Subungual melanoma?

Well  is just like to share a little story about what’s going on with me. I am a single mom of 2 kids and I am 29 years old. I am over weight but I have no diabetes. I noticed around a month ago a black mark on BOTH big toes roughly in the same area. Inner side next to smaller toes doesn’t grow out with my nail doesn’t hurt. I went and say my doctor 2 weeks ago and he wasn’t sure what to tell me I went today and the same thing he just doesn’t know 100% what it could be. I even had another doctor come in and look they are both stumped. So now I have to go back in 6 weeks and see what they say again. Has anyone had melanoma on both big toes? Is that something that can happen?


Edited on Friday, 23/02/2018 - 19.55 by Moderator Steph. Photograph removed by moderator in line with terms and conditions

  • Hi Jolamine, yes I am currently having chemo in fact tomorrow will be my last one :) but the discolouration on the toenails started waaaay before the chemotherapy.  Will update in the coming months if the toenails colour looks better.  The foot specialist seemed quite sure it was bruising from footwear.  

    If ok, happy to receive a reminder from you for the update - the chemo and dealing with a 3 and 1yr old have me forgetting a lot of things I need to be doing!

    Take care x


    Hi DebRod,

    If the the discolouration started way before your chemo, chances are that it is bruising. I shall certainly remind you, if I too can remember. I haven't had chemo, but some of my medication caused forgetfullness.

    Between the two of us we can do our best to stay in touch. I'm sure that you'll be glad to finish your chemo tomorrow and, hope that all goes well for you from here on in.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Hi can I ask what the outcome was for you as I have what sounds similar on both big toes? Thanks 

  • Hi Din,

    I notice that Jojo's post was over 3 years ago, so you may not get a reply. Sometimes we can get bruising on our toenails and get a blueish/black colouring under the nail. I am not a doctor myself, but can only presume that this might have been why the doctor wasn't concerned about this with Jojo. If this is the case, you should gradually see the new nail slowly grow up from the bottom of the nail to the free end. This process can take up to 8 months or more to grow up completely.

    However, if you're worried about you own big toes and are unaware of having had any pressure on the nails which might have caused this, please make an appointment with your GP to make sure.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi thanks so much for your response. 
    i've got two brown marks on both big toes on the inside (the same place on either foot) and my doctor has referred me to see a dermatologist and I have an appointment next week.   

    The marks aren't vertical lines but I am worried. The doctor said they could be moles but as they are on both toes I'm not sure his likely this is however he said as it's on both my toes that's a good sign. 


    Hi Din,

    I'm glad to hear that you have an appointment next week and, hope that this turns out to be due to something simple.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,
