shadow on kidney ultrasound - scared!


I had a stomach ulcer earlier this year, and I mentioned to the consultant some tummy pains I'd had under my ribs, so he sent me for an ultrasound to check my gallbladder and pancreas.

Fast forward to Monday this week, and I got a letter saying that they have found a shadow on my kidney and are sending me for a CT scan to check further into this.  This is booked for a couple of weeks time.

I've done a bit of googling, and if I've understood things correctly this means they are checking that it isn't a tumour, and so I'm really worried.

 I'm 42 and have had 2-3 fevers in the last few months, just for a day or even half a day and no reason for it.  I've also been considering going to see the doctor because I have been having hot flushes and sweats at night on and off.  I was thinking early menopause.  I also went to the doctor earlier this year with bladly aching bones in my legs.  They sent me for an xray (clear) and found I had extremely low vitamin d, but I have had aches in my bones since it has been at normal level (not as much though).  So with it all added together it feels really ominous to me.

I have been so worried, and I just want to have some idea how long the process will take to find out whether it is ruled in or out?  I tried to get a GP appointment, and they are so rubbish at the moment, and a non urgent appointment is 4 weeks away. I was supposed to get a telephone call, but the surgery cancelled it saying that the GP says they don't know any more than the hospital and to talk to them about it.

I know no one can here can say whether or not it is a tumour, but it would feel better to me to get an understanding of what the process is like, and how long it might take.  Is it possible that they already know from the ultrsound it's a tumour and they are just trying to get more info?  If they find it is a tumour, will they tell me there and then or will I have to wait weeks for an appointment to find out? 

I'd appreciate any help, thank you xx

  • Hello there.  I don't have much knowledge about what you are experiencing but I saw that you had not yet had a reply so I wanted to at least say "hello".  It is always a bad idea to google your symptoms; they have by their very nature to cast their net wide in case they miss anything and if you look at other possibilities in the same area of the body you will find they are listing very similar symptoms.  We say here that Dr Google is a quack who should have been struck off years ago as s/he causes horrendous amount of worry, most of which turn out to be unnecessary.  Sorry you are another person whose GP surgery no longer functions very well - I have had similar experiences - no more appointments this week(!); do you want to talk to the practice nurse (yes please, I'll talk to anyone!) and generally made to feel like a nuisance to the point where I will suffer almost any amount of pain rather than ring them (having spoken to other patients there I am glad to learn it is not just me).    They have bunged me off to physiotherapy at the local hospital (for a swollen and red leg following an accident) which is not doing much good as yet but the hydrotherapy is quite pleasant so I will see out the appointments. Anyway, that is me.  I don't think you should accept the treatment you are getting from your GP; in any event how can you just turn up at the hospital if you have had no referral from your GP.  I know it goes against the grain to make a fuss but if you are suffering and worried you should perhaps talk to whoever the appropriate body is - your GP's website should tell you who this will be.  Now, as to your questions, bearing in mind that I have not your experiences, I don't think they can be sure from an ultrasound but would need to do further tests (can anyone help me here?) and also I believe test results are generally given in person (although I could not say that this 100 per cent the case).  Best wishes to you - I just didn't want you to feel ignored!  Annie

  • Hi Annie, 

    Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it.  

    I have decided to stop wondering and worrying about it and have (mostly) succeeded.  Google is great for information and for wonderful resources like this, but like you said, it isn't great for reassurance. 

    My GP surgery have been really awful I think and it is a real shame, but I just don't have that fight in me at the moment. I hope that the CT scan will give me answers quite quickly, I'm not with a uroloigust or anythign, just the gastro doc, so I hope I don't have to wait months for a consultants referal to get the answers - I might justy break!

    Ps I love the pic of your dog on the profile?  Is it a Bichon? We have a cavalier x bichon at home who is lovely xx


  • HI again.  Please do let us know how you get on.   Yes, my little Muffin is a bichon frise - he is a rescue dog I got from Battersea Dogs Home.  He was hyperactive and had had three owners in the two years before he came to live here.  I was worried at first until I got a bit of advice about his diet.  At Battersea they are sponsored by a big dog food manufacturer and they give you  a stack of their food when you take a dog.  Previous dogs from Battersea (Muffin was our third - we had two Staffies before him) had not had any eating issues but I soon learned that Muffin had to have dog food with no additives and - hey presto - he calmed down  and stopped racing around the house up to 2 hours at a time after a meal.  He is still fairly crazy but much better than he was.  There are some lovely bichon crosses I have met in the local parks and commons.  I had never had a small dog before but love him to bits.  Annie

  • Hello,

    i do hope that, by now you have had the CT scan. It is true that a CT will pick up a tumour, but it may also show a shadow if there has been infection present for a while (this may be low level that you haven’t noticed) tumors may of course, be benign, eg: non malignant.

    I f you have continuing different symptoms like the leg pains etc, Perdue the matter with your GP. Whilst there are some awful GP’s about, there are many who just cannot cope with the massive pressure upon them at present. GP numbers per population should be about one GP to 3000 patients. I know of many running at 15000 patients to one GP. There are massive vacancies which can’t be filled. If you have a dismissive GP, try changing them for another. It is your right to do so. And you don’t need to give a reason. Just ask around first to see what the service is like from people you trust.

    you can’t self refer to a hospital consultant. That must come from your GP. The only way to see a consultant , is privately. Just one consultation will be around £300 or more if you have private scans etc. An MRI scan for example, would be anything up to £1000..

    Anyway, the best of luck to you my friend. If you wish to complain about your GP, then you can contact the local CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group). They pay for the care you receive. They can further help you. Failing that, insist on speaking to NHS England local office. They oversee the CCG’s.

    Best wishes,



  • This is the same as me night sweats itching pain in legs,I had a CT scan was for my liver bit picked up something on my left kidney I am terrified and have high anxiety urologist phoning tomorow what made it worse for me was the letter had suspected cancer on how are you doing hope your well and what has been your out come x