tissue due to Hypermobility

  • Hi av just came on here because of things that have happened firstly couple year ago my partner nd masel has a weekend child free so we took a night in edinburgh good night nd all next morning my problems started I couldn't walk stand pain in my lower legs was like they had just been chopped off anywho went to the doctors he had no idea what was the issue nd since then my lower legs have been stiff sore nd very uncomfortable ... nd this today has got me a little worried iv just found a lump on the front of my shin which is hard to press on no puss or any sort of liquid and also had a numb feeling when squeezed or pressed 

  • I thought I'd share that my lump in my leg turned out to be a lipoma. Basically a lump of fat on the shin. 


    If your leg pain and lump persists go back to your GP or another GP. 

  • I've had osteoarthritis in my left knee for over a year ..  I started to use a walking stick but nobody including hospital told me that I was holding the stick in the wrong hand and by last November I was having to use a rollator to walk with. I haven't been able to get out since then.  In  august this year my legs started swelling so they took me to the hospital and said it was either blood clot, osteomyelitis or bone cancer but treated it as suspected blood clots and prepared me for ultrasound scan which meant two weeks of injections in the tummy every day .. No blood clot on scan  but they gave me two weeks supply of antibiotics for cellulitis.  I also have had high blood pressure for a few months from immobility and one doctor put me on blood pressure tablets that have given me type 2 diabetes.  But the swelling hasn't gone in my legs and I have had a lump on my shin since my legs started swelling in August.  My doctor thought I was imagining it but sent me to hospital for xray to ease my mind. The xray didn't show anything although two doctors and a specialist felt the lump . I have to go back to the hospital for MRI scan next Thursday and see the specialist next Friday . They are saying they hope it isn't osteomyelitis because that would mean weeks of intravenous antibiotics in hospital and possibly operation.  It's getting to the stage where it's difficult to manage at times so I'm praying the MRI finds the problem and everyone here will get healed too 

  • Any update here? I have the same issue