Cervix abnormalities, Urgent referral


Im in a terrible state after being given an urgent referral to a gynaecologist. Last week during a routine smear test, the nurse said she could see an abnormality above my cervix. She stated it looked like a reddish/purplish blood blister. She immediately telephoned the surgery’s GP who specialises in ‘women’s health’ & she agreed to free up an apt for today.

Follwing examination the GP said she could certainly see what the nurse had described & that it bled easily upon examination. The GP examined me further & said she could feel abnormalities across the whole surface of my cervix. The leaflet I was given about my 2 week urgent referral states it is because my symptoms or examination could indicate cancer.

She asked me if there was any family history of cervical or breast cancer, which there isn’t. I had an abnormal smear, CIN 3, apx 20yrs ago, but following treatment for this, my smears have always been normal.

Im terrified, I have two little boys & my mind is running away with me. Does anyone have any experience of these symptoms or any advice? Thankyou to you all xx

  • Hi knmum

    I’m sorry you have health anxiety..it must be so debilitating to be constantly worried. I do suffer from anxiety too, but medication is helpful for me thankfully and did help at my first diagnosis. 

    The first time round round I had abnormal bleeding on and off, a watery discharge, and pelvic pain with pain in my right hip going down my leg. Very like sciatic pain...I used to suffer from sciatica so it was similar. I NEVER googled. Too many rabbit holes you can go down, assuming worst case scenario for everything you read so I actually never considered doing it. Then again, maybe if I had I would have gone to the doctor sooner! It’s definitely inaccurate to say this cancer shows no symptoms until it spreads to other areas. I know lots of women with this cancer and that is not true for any of them.

    Despite my symptoms, my cancer was contained in the cervix at my original diagnosis and hadn’t spread elsewhere. I did treatment and got no evidence of disease but within 9 months it was back and very aggressive this time. However, I’ve had radical treatment this time and am currently doing really well thank you. 

    I hope your appointment goes as well as it can and that things are not as bad as you think. Please let us know if you can..I’m happy to help if I can, having been through this twice in 18 months. xx

  • Hello ladies. I'm new to this chat.

    I'm 47 and have just felt a pea sized lump on the opening of my cervix. I've booked myself in for a smear on the 16th Sept. Should I do anything different? Maybe tell my gp what I've found first?

    Terrified and have been thinking about my mortality.

    Thank you in advance

  • Hello themoog and welcome.


    It’s impossible to say what the lump could be...maybe it’s a normal part of your anatomy! No need to panic at this point, but I would mention to the doctor so it can be checked when you go for your smear. Good luck with your appointment. 

  • Hey,


    I'm in a similar situation with yourself although no symptoms but a hard lump on my cervix. Periods are always regular between 26-28 days and no bleeding inbetween period. 
    Have they told you what this could maybe be? Thanks. X

  • Hiya Ladies,


    So i am 22. 2 boys , 3&1. I have been having some problems lately which brought my attention to go see the doctor. I had my bloods done and then was booked in for a swab.

    abornormal bleeding with clots

    bleeding between my periods

    numbness and pins and needles in my lower to middle abdomen 

    back pain

    pain when i have sex

    bleeding after sex 

    weeing more than usual

    Smelling down below quite frequently 


    family history of cervical cancer and pre cancerous cells.


    So yesterday I went for my swab and she immediately called the doctor. The doctor said my cervix is very swollen and that i have numerous blisters on my cervix

    She then proceeded to say I will need to be referred and seen within the next 2 weeks.


    very stressed and nervous :( 

  • how did you get on??? 

    I'm in a similar situation following a routine smear got told I need an urgent referral as in the nurses and doctors words my cervix looked unhealthy!


    unfortunately I've not been able to help myself and Googled everything and now think I'm imagining symptoms I wasn't aware of before as I've totally convinced myself it's something sinister 


    more than anything it's the overactive mind and waiting for that appointment 

  • Hi, I am currently going through the same, I'm also a nurse with high anxiety and this is my worst nightmare!!

    I hate it!

    I hope all went well for you x

  • Hi love did you found out anything i just worrying sick last year i have cin1 I repeat my smear last Thursday the nurse nothing said to me but on coment she put cervicitis/ ectropion i just wonder if this can be cancer because obviously she can't say through looking but obviously she saw something bad i have to wait for my result so scared i been told last year from GP that my cervix looks bad and she refers me for urgent colposcopy then the lady said she didn't see nothing like ectropion now i don't understand how she can't see and after a year the nurse said the same ectropion and cervicitis what i never hear before CRYING EVERY SINGLE DAY please girls any one have similar situation and was ok just scared of CC 

  • Hello I'm looking for reassurance I'm going out of my mind with worry, I've been having a few spots of blood and abdominal pain plus discharge, went to the doctors last Friday for a smear that was long overdue, was told they could see something on my cervix and referred me to coloscopy straight away, my smear test results came back clear no sign of hpv but when I was re examined on Thursday the doctor said she needed to chase appointment asap as she didn't like the look of what she saw, I'm confused how can the smear be clear and I have suspected cancer cells, She also found a cervix infection that was oozing pus so I'm on antibiotics, I'm absolutely terrified x

    i also had my coil removed in November 2020 and there was no sign of this then x

  • Hi Dawnann

    It’s  impossible really to guess what might be going on until you have the colposcopy and have your cervix examined. A smear is not a diagnostic test for cervical cancer, it’s a screening for abnormal cells, so it’s a plus that you don’t appear to have abnormal cells. I know it’s easy to say don’t worry when you are terrified, but try not to let your thoughts run away with the thought of cancer just yet before you have a specialist examination. x