Hard large lymph node above collar bone

So.... I had my 3rd baby 6 weeks ago by c-section. (Just mentioning this incase it's useful info)

Around 10days after she was born i noticed quite a large hard lump on the left side near my collar bone to the front area. I have read before on these type of lumps and know that it probably wasn't good news.  

I went to the Drs who said to go for an ultrasound. I went for the ultrasound and he said he thought it was a lymph node but didn't do a fine needle biopsy there and then as he thought I would need more imaging done. I then got booked for a ct scan 3 days later and had that.

I have also been referred to a haematologist and my appointment is tomorrow. I'm guessing I will get results from the ct scan. I'm just terrified .

I Had initial bloods done which showed low iron slightly and my liver tests were abnormal  ( I do have gallstones so possibly why?)

Just looking for reasurance of maybe something similar that has happened to anybody else. I know I will find out more tomorrow but at the moment I just want to talk to others that may be able to help.


  • Hello Summer 88; I realise you will be going to your appointment today but wanted to at least say hello - we are all a bit behind after the Easter bank holiday weekend and everyone is playing catch-up.  Methinks you  may have been consulting Dr Google on the internet; there is a doctor who should be struck off as s/he is responsible for more unnecessary stress on this forum than anything else.  But it is human nature to do so,  They have to cast their net very wide and people wonder how on earth they are still alive!   I am sorry that you have been sitting worrying and with noone to share your worries.    I hope that by the time you read this you will be feeling better and perhaps you would be kind enough ot let us know how you got on at your appointment.  Annie

  • Hi Summer88, I am going through a similar thing with an enlarged rubbery, painless left supraclavicular node approx. 2-3cm in size. Was yours movable at all? I have just had my blood test done, and I am having an ultrasound on Monday, what were your results in the end? I am feeling very worried after consulting Dr. Google, and have also have booked myself in for a private Melanoma screening this afternoon.

    Thank you!

  • I have a CT scan on the same thing in my neck/behind ear. Have either of you had your results with some news to reassure me? 

  • Hi Lucy, I had 2 ultrasounds and approx. 12 blood tests in the end. Results showed Lyme disease and I have been on antibiotics for a month to clear it up. Doctors suspect this is the cause, however there has been no change to the lymph node since I last wrote and I will be going back for a third ultrasound in a month. I hope your results come back clear! Xx

  • Hello I was just wondering what the out come of the node was? I have something similar :-(

  • Hello, just wondering what the out of your collar bone node was? I have something similar ... mine is about 1cm, hard and painless... :-( 

  • hi hun 


    do you know want your white white blood count is??