Cervix abnormalities, Urgent referral


Im in a terrible state after being given an urgent referral to a gynaecologist. Last week during a routine smear test, the nurse said she could see an abnormality above my cervix. She stated it looked like a reddish/purplish blood blister. She immediately telephoned the surgery’s GP who specialises in ‘women’s health’ & she agreed to free up an apt for today.

Follwing examination the GP said she could certainly see what the nurse had described & that it bled easily upon examination. The GP examined me further & said she could feel abnormalities across the whole surface of my cervix. The leaflet I was given about my 2 week urgent referral states it is because my symptoms or examination could indicate cancer.

She asked me if there was any family history of cervical or breast cancer, which there isn’t. I had an abnormal smear, CIN 3, apx 20yrs ago, but following treatment for this, my smears have always been normal.

Im terrified, I have two little boys & my mind is running away with me. Does anyone have any experience of these symptoms or any advice? Thankyou to you all xx

  • Hi Minska, 

    thank you for replying, it's nice to know there are people out there I can talk to, I'm just holding on to the hope that the smear is right and there are no abnormal cells x

  • Hi Dawnann

    I’m around and about the forum most days, so I’m happy to chat if you need to. x

  • It's 4.20am and I can't sleep after the gp told me I have abnormalities on my cervix after I booked an appointment because of bleeding after sex.


    I don't have any more info but she has done the 2 week referral. 


    I can't put my mind at rest, all I can think of is my 2 beautiful children. 


    Some of these comments have helped but I struggled to work today and keep focused. I love my work and was hoping it would take my mind off everything but it didn't.


    I know I have to wait for my next appointment now and there's not much I can do until then 


    I'm terrified. 

  • Hello Scared33

    We are all frightened to fear there might be anything seriously wrong with us, but abnormalities don’t automatically mean cancer, and nor does bleeding after sex. The gp is not the expert here, the gynaecologist is, and being referred is the only way to know what is happening. It is better to know and be treated than not go, so well done for having your symptoms investigated. Maybe I’m a bit odd....I never worried or thought about cancer until the actual words were said to me. I don’t believe in worrying unnecessarily when you don’t have all the information because it’s too exhausting and stressful. I never lost a nights sleep even before receiving my biopsy results because I never considered I might have cancer. Maybe blissful ignorance! 

    All I can suggest is tips to help with anxiety. Deep breathing, using a meditation app like Headspace and living in the moment. You cannot change or influence the outcome of your appointment, but it is possible to reduce your anxiety levels surrounding it. 

    I see so many ladies come on the forum and fear they are going to leave their children before they know anything is even wrong..please try not to have that mindset. Positivity is a huge thing and very helpful, but you have to consciously decide to think positively. The more you worry and stress, the worse things become in your mind. Don’t google, or you’ll increase your anxiety with irrelevant information, but come here for support and help. Someone will always listen! And even if you were to get the news that you had cancer, and it’s a huge IF. it can be very successfully treated. I’m 3 years from my original diagnosis of cervical cancer and have gone through it twice. I’m still standing! I hope your referral comes through quickly, and keep in touch to let us know how you get on. x

  • Thanks I needed this. Feeling a bit more with it today and I have managed to calm myself when I start to loose myself in my head. 

    Your words are comforting and I will try to live the next day's in the moment. I'm glad I found this chat and I feel like I will be able to cone here if I need it x

  • I’m glad to hear you are feeling a little calmer. The mind is a powerful thing and can lead us down all sorts of rabbit holes, but things are rarely as bad as we fear. Definitely use the chat forum, as you will hopefully find it helpful for you, and it’s good to talk with others who understand the fears.x

  • Hi dawn can I please ask how you got on! I could have write your message, I'm having exactly the same symptoms and had also had my coil removed recently! 

  • I haven’t officially received a diagnosis yet but I’m looking for a bit of support/advice! 
    I had merina coil removed in July and I bleed heavily for 4 weeks! I was put on to destrogen pill but it wasn’t agreeing with me so after 3 months I stopped taking it and again I bled heavily for 4 weeks, however this time I’ve developed a slight smelly brown discharge! I was at doctors yesterday and she gave me a smear and noticed the cervix looked abnormal, her response panicked me! She seems really worried, anyway she’s sending off for an urgent gynae appointment! I do have occasion pelvic pain and intercourse does hurt sometimes but not all the time!  
    I’ve had very frequent smears, and the latest one was only in July of this year when I got my coil removed! ! 
    I’m absolutely terrified after the doctors reaction, I phoned her today and she was slightly more reassuring but she really wants me to see gynae ASAP! She said she’s noticed a difference in my cervix since July! I'm feeling really rubbish and magnifying every twinge I feel now! Sorry to be such a moaning Annie 

  • Hi Annie hope you are ok, sorry to hear your worrying so much the waiting for appointments is so hard isn't it, I had my biopsy results on the 1st of October and unfortunately it was cancer, I had ct the same afternoon and mri on the 7th to see if there was spread, my cervix looked awful when they looked at it so I was expecting the worse to be honest, lots of things can be on the cervix so try not to worry until you have been checked out by the professionals, mean while the lovely ladies here will give you all the support you need they have really helped me xx

  • Thank so much for the reply! I wish you a speedy recovery xx