So.... I had my 3rd baby 6 weeks ago by c-section. (Just mentioning this incase it's useful info)
Around 10days after she was born i noticed quite a large hard lump on the left side near my collar bone to the front area. I have read before on these type of lumps and know that it probably wasn't good news.
I went to the Drs who said to go for an ultrasound. I went for the ultrasound and he said he thought it was a lymph node but didn't do a fine needle biopsy there and then as he thought I would need more imaging done. I then got booked for a ct scan 3 days later and had that.
I have also been referred to a haematologist and my appointment is tomorrow. I'm guessing I will get results from the ct scan. I'm just terrified .
I Had initial bloods done which showed low iron slightly and my liver tests were abnormal ( I do have gallstones so possibly why?)
Just looking for reasurance of maybe something similar that has happened to anybody else. I know I will find out more tomorrow but at the moment I just want to talk to others that may be able to help.