Cervix abnormalities, Urgent referral


Im in a terrible state after being given an urgent referral to a gynaecologist. Last week during a routine smear test, the nurse said she could see an abnormality above my cervix. She stated it looked like a reddish/purplish blood blister. She immediately telephoned the surgery’s GP who specialises in ‘women’s health’ & she agreed to free up an apt for today.

Follwing examination the GP said she could certainly see what the nurse had described & that it bled easily upon examination. The GP examined me further & said she could feel abnormalities across the whole surface of my cervix. The leaflet I was given about my 2 week urgent referral states it is because my symptoms or examination could indicate cancer.

She asked me if there was any family history of cervical or breast cancer, which there isn’t. I had an abnormal smear, CIN 3, apx 20yrs ago, but following treatment for this, my smears have always been normal.

Im terrified, I have two little boys & my mind is running away with me. Does anyone have any experience of these symptoms or any advice? Thankyou to you all xx

  • Hi Twinmum08,

    Thanks so much for your reply. I am absolutely petrified and I'm sorry you have had to go through similar worries. My appointment with the gynaecologist is on Monday. I have tried to keep busy but the fear of the worst keeps coming into my mind. I'm so frightened about what it could be :(

    I'm glad to hear all was ok with you and I really hope it is for me also. I've never been so scared.

    Thank you again for your reply xxx

  • Thanks Lizzy. I will let you know. I'm petrified, I really am and I feel like it's all I'm thinking about - just sat here constantly fearing the worst. I'm so glad all was ok for you and pray it is for me too xxx

  • Hi Twinmum08,

    I replied to you just now but I can't seem to find it so think it's linked to someone else's comment by mistske - no idea how that happened! 

    Thank you so much for your reply and I'm so glad to hear all was ok for you. I'm just so frightened. My appointment is on Monday and it's all I can think about - I just keep fearing the worst, especially from hearing and seeing all the terrible stories in the media. I'm even more worried than I otherwise would be because I was over 18 months late having my smear because the doctor's surgery had the wrong address for me so I never received the letter. It was only after seeing a reminder post on Facebook that I phoned to ask when my next one was due. Never been so scared. 

    Thank you again for your reply xxx

  • Hi I had CIN3 13yrs ago I got Letz treatment done I have had normal smears since but on my last smear my cervix bleed very easy and I got referred for colposcopy when I went in upon examination I seen a purple spot on my cervix he said that's normal from the treatment . But just read what u said and I'm not so sure now .

  • Are you able to ask to get checked again? I would ask to be checked again/second opinion - to put your mind at rest, if nothing else. Good luck x

  • Hi 

    I'm going out of my mind with worry. I went for my smear test on Thursday the nurse spent ages examine me. She kept apologising and then said. I've seen a yellowish blister on your cervics. I have been having irregular bleeding but put it down to my age. I'm 50. She was also concerned because I had been prescribed the wrong HRT. She told me to stop taking it immediately. She also disappeared and left me in a room for 15 mins worrying myself to death. I've not slept of really ate since. I'm bleeding now so I do fear the worst. 
    it's just a waiting game. My best friend works for Macmillan and also was a sister on a gynaecologist ward. I'm asking her constant questions. 
    I hope Everyone in this thread is ok and doing well. I posted on another thread but didn't get any response 

    kind regards C x

  • Hello, I'm new to this group, my gp found an abnormality in my cervix on Wednesday, she explained it is an area that looks like cobbles!  I have an appointment for the 2 week referral next week so earlier than 2 weeks but I'm also going out of my mind with worry ! How did you get on? I hope you was ok in the end xx

  • Hi,

    Sorry to hear this! I was examined by a gynaecologist who said he couldn't see any abnormality so not sure what my GP saw. It's such a worrying time, isn't it? I hope all turns out to be ok for you xx

  • Hi hunny just wondering how you got on? And if you found out what the cobbles were?

    katie x

  • Hi so sorry to bother you as know it's an old post, but I wondered how you got on? I'm in a state of panic and anxiety to the point it's ruining my life.

    this week I've had some blood/discharge so went for an examination and my gp found abnormalities and bumps on my Cervix and she's referred me for an urgent app. I'm fearing the worst. I had a smear last year which came back negative for hpv xx