bleeding for 6 weeks every day non stop

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same as me as im going out my mind with worry. Ive been on the rigividon pill on and off for years now prob nearly ten years i have just started in the last six weeks bleeding constantly fresh blood every day having to wear pads i bleed after sex,orgasims, going to the toilet just any pressure down there i bleed. I went for a scan today and said they could not see anything. I had a cervical screening smear two yrs ago now just no one or gp seems to listen or understand that this has never been normal for me. Any infor would be good or similar experiences thanks

  • Hi Lauren, did you ever find out the cause?? 

    im 23 years old with a 3 year old son. My periods have been all over the place for the last year and half. I'm on no contraception either so can't blame that. From September last year up until Christmas last year I didn't get a period, and then I finally got one at Christmas time which lasted 4 weeks+. I then had a normal period February & March but from then I didn't bleed until June 2020 and I've been bleeding on and off ever since. I had a blood test & internal scan last year which all come back normal. I've now got a doctors appointment on Friday to get my cervix looked at. I can't stop worrying I just feel so sad all the time x 

  • Hi Courtney 


    im really sorry your having the same problems as me unfortunately I still don't know what's going on!! The gynaecologist told me that I either have to stay on the pill to stop the bleeding or continue bleeding! Which really upset me because I wanted to have another child.  aparantly there is nothing wrong with my uterus apart from thickening of the lining, I've had no explanation whatsoever for the bleeding and I'm still worried because I'm taking desogesteral (mini pill) just to mask the bleeding! I was supposed to get a call from the doctors yesterday but they didn't call! They don't really seem to care. I'm really sorry I haven't got an answer for you but just try to relax i will keep in touch with you, if you manage to find out anything please let me know if you don't mind.

    keep your chin up

  • Oh no, I'm so sorry! I suppose they don't really have a clue what's happening with you either I'm guessing. It's all such a worry! I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to get my cervix looked at, I'm dreading it will let you know what gets said. I hope you get some answers soon. It's not nice of them to just leave you to it. 

    im in a girl group on Facebook called Girlpower, it has 18k members in if you'd like to join! I've found it's helped me feel abit relieved when I've posted my worries. X 

  • I know it's rubbish I do feel like they have just left me to it I really hope you get some answers soon and hopefully find out what's happening. I'll have a look for that group on fb thank you that would be great, probably easier to get in touch on there if need be, thanks very much

  • I am 54 and have been bleeding continuously for 16 weeks. It began while I had the a marina coil fitted ( I had one in for 12 years , the last was coming up to the fifth year point).  The coil had stopped my periods completely so I had not had bleeding for the years I had it in. 


    I began bleeding in June despite the coil still being fitted and the dr referred me to a gynaecologist. I couldn't tolerate the trans vaginal scan but the dr said he needed to do a husteriscopy which was agony.  They didn't see anything wrong and my womb lining had not thickened. They removed the coil and said I may get a little bleeding for a few days and if I had not gone through menopause a period. It was also thought that I had vaginal atrophy so he said he would prescribe some vagifem pessaries. 

    Unfortunately, my bleeding continued and worsened.  With the exceptions of a day here and there, it has been relentless and debilitating for 16 weeks. I have been at my wits end as it impacts on everything I do.   The dr arranged to try another trans vaginal scan which I was able to tolerate after being in the vagifem for a while. That showed a possible fibroma on my right ovary the size of a golf ball. They  seem sure it is nothing serious but have requested an MRI scan as they want to investigate further. I am still waiting for that. 

    I have had cervical smears, all clear, blood tests and do far all clear although they want me to have them Ca125 one again.  Because the bleeding is so bad they have now suggested I go back in for another hysteriscopy, another attempt at a biopsy which last time they couldn't get sufficient tissue for and to have the marina coil refitted all under a general anaesthetic this time. I go in for that in two weeks time.


    i gave Gad a letter from my consultant though saying that my uterus lining is 1.7mm and extremely thin. As it is do thin I am at a loss to understand how I can be bleeding so much and do constantly. Another consultant who rang me previously said he thought I had endometrial atrophy and that the marina oil can prevent thickening of the lining as it is progesterone. I can't help thinking that putting a progesterone coil back in will not cure what is going on so I am not sure what to do or say about that. It is obvious that my lining is already very thin. 

    another complication is that for the last two years have been in Lois thinners owing to an embolism.  I had no problems with anything until end of June this year so I also can't understand why that would have caused this.  

    I would be pleased to hear from anyone who has had any similar problems?  

  • Hi Elsine, I'm in the same boat at the moment and also suffer from PCOS. I'm now on week 7 of heavy bleeding with clots. I'm in constant discomfort with sudden sharp pains in my abdomen every so often but can be so severe that it takes me breath away and I'm bent over. The bleeding and the pain aren't the worst. My legs and lower back feel severely bruised and sore, I have constant headaches and my mood swings are horrendous (worse than normal)some days I burst out crying for no reason and my fuse is very short. I'm at my wits end now and want it all to be over so I've been convinced to seek help from my GP. I work at the GP practice so have every faith they will do everything they can to help. I'm just curious on how your situation is now? Have you any advice on what to discuss with the GP for moving forward? 

  • Hi have u since had a diagnosis? How are u now pls as I have exact same my lower back is like a stabbing pain after i go toilet and massive clots pass . 

  • Hey ... I'm on day 72 and yet my results are clear so stressful. What was your outcome? 

  • Hello , 


    been reading the comments on this post. I have been bleeding for 6+ weeks. I am currently on the Implanon contraceptive implant in my arm, however had this for 5 years and haven't had a period this long? Varies throughout day to day in colour and how heavy ? Stopped for two days but came back after sex. Was wondering should I seek more information on this ? 

  • Hey guys! I've read through this whole forum after have had a long and exhausting conversation with my fiancé telling him I've had enough and not interested in investigating anymore. I know a lot of you have only recently had this issue... but I've had heavy, prolonged periods all my teenage/adult life. I'm 25 now, bordering 26 and desperate to have a little family but since I'm constantly bleeding there's literally no opportunity. I've got an under active thyroid, had scans, polyps removed, painful awake biopsies, coils, pills to reduce bleeding and the only thing that works is the mirina coil. Took the coil out to start trying, being positive it might be okay while losing weight and with my thyroid under control but I've bled now for 8 weeks. The doctor jusy says I'm young and I'll be fine, waiting on bloods to come back end of this week to see if pcos could be the cause as all the scans back then did not show this and pretty sure I'm anaemic!! This forum is comforting but also alarming that so many of us go through this without any real support from the doctors. Have any of you had this issue while trying for a baby? I'm pretty sure I'm not ovulating when I'm bleeding non stop but I'd be curious to know if anyone actually did have children while having these issues. :(

    hope you're all okay and keeping safe!!