Urgent referral for ultrasound

Hi everyone, I feel like a bit of a fraud posting on here as nothing has been confirmed yet but I was hoping to get some advice/ support from others who may have been in my position. I’m in my late twenties and have had irregular periods for a long time. Not only that, I have pain whilst urinating and feel the urge to urinate. I also have post coital bleeding which has been a concern Along with other cc symptoms. I’ve had a smear and although the results aren’t back yet, I was given an urgent referral for an ultrasound which I’ve already been given an appointment for. This is all happening very fast and I’m not quite sure what to think of it, if anything at all. My main question was, what can I expect from my ultrasound? Should I be worried?  

  • Hi there hunny .. just seen your thread again and looks like your still waiting ... i see my oncologist next Thursday for final result ... so well carry on keeping everyting crossed to gether again ... thats why we wait wait wait ... thats why we end up in a "waiting room"  

    We can do this ... you stay positive ... I'm right here next to you ... hold on brave lady ... Chrissie

  • Hi Chrissy, 

    oh I really do hope that everything goes well with your oncologist next week. Thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate it. And yes, the waiting is the toughest part of the ‘not knowing’. I will be sure to update as and when I receive any more news. Xxx 

  • Hi all. I’ve now had my Hysteroscopy, D&C polypectomy and endometrial biopsy. Despite being fast tracked for everything else, I still haven’t received the results to my smear test. It’s been 3 weeks. Is that a Normal amount of time considering everything else has happened within those 3 weeks? I guess now it’s just a waiting game of biopsy results. Slightly nervous. 

  • Hi there ... Sorry your still waiting ... Let us know when you hear ... Got a letter to say my lumps "calsification," but Dr felt it on app at hospital, and didn't look to happy ... So he wants me to have day surgery to take them out ... So gotta wait couple of weeks for that ... But o.k l'll keep myself busy so it goes quicker ... Like l tell others  ; )). So let's still keep everything crossed ... Well We'll get there ...what's another wait a ... Chrisie xx


  • hi i was wondering how you both got on. hoping everything came back ok for you both

  • Hi there ..

    Well this is a blast from the past ... lol ... I had my op to reopen my scar and take those pesky calsification lumps taken out... all healed well .. doing good thanks .. 

    I've no idea about other lass .. as so many come on here, and drift away .. would love to know how she is too .. fingers crossed she may see this .. hope your o.k Beth... 

    Chrissie xx