bleeding for 6 weeks every day non stop

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same as me as im going out my mind with worry. Ive been on the rigividon pill on and off for years now prob nearly ten years i have just started in the last six weeks bleeding constantly fresh blood every day having to wear pads i bleed after sex,orgasims, going to the toilet just any pressure down there i bleed. I went for a scan today and said they could not see anything. I had a cervical screening smear two yrs ago now just no one or gp seems to listen or understand that this has never been normal for me. Any infor would be good or similar experiences thanks

  • Hey Ellsbells0464

    so not totally the same situation but somewhat similar. I am 26 and also trying for a baby atm but suffering from prolonged bleeding currently (at 5 weeks now). This is what I assumed to be my first period since having my first baby 9 months ago.

    I've visited the doctor who have prescribed tranexamic acid which has helped the slow / lessen the bleeding but I'm still bleeding. My periods have never been regular or heavy so this bleeding I'm having now is very unusual for me. 

    im in the same boat of thinking if I'm constantly bleeding am I even ovulating?! I told the gp I was trying to get pregnant but they never mentioned 'oh by the way this won't happen until the bleeding stops' 

    GP has now given me blood tests which showed nothing as well as a pelvic exam and smear which they said are confident will be clear. 

    not sure if I should push for further investigation?! I feel like I'm making a fuss as it's my first bleed since giving birth. I've scoured the internet for people in a similar situation but this thread is the only place I can find anything somewhat similar. 

    have you heard about the drug metaformin? It's used with pcos sufferes who have irregular cycles to help regulated their cycles. Wondered if maybe since your post it had been prescribed? I think that's my next step to discuss with GP if tests are clear and I'm still bleeding ina few weeks... 


    love to know how you're doing now?? 

  • I've been bleeding for a year and 6 months everyday non stop. The doctor said all i can really do is go on the pill to stop the bleeding but nobody is listening to me. Did your bleeding stop and if so what did you do to stop it?

  • I'm in the same boat, I've always had prolonged heavy periods but I would get prescribed northistorone by the doc which would stop the bleeding. This no longer works at all.  I started bleeding February 2020 so nearly a year and half now. I've had numerous scans and blood tests, bloods always normal. Got cysts on ovaries but these are small and no concern to the gynaecologist. There seems to be no end in sight. Each time I see the gynaecologist it just seems to be repeated scans and bloods but these take months for the appointments to come through. I'm literally losing all patience, I'm serverly anemic because of this so constantly tires all the time hope everyone's sorted soon. I have 3 beautiful children aged from 2 to 12 and I'm now pushing for a hysterectomy so I can just be done with it all.

  • Hiya, what's happening to me is similar to what your going through, I always had heavy prolonged periods but I've been bleeding since March with only a couple of days that it stopped.  I had an abnormal smear last year and had a colposcopy which was clear I was told to have another smear in a year which was March this year but I have been bleeding since the beginning of March so have been unable to get it done.  I have a couple internal scan booked for 24th May and had a blood test today for what I assume is CA125, I have convinced myself that I either have cervical or ovarian cancer and am sick with worry. I hope you and all the other ladies on here get sorted soon xx

  • Hi I don't know if you will see this but I have pcos I have irregular bleeding since the day I started my period at 12 I've currently been bleeding for 9 weeks I've had tablets to stop but doesn't work. I have two beautiful little boys. I just want to let you know it is possible my first came naturally but my second came from Metformin and strict diet due to pcos. I hadn't had a period for a year or even before I ovulated for the first time to conceive my last one. I have a period of bleeding for months and then not bleeding for months they is no Inbetween I hate it but I'm trying to work around it. You have to keep on at your doctor over and over I've been lucky to have a doctor that will prescribe anything she can to help.

  • Hey Jmlburn! Unfortunately not, I'm still bleeding. They've prescribed me tranexamic acid which eases the symptoms but not by much! They're just taking the easy option by offering you the pill I can't do that or anything hormonal as I'm trying to have a baby. But proving impossible atm. Have you had scans or any blood tests? 

  • Hey Porch17. Thank you for your reassuring message, that's amazing you've been able to have two boys, congratulations honestly. It's such a minefield. What sort of strict diet do you eat? I'm currently trying my hardest to lose weight but I've been on and off for 2 years but overall lost more than I've gained. My partner although he's gotten used to my periods being constant, he still doesn't feel that comfortable when we try, it's just relentless. When did you find opportunities to try when you were bleeding so much like me? That's my main issue really, I'm waiting for the 6 month break as that's what usually happened before the coil but who's to say I'll ovulate during that time? So frustrating:( I'm waiting for scan results but docs are pretty dismissive. This time I'm really eager to get to the bottom of it though, fingers crossed 

  • Ok so my process was medication to stop the bleeding which was Norethisterone for ten days. I then started taking Metformin which made me ovulate again. I stopped having any kind of sugar and subtuited meat for veggie meat hence if I had a fry up my partner would have meat sausages I would have vegan ones. portion size is important as well.  I really think you should look into the problem you may have like pcos or another problem with the womb I know one thing it isn't normall at all to bleed for so long one of the reasons you have to keep gettin on to the doctor's. In the 6 month break you have you really need to think about going on a ovulation medication to kick start it I know if you and your partner have no children you can have a bit help off the NHS with it. I really do think it would be the best for you x

  • Hi there I sympathise with what going through, I have been having problems myself .

    About a month ago I strted on the pill called cerelle it was supposed to help with my periods.

    I came on my period and I've been on for 15 days so far very heavy bleeding and clots too.

    I have phoned my doctor twice now and all I get is that it is common to experience light or heavy bleeding till my body gets used to it then the bleeding should stop or get very light.

    Now with how heavy I am I dont want to Continue this pill, I don't want to get to the point where I become anemic or very poorly.

    Has anyone else experience this with a similar pill?


    I really hope your situation has been sorted .

  • I have similar problem, I'm 41 and bleeding now 6-8 weeks.  It started 8 weeks ago.  I seen my GP at 3 weeks of bleeding she prescribed  Tranexamic acid Which I took for 3 days and it did reduce the bleeding.  She prescribed iron, done my bloods. 
    I have seen seen Gynaecologist 3 weeks ago, and he prescribed for me Norethisterone and advised I stop the Tranex acid meds my gp gave me.  The gynae doc tried do endometrial sampling in office but he could not get past the cervix , Iv had this same prob since with 2 attempted & failed coil attempts many 4 years ago from 2 different consultant.  I have one child and a Caesarean section 9 years ago.  I think possibly scar tissue. So now my bleeding has stopped & started past 2 weeks since starting meds.  But I had my bloods done and they normal according to gp receptionist.

     I have to go for hysterscopy next week as they couldn't do the endometrial sampling in office. I must add dont know if relevant but My periods did slow down this year (first time ever) and I had hot flashes beginning of the year and I seen my gp, they done bloods, they said my bloods were peri menopausal but as GP didnt follow up on this, I phoned and the Medical receptionist gave me results.  

    I'm so worried about myself , I went for pelvic scan ultrasound  privately last week as couldn't sleep with sorry and my womb lining is showing thicker.  But the lady said she seen small cyst / fibroid but it's so small they wouldn't normally report on it.   
    I'm so worried as my periods have always been quite light normal 3 days and this is just so strange for me. 
    I do work a lot, not sure if stress causing it.  Has anyone heard of possibly of spike proteins Shedding my aunt told me she heard alot of this especially with massive Vacc program on at moment. 
    It so nice having this group for support and answers.