bleeding for 6 weeks every day non stop

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same as me as im going out my mind with worry. Ive been on the rigividon pill on and off for years now prob nearly ten years i have just started in the last six weeks bleeding constantly fresh blood every day having to wear pads i bleed after sex,orgasims, going to the toilet just any pressure down there i bleed. I went for a scan today and said they could not see anything. I had a cervical screening smear two yrs ago now just no one or gp seems to listen or understand that this has never been normal for me. Any infor would be good or similar experiences thanks

  • Hi there Sam, welcome to the forum. I'm going to assume that you are a female because you talked about having a cervix and as far as I know, males don't have one of those. It seems as though your medical team has ruled out anything related to female organs, but has anyone suggested you seeing a urologist for a screening around bladder, kidney, etc. I was diagnosed more than 3 years ago with bladder cancer after downright fighting with my doctor and two duty doctors that the bleeding I had was not related to any of my female organs. (They did send me for screening for those however, and of course, nothing wrong there. I insisted on being referred to a urologist and finally they gave in. Sure enough, it was bladder cancer which had been present at least 4 months prior. If I hadn't fought with them to refer me, where would I be today? I'm not saying this is your problem for sure, but if you're bleeding like you say, your doctors need to rule out everything until they pin down the problem and treat you for it. We really do need to be vigilant in making sure we are heard when experiencing health issues.

    I hope for your sake this isn't anything serious, but if it is, it needs to be addressed. Go for it!

    Come back and let us know how it goes for you. Good luck.


  • I didnt no if they check your cervix in the ultrasound or not im just concerned its coming from there im going to dr tomo to see a nurse to see if they will give me another cervical smear as it was two years ago i had one 

  • Hi Sam, its' good you're seeing a nurse tomorrow. Keep at them until you get answers. Be sure you let us know what comes out of it all.

    Take care.


  • Hi Sam, have you stopped taking the pill to see if anything changes? 

  • Hi

    In 2013 I bled everyday for about 6 weeks prior to going to Dr. I was given transadamic acid and put on antibiotics for infections. Swabs taken were negative. Previous smears all normal. After 6 months Dr sent me for internal scan nothing picked up. I was so fed up and worried so went to bupa. A week later had smear that showed abnormal. Had a colonoscopy a few days later with biopsy. Biopsy showed cancer. Full hysterectomy and no further treatment. I was 38 at time. Even if your smear clear 2 years ago push for another one.

    I wish you luck 

  • I have been bleeding for nearly 7 weeks on and off well say of for like 1/3 days then back on had test done everything come back normal should I ask to see urologist for screening as I only had bloods and a smear last September and said I don’t need one again what should I do as I’m worried now i am only 25 and got a little boy who is 5 to look after x

  • Hey Sam. I’ve just read your post and wondered what cane out of it? I know it been a while but I’ve got the same problem and no doctor does anything about it. Hope all went well. Tia.

  • Hey Tia, interested to know if you have stopped bleeding and what help you got?  I’m on my 6th week stopped for 2 days and it came back. I am so down and really had enough. 

  • I’m approaching 100 days of bleeding & I’m fed up, it’s not just bleeding it’s loosing massive clots & sometimes having to change my pads every 5-20 mins (ive given up with tampons as they end up falling out there so soaked) I’m having to change my clothes frequently as I’m just flooding out I’ve had a scan & that just picked up a very thick womb lining & had a biopsy & that came back clear so had the coil fitted, the bleeding didn’t stop so I was put on the pill to run along side the coil, that didn’t stop it then was given another tablet beginning with T that’s was supposed to help stop it, it slowed down & I had bloods taken at that point, they came back & yes I’m anemic so the doctor said she would take to coil out & put me on iron tablets as the bleeding was making me ill & now the bleeding is back !!!!! Soaking me through I’m feeling really weak I can’t even get dressed without having to sit down & catch my breath or going up a simple set of stairs i(m used to being fit going to exercise classes running ect) I’m going dizzy if I have to bend over I’ve got pain in my lower back, headaches feeling freezing 

    ive got another app with my doctor in 2 weeks but don’t think I can last that long 

  • Jeezo, you’ve been through a lots, i’m 13 weeks bleeding now and eventually got an appointment with a gynaecologist on Tuesday. Nervous to know what they will do.