bleeding for 6 weeks every day non stop

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same as me as im going out my mind with worry. Ive been on the rigividon pill on and off for years now prob nearly ten years i have just started in the last six weeks bleeding constantly fresh blood every day having to wear pads i bleed after sex,orgasims, going to the toilet just any pressure down there i bleed. I went for a scan today and said they could not see anything. I had a cervical screening smear two yrs ago now just no one or gp seems to listen or understand that this has never been normal for me. Any infor would be good or similar experiences thanks

  • Hi Tmur, first of all my apologies for not having wrote sooner. However I had a problem getting on here. Also got flu. I was in my late 30s when I started having the same sort of problem you are having. With losing all the clots etc. Also not knowing when the bleeding was going to stop, with it being so so heavy I couldn't go out for long. I would use tampons also 2 thick sanity towels at the same time. One day my husband and I went to STIves in Cambridgeshire when we lived down there. I had only driven 6 miles to get there. With tampon 2 sanitary towels as I got out of the car my husband said Marj I think you had better get back in the car my love. Being a summer time I had this lovely mint green skirt on. Once my husband said I think you had better get back in the car. I looked sure enough blood had leaked through onto my skirt. I think it was that day something snapped. I mean really snapped. Although I had been doctors about it. Like you I was waiting a gynaecologist appointment. When I got home I felt so angry because o had been doctors a few times had a smear that came back as suspicious. They did another smear came back fine although they said I would have to have one every 6 months because the one came back suspicious. It could have been just a touch of thrush that made it come back as suspicious. Cutting a long story short. I had to take time if work due to constant Heavy bleeding. Was told not to use tampons with all the clothing, I had been sterilised because we didn't want any more children. Yet despite this I always got asked if I could be pregnant. I started to become cynical. I would say unless the hospital did a bodge job if sterilisation then yes. If not no.

    After we got back to Hartford where we lived on the outskirts of Huntingdon. I got a shower sorted myself out. Now I am going back to the day where you could walk into a doctors and wait. You would get seen. None of this appointment business oh we havr no appointment for 3/4 weeks....  like we get now. I get sarcastic about that and say how inconvenient of me becoming ill when you have no appointments. However because I have terminal cancer I think you will find you must get me into see a doctor in 48?hrs so do call me back when suited. Oh and I only want to see Dr ...... I do not like the others. Ok. Sorry going of on a tangent. I  got redressed used3 sanitary towels this time. It was getting beyond ridiculous. When I actually got into seeing a doctor. I told him I was awaiting a appointment for gynaecologist. I told him what had happened in st ives. So rather than adj him to contact them to rush up my appointment. I said call up the hospital's gynie department tell then it's urgent because i can not go on like this. He told me he would and he would call later that day. Sure enough a few hours later he called me to inform me I had a appointment in 2 days time. He said come down tomorrow and I will give you a letter to take with you.

    When I saw the gynaecologist. He didn't examine me he read the letter and he said having read everything all I can offer you is a hysterectomy. I said good let's get rid. He asked me if I wanted counselling. I asked what for. He explained after sons women stop feeling like a women once rhey had a hysterectomy. I will apologise now if I am about to offend anyone who reads this and your a woman who felt less like a woman because of a hysterectomy. I looked at him and said are you serious no I don't want counciling just get it out. I can not believe that women who had hysterectomy would feel les if a women. No like you I had started my period at  12 I had enough didn't fancey another 20 years before I started meanapouse. I was only a few days of 40 my mum started thr charge in her early 60s, apparently you can tend to follow a pattern and be similar to your mother. No didn't want another 20 years of it. About 10 days after I had seen the gynaecologist I was called in to have the hysterectomy. When I came round they said it wasn't until they I opened me up that I had got endometriosis. I don't know if you know what it is. You probably do however it's the lining of the womb that's started to grow outside the womb. It had covered my right ovary so they took that also. Now back in 1998 the only way they could tell if you had it or not. Was when they opened you up. I do believe there might be a test of or something however I also have read it's not very accurate.

    Every symptoms you described was more of less the same as myself and it was endometriosis. Talk to your GP ask them if they could soeed up your gynaecologist. Also talk to them. Being extremely serious it's bloody awful thing to have. Yet I genuinely do not think it's anything like cancer to be honest. If they suspect it could be anything like cancer. If it's like the are I live which is Leicestershire. They would be moving a little quicker than they appear to be doing where you live. I can't speak for the area you live. I just think if they suspected it cancer or cancer related you would havd been seen by now. I honestly would not be surprised if it was endometriosis. However you have every right to be concerned. So no you're not being silly at all. Please drop me a line if I can help in anyway further. Send a friend request then we can exchange messages without other people reading about whatever is going off. Ok my Love. Please keep me informed m. Thinking of you Marj xxxx

  • Hi Marj 

    Thanks your your reply. I've now had a letter from the clinic to say they will call me for an appointment but to wait until 2/01/2020 but if I do not get a call I need to call them. 
    I got some additional family history over the weekend that 4 out of 5 of my dads sisters have had hysterectomies and of the 4, 3 were cancer related. However I also found out that my cousin who at the time was the same age that I am now was diagnosed with endometriosis. So yes I think it's likely to be that. 
    On a good note right now, the bleeding has stopped, 5 weeks in total with the last 4 days quite heavy. I can honestly say I was not as heavy as you. 
    we'll update when I know more. 

