Hard Lump on the Back of Neck

Hey Guys, 

So I’ve reached a point where I literally cannot stop thinking/worrying about this lump on the back of my neck. It’s on my hair line to the left of the back of my neck. It’s a hard, non-moveable lump that feels around 2-3cm diameter. I rarely self-diagnose because I know how horrifying Dr. Google can be, but since I’ve already lost someone to cancer, every hard lump is a bit of a red flag. I’ve suddenly also started getting really bad migraines which make me feel so dizzy, am constantly tired with joint and muscle aches, and I have both back pains (lower back and sometimes around shoulder blades) and a super intense chest pain that comes and goes (particularly when I drink gin, which is unfortunate to say the least!). I’m also struggling quite a bit to breathe recently - it just feels like my chest is constantly tight with some relatively infrequent coughing.

I have been to the GP who just believed that it’s a lymph node that’s naturally sticking out a bit (which is what I originally thought anyway), but it’s now been a week and it seems to be getting bigger (I was also wondering if lymph nodes in their natural state should be solid and non-moveable?). I was given a PPI and sent on my way (to deal with the chest pains). I’m presenting barely any classic infection symptoms which initially got me worried; so naturally my worryful mind immediately thought it could be the worst case scenario. 

I’ve seen many posts here about the same kind of issue, but I was wondering if back pains, migraines and chest pains/breathlessness have any connections to neck lumps with regards to those who have been through the process. 

Thanks so much! 

  • Dear Rob123, 

    Sorry to hear about your lump. You have done the correct thing to get it seen to by a doctor. It seems you are still concerned as you mention the lump is getting bigger. You could make another appointment to get it checked out again, either with the same doctor you saw at your initial appointment or a different doctor within the practice if you feel you want a second opinion.

    Dr Google's diagnosis on lumps sometimes leads to a "diagnosis" of "C" but lumps could be benign, ie non cancerous. 

    I'm not a doctor or nurse but I do know that apparently there are times when a lymph node comes up e.g. When the body is run down or if you've been unwell (I've had this).

    You mention some other symptoms you have been experiencing. It is difficult to say whether they are all due to the lump or if they are a separate issue/issues. One suggestion is to keep a "symptoms diary" which may help you (and the doctor) to see how often you experience particular symptoms, how painful it is, and if it is triggered by something. 

    Keeping stress levels as low as possible can also help. I know it's easier said than done! 

    Hope things get sorted soon. Feel free to keep us posted.



  • I have a very similar situation. Mine has been there for almost a month. Recently it has been feeling more uncomfortable, but I have caught a cold so it could be that. I am not sure when to see the doctor about it because it is still small, just bigger than a pea. 


  • Hi Rob

    i just wondered whether you have had a diagnosis as I have a similar lump to what you described? 



  • I have this lump too, no bigger than a pea, on the back of my neck for a few days. My friend had a similar bump on his neck which he got checked out for and was told it was down to stress. I am hoping mine is the same diagnoses.


  • hi rob, I was wondering if you have had a diagnosis for the lump on the back of your neck as I’ve been gett8mg the exact same symbols as u have had, back pain that started at the lower bit and then travelled to the shoulder blade, sometimes my left lung feels incredibly tight and uncomfortable and now I’ve found the lump at the back on the neck. Just wondering if you have had any news on it. Thank you 

  • I had a squamous cell carcinoma excised from my back with clear margins two years ago.  I have had three monthly check ups for lymph nodes under my arms, all clear.  Then at the end of June this year I found a hard lump which did not move, and was mildly tender upon touch. No other symptoms and felt normal.  However I went straight to doctor the next day, the lump was measured as 2 cms by 1.5 cms. I had ultra sound scan and two punch biopsies the following week, which proved cancer, but not type of cancer.  I have blood taken and two CTscans, one with no dye and one with dye, which my inside showed as normal, so bit of a mystery.  I then had the complete lump excised with very large margins.  Now waiting to have stitches out and histology on the whole lump.

  • Hi what was the result of this? I had similar experience.

  • The pathology on the lump which was removed proved difficult to read.  There were multi disciplinary team meetings weekly for 4 weeks, with more pathology each time.  Eventually it was decided that it was not cancer, but a deep type fibrous histiocytoma.  I still have to go every 3 months for check ups on any further lesions and also examining my lymph nodes.

  • Hi Rob159

    Did you get an answer about the lump on your neck yet? I hope it wasn't serious.

    My son has an immovable lump on his neck, it is dome shaped, firm, whitish. He visited his GP recently who said it was nothing. It is still there and growing. I am worried now as genuinely thought there was nothing to worry about, but as it has grown and feels more firmer than before , I will be the one calling his GP. It will be a call back as GP' s aren't seeing anyone still. It'll take weeks before my son sees a dermatologist. 


  • Hi Rob,

    I wonder what happened to yours?

    I have the exact lump, but without any symptoms apart from aching shoulder, back and arms.

    It's interesting to read comments from this year as well.

    I have a mainly firm lump at the back of my neck only on the left side. I have a 7 month old to carry every day, so the pain could be coming from that too.

    Please send updates everyone!

