bleeding for 6 weeks every day non stop

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same as me as im going out my mind with worry. Ive been on the rigividon pill on and off for years now prob nearly ten years i have just started in the last six weeks bleeding constantly fresh blood every day having to wear pads i bleed after sex,orgasims, going to the toilet just any pressure down there i bleed. I went for a scan today and said they could not see anything. I had a cervical screening smear two yrs ago now just no one or gp seems to listen or understand that this has never been normal for me. Any infor would be good or similar experiences thanks

  • Hi All I am going through exact same things you have described. Always had regular periods no issues. Started with some really light periods May last year which were normal for me at all. Begun bleeding in July and bleed for 8 weeks. Finally got into GP but me on tablets to stop it which didn't work. Got in for scan and could see womb lining was very thick over 2 times normal. Bleeding did stop then for 3 months and is now back again worse than ever and been bleeding for 5 weeks at the mo. They've said Smear is fine, No PCOS, No signs of Endometriosis on second scan once bleeding stop and womb lining back to normal again. I feel so weak and exhausted all the time. No hormone issues so i have no idea. I'm quite overweight so i feel like that may have not helped me and just feel guilty about everything. Everything makes me tired. I'm embarassed going to work and feel uncomfortable and unclean all the time because I'm constantly bleeding. I commute to another city for work and nearly everyday I'm bleeding through my pads and tampons before I've got to work. It's awful. Queue also not very understanding Male Boss who queries why I go to the toilet every half an hour infront of everyone... I'm only 29, no kids and dying to have a family and had recently got married prior to this all starting. I can't help thinking that this will stop that ever happening for me or theres some underlying issue here. Back at the GP on 26th Feb - yes that's the next avaliable appointment and they've told me it's not urgent enough for earlier. I'm 30th birthday is day before that appointment and it's just ruined it. I just can't cope with it anymore and i know in contrast to some i haven't had it that long but it's so exhausting and just with no answers it's frustating. 

  • Bless you your boss sounds like an ****! But maybe you could talk to him in private and tell him how your feeling!! Or even write him a note to explain how you are feeling it's not very professional of him to talk to you about it infront of everyone!! Maybe you could get a same day appointment at your doctors and tell them it's urgent tell them it's making you feel depressed and anxious about going out because you feel embarrassed that you might flood!! I found out that I have thickening of the womb and a polyp so got to wait for an outpatient appointment for a camera to be put in to see exactly what's going on!! I think it's terrible that so many women are going through this! It's a catch 22 because I've told my doctor I want to have another child I already have an 8yr old which I am totally blessed for but it does dishearten me when they tell me I HAVE to go on the pill to stop the bleeding because I won't be able to have a child on the pill and wouldn't be able to carry a child whilst bleeding like this!! Let me know how you get on You get something sorted ASAP xxxx

  • Hi all.

    Surprised to read so many are affected by this.

    I am 42 years of age, in good health and have been bleeding for 3 months non stop now.

    My issues started in September when I suddenly had miscarriage like symptoms and ended up in A&E (I wasnt pregnant). My cycle has been spot on for the last 23 years so this sudden change was definitely a cause of concern.

    My GP, who is fantastic, immediately referred me for an ultrasound and a possible polyp has been identified. I have been  further referred for a hysteroscopy with further investigation in 3 weeks time. Meanwhile I too am feeling rather exhausted and fatigue at the moment so topping up on iron supplements.

    Thank you for posting your experiences. It helps to know I am not alone.

    Best wishes for you all



  • I had a stint of bleeding for 7 weeks about 2 years ago it was so bad I couldn't go out of the house for 2 weeks. I take medication for depression and the gyny put it down to a change in meds. This is when I started getting irregular periods. I've had a coil fitted after I had a termination 17 years ago and the pain and bleeding W was horrible. My periods settled down but have now become irregular again, weight gain also. I am not sexually active at the moment but it is worrying if you can't get straight answers. I am due for a smear so I will see what that comes up with 

  • I am the same. I'm on the same pill as well I've had tablets to reduce/ slip the bleeding but didn't work and it'a concent clots. Having to change my tampon every half hour. Doctors now referring me to see someone at hospital and hoping it's nothing to do with smear. It's not nice at all. No sex life and always down. Just as well my man is so understanding

  • Hey, that is exactly what happened to me like a couple of months ago I still don't know what was going on but i stopped bleeding in February so I was bleeding for 5 months straight which was honestly disturbing especially at school - I'm 14 years old. So now I'm on iron tablets and I'm anemic which is crazy because my whole life my blood level has been normal then all of a sudden this happens. Hopefully I find out what was going on because I haven't started my period yet.

  • Same as me but I've been bleeding for about 9 months now and I've been to the doctors multiple times and they thaught it was my implant so they took it out and put me on the pill but I'm still bleeding and this is like 2/3 months down the line I've had tests done but they don't seem to be bothered like I speak to them about it saying that it hurts me some days and I feel like I can't walk it's that bad but they don't know ehat it is they say it will stop and they give me tablets but it didn't work and my bf is getting worries aswell I just don't know what to do. 

  • Hello sorry to here this just wondered if u got anything sorted I've been bleeding for about nine months and the doctors don't care x

  • Ive been bleeding nonstop for over 2 years now, and the doctors dont seem to be worried either  im not sure what to do about it anymore, ive not been able to find anyone else who has been bleeding for as long as this. Its ridiculous how ive not been taken more seriously. Ive had a test to see if i have cysts in my ovaries, but other than that ive been told to just wait it out. 

    I think this has happened as i was put on rigevidon to stop imitial heavy bleeding on a period, then cerelle, loestrin, cerelle again and the depo prevera shots within the space of under a year, which i know now really shouldnt have been done. I started to experience pain in my private area on the depo prevera and even after coming of ecerything for 7 months the bleeding and pain hasnt stopped. Ive had tests for STIs even with having one faithful partner through it all and come back negative.

    If anyone finds anything that helps or has helped with the bleeding please post below as im running out of ideas of what to do.

  • Hello, I've been constantly bleeding now for 7 months. Doctor said it was ok. I just don't know what to do anymore. It's like they don't listen. Has anybody had bleeding for this long please?