  • Hi there just wondering if you have had any news on your story, I am exactly the same as you, literally cannot stop, the docs have put me on the pill, I haven't stopped bleeding I have been to the gyny clinic and they have done 2 internal scans and nothing showed up!! I'm really starting to get worried now I was bleeding for nearly a year before they done anything because I told the doc I wanted to have another baby! But they haven't got to the bottom of the bleeding just put me on another pill!! 
    many thanks in advance I hope you have had some news

  • I've been bleeding for 11 weeks now with the most excruciating pain in my Belly put they put this down to my fibromyalgia. My doctors aren't concerned and haven't passed me on too anyone. This really isn't normal for me. Reading everyone comment's I'm debating on going back. Hope you get answers soon. X

  • Hi

    ive been bleeding for 4months, going on to 5. My doctor diagnosed as dysfunctional bleeding. I have had a mirena put in nearly 3months, this was too control the bleeding. However the mirena has not made any difference at all, even though it takes 6months to settle the bleeding. I thought with it being 3months of having it put in, it should have made some sort of difference but no. I'm not happy with the diagnosis, but I feel like they won't reffer me to anyone else. X

  • Hi I have been following the posts about women who are in your situation. Now I am no doctor far from it. In my younger days I had similar problems to yourself. It took me a lot of appointments and constantly visiting doctors to hopefully get a referral to gynaecologist. I was 39 when I actually got to see him. All he said was all I can do is give you a hysterectomy. I said fine just do it. I had got to a point I would have accepted more or less anything. I have fibromyalgia. It does NOT affect your bleeding at all. As you know it's more muscles that become all knotty. So first I would dismiss the fibromyalgia. Join a fibromyalgia group, you will learn a lot from them. Also from the doctors who post new things to help. I was told of one where you can ask a doctor a question. They get back to you in 24hrs. Similar to asking the trained cancer nurses on this website. Now being older and wiser. I know there a patient charter that tells you your rights as a patient. I have not read it for a little while. However if you have been to the doctors a number of times. Nothing being done. You actually can demand to see a specialist. Personally I would now start thinking of demanding to see a gynaecologist. Now I did have a hysterectomy 3 days after my 40 birthday. Being honest I was offered counselling. Because many women who have a hysterectomy especially younger women. Which I was classed as. After the hysterectomy suddenly don't feel like a women anymore. Personally I can not understand that one. But that's my own personal opinion. I refused to see a councillor because I knew I would not feel like that. I know myself very very well lol. As it turned out I had actually got endemitrouse. It's when the lining of the uterus starts to grow outside the uterus. It had gone quite away too. My right ovary had to be removed because it was covered. They left my left one alone. It didn't have any signs and because of my age. They said hopefully it would continue to work a couple of years so I did not have to go on HRT. As it turned out, after a family history check I couldn't have HRT because my dad had a stroke at 54. So it's a good job that left ovary kept going for 19 years to the surprise of my GP. Also myself. That was 2 years ago now. I have got terminal lung cancer. However after having been given a diagnosis of 6/8 months in September 2013 and here I still am. No one actually knows why I am still alive. I can assure you and anyone else. It wasn't a mistake being told the cancer had spread after the removal of my left lung. I am only telling you this. For you to understand. You have rights as a patient. So please please stop worrying at this point about if it's cancer or not. I am not being awful but, you may say your not. However the subconscious mind must. Because you joined a cancer forum. No disrespect meant what's so ever. I can't help being concerned about yourself. You must acctuly insist on being referred to a gynaecologist. My darling. I am on and off the site if ever you need to chat. Ok. Please do not think I was being disrespectful when I said you joined a cancer site. Because I wasn't far from it actually. I often think us women tend to think of cancer when you are constantly bleeding. It doesn't help if you do get to see a gynaecologist. It just makes us worry more I believe...  Take care, and as I said I am on and off if you ever want to chat. Ok best wishes Marj xx

  • Thank you ladies all,

    I am 60 years of age and like Debs I suffered with PCO all my life and periods when they did arrive were errant stupid and frustrating I had to have infertility treatment to get my family. Injections to get pregnant injections to keep the pregnancy's going and now when I think I am out of the woods, and having sailed through the menopause because of my nutty body.

    i found myself with a heavy bleed it only lasted about 10 days and it makes me sad when I read how long some of you lady's have suffered you have my total simpathy when I say I would not have waited so long but saying that comes with age not wisdom. and  so like Debs I had an trans scan  I was told at the time that they would remove a polp and that there was some thinking of my uterus so thank you debs you give me a little optimism. I had a biopsy taken 2 weeks ago and tomorrow I get the result needless to say I am hoping it's  good news... we live in hope.

    please ladies if you are bleeding heavily go to you go and insist they investigate 

    much love


  • Lauren please go back to your doctor and insist he helps you say because you don't want your body to become a concoction of things and pills

  • Hi thank you for your reply, I've been to the doctors again today and he has sent me to the emergency gynaecology department, I've just had an internal scan so I'm waiting to hear the results now i will post when I know what the results are

    thank you for your support