Raised ca125 and symptoms

Hi Eveyone.

i am new to the forum. Just looking for some other stories similar to mine really. I went to the doctor after noticing pain in my lower tummy for quite some time along with regular bloating. I had blood tests done and results came back same day with a raised ca125 of 38 and elevated ESR levels. I am aware the cut off is 35 so 38 doesn’t strike me as drastic but along with other symptoms I am quite worried. The past few days my tummy pains have since carried over to my lower back and I feel constantly nauseous (near enough on the verge of throwing up but never do) however I’m not sure if this is a symptom or from nerves. I have an appointment with gynaecologist for scan 20/08/18. 


  • Hi there, I have just been reading though all these comments and I was wondering how you had got on? My level came back as 96 and I'm really worried, I'm hoping you were all fine which would be really reassuring seeing as you're number was quite similar to mine? 

  • Hi there,

    Ive just had a letter back from the hospital after another CA125 test..my original level was 335...yes thats not a typo and now they are at 125 which they have said is re assuring, Ive had a pelvic ultrasound, CT scan and all clear....no idea why it was so high, To go back in 4 months for a repeat scan and blood test

  • Hi Libby,

    Thats good news. What were your symptoms if you don't mind me asking? 

  • Hi there,

    Nothing other than excessive bleeing and pain- no (unusual ) bloating or anything like that- just seems very very high although pleased its coming down.

  • Excessive bleeding during menstrual cycle? What type of pain if u don't mind me asking? 
    was you on ur period at the time of ur blood tests? 

  • Yes had a normal period for 5 days then it started again and was extremely heavy..and this is when the 1st test was taken so understand that 335 was elevated at the time- the pain was like period crmps x 1000 it was dreadful that what i suspected fibroids....but nothing at all

    The cT scan was done because i ended up in hospital with blood clots in my lungs after having covid and 1 of the meds to stop the bleeding and the Gynae team looked over it and didnt see anything and then confirmed that at the pelvic ultrasound.

  • Hi. Did you have any back pain or other pains at all? X

  • Hi I was wondering if anyone had any updates on their situations? 

  • Went to gp with abdominal and back pains. They booked me in for all the bloods including one for ovarian cancer. Result came back abnormal as it was 34. Redid bloods couple days later and risen to 46. Booked me in for emergency scans for 2 weeks time including an appointment with gynae. I am 28 years old with 3 kids and they put tiredness down to having 3 young kids running around me but I am even more tired than usual and can't stop feeling sick. Pains are getting worse ending up with cramps around my hips on my left side. My periods are all up to date so I know it nothing to do with me being pregnant. Any advice would be great as it is keeping me up at nights with worry 

  • Hi there, I too had abdominal and back pain as well as tiredness. My ca125 went from 44 to 96 within a week and then to 42 and my latest result was 45 (about a month ago) I had an ultrasound and an mri of my pelvis and both have came back fine. I did request an mri of my stomach though as I know ca125 can rise from cancers other than just the pelvic area but iv been told to wait for the gynaecologist to refer me. However these last 2-3 weeks since my mri I have been so busy though and it's like I don't even acknowledge any pains within my body whereas before it was all I could focus on cause it would be so prevalent. So I don't know if the pain is psychological and anxiety related to some degree. I'm waiting until October to see my gynaecologist now and have my bloods repeated.

    Btw im only 34 with two very small children, so I can also relate to the extreme worry and sleepless nights that this must be giving you.