Gastroscopy - sedation or not?

Hi all.

I have a friend, female, 60, who has a gastroscopy appointment next week, and doesn't know whether she should have sedation, and if she doesn't have it, should she go with someone anyway. She doesn't have any family nearby so I've offered to accompany her if she wants. 

If you've had this procedure please can I have your opinions about whether or not sedation is important, and whether or not she can go unaccompanied. Thanks in advance. 

  • I've had quite a few of these over the years, your post is an accurate description of my own experience. It's easier after the first one as you know what to expect.

    Yoga type deep breathing techniques really help as your body is more relaxed and less tense when well oxygenated. More easily said than done though as it is hard to avoid that fight or flight mode. 

  • Hello, 


    I am just looking at the dates, on the posts here and realizing that actually this is months ago that you asked about sedation for your friend. 

    I did not have the intention of having sedations for both gastroscopy and endoscopy but ended up having sedation.  I was glad to have had someone with me, so decided to just leave my car overnight and got help home on the bus.  I do not regret this as when I did start to come round it really was quite sore.  I am to have another endoscopy and would prefer to have the sedation again, if possible. 

    Best wishes. 



  • Hi Shortis,


    Just wondering as I had a long wait for biopsy results, whether G.P.s will allow appointments for discussion, as I made a number of requests for a call from my G.P. and have not had a response. I do now have a letter from the hospital so didnt think I was entitled to request an appointment to discuss. 


    best K

  • Hi everyone

    I've just got home after having an gastroscope.

    I thought I'd let you know my experience as I was reading all the messages avidly before I went for mine!

    Like everyone else I was very anxious about the procedure and also the results!

    I opted for sedation after reading everyone else's comments. The sedation I was warned doesn't knock you out , which it didn't but maybe takes the edge off. While I can't say it's a pleasant experience it is bareable and over so quickly! The staff were so lovely and obviously are doing this all day everyday so they know what they're doing.

    Luckily I didn't have any biopsys taken so was given the results straight away. Went for a rest, a cup of tea and a biscuit (which was lovely after fasting). They checked my blood pressure and then off home!

    All in all it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be.

    Hope this helps someone else awaiting this procedure. 

  • I had an endoscopy with sedation this morning. I was a little nervous as I even gag when I go to the dentist! 

    Firstly, the throat spray isn't nearly as bad as some people say. The whole thing went really quickly and I dont even remember gagging. Just a weird feeling when I swallowed and some minor prodding in my stomach and then it was done. 

    I didn't even feel very out of it from the sedation. Just abit wobbly on my feet and abit lightheaded like you do after a few pints, so quite nice really. 

    I just wanted to add this to reassure anyone who is worried. I made the mistake of reading some horror stories on forums before and I think the problem is that most people will only post if they have a bad experience. After my experience if I had to have another one tomorrow I would not be nervous in the slightest. 


  • This will be my 4th endoscopy on Friday I had the first two with out sedation I don't like the spray that you have up your nose and in your throat as they both sting and is very uncomfortable. 
    so I decided to have sedation last time, they seemed reluctant to agree to me having sedation and was giving all the reasons why I should have it without but I insisted I had it. 
    it was so much better than not having it. 
    so I would say have sedation and if you get any resistance don't give in. 
    I hope all goes well for your friend and I would also like to say that you are a loverly person for helping her, unfortunately people like you are very rare. 

  • It didn't make me feel as though I was choking it only made me gag. 

  • It amazes me that this procedure isn't performed under general anesthesia. All information I could find on the NHS says that the procedure 'can be uncomfortable'. This is a dishonest representation of how bad it is. Sedation may make you forget the horror of it but you still go through it. I had only throat spray which whilst it numbs the skin it does nothing to surpress the gagging vomitting reflex. Staff talk you out of sedation because it is easier for them to manage. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones with no gag reflex but for other people there is no 'sef-control' that could override this instincitive and entirely involuntary response. I would never go through this again without general anesthesia. 

  • I have just come back from a full endoscopy and chose not to take anything. Yes you heard it right no throat spray or sedation. These forums have scared the absolute life out of me so I want to reassure anyone who is reading these links prior to this procedure don't listen.

    It was very quick not painful and actually not really that unpleasant just a bit strange.

    Saw it all on screen was talked through each stage and would do it again right now with no hesitation.

    Walked straight out and went and had a meal.

    I need another one in 8 weeks and will not spend sleepless nights thinking the worst.

    Relax listen to the doctor and it will be over in less than 10 mins. I didn't gag, feel like I was choking or couldn't breath. As the doctor said you won't be sick your stomach is empty, you can't choke it's not big enough and you breath through your nose like you should always be doing. Please don't spend any more time worrying. 


  • I had my endoscope today with the throat spray and I can honestly say the build up is the worst. The nurses were so calming and made sure you were ok. Never had an issue and I'm so happy I went for the throat spray over the sedation. 

    I went in scared to death before I went in.  So I said at the desk that I wanted sedation. After talking to two different nurses they said I could try it with the throat spray and if it didn't work I could go back and get the sedation. One of the nurses shared her experience and said she gagged a lot less with the throat spray so I chose that. 

    I got my blood pressure, temperature and heart rate checked then got into my gown and sat for about 20 mins waiting. The nurses came in and checked on you every so often. 
    After that they took you into the room where you meet the person who is conducting the procedure. She reassured me that I could put my hand up and they would stop and let me calm down if I needed to. 
    They spoke through what was going to happen and then I got the throat spray which I weirdly liked the taste of. It was like bannana sweets just more alcoholy. I got told to lie on my side and got my mouth guard put in. 
    She slowly inscerted it. They talked me through the full thing telling me how long she thought I had left. And told me when I was over the worst bit which is 2 seconds into it after than you are just uncomfortable. She kept telling me how to breath and cuddled me the full time. 

    It was over in 4 mins. I didn't gag I did however burp once they brought it out which everyone just laughed at and said it was totally normal. 

    After that I got my stuff and the nurses that had dealt with me before came and said that I done so well and that I was a "champ". 

    Honestly it's not that bad. You will only hear the bad stuff. Tbh there isn't much good stuff about it. At the end of the day it is a camera going down your throat. It's uncomfortable and if you gag just remember you can breath and you need to focus on your breathing. The camera is smaller than your pinky in width and the worst part is going over your tongue. 

    I know it's hard but try and remain calm. Think loads of people get this done daily.