Sore throat on left side but now found a lump on right side?

I have had a sore throat since last May. For the first few months my sore throat felt like a lump when I swallowed most of the time, and was in the middle of my throat. Then around November time the lump feeling moved to the left side of my throat, and I started getting pain in my left ear. I have been to the doctors numerous times about this, and have been diagosed with thrush, globus sensation, tonsilitis, etc, etc, and given about 7 different courses of treatment, none of which worked. I also took a blood test which came back clear.

Tonight though, I have found a lump on the RIGHT side of my neck (oppositie side to sore throat) which I am really worried about. Tonight I had my first manual shave since around September last year. I had been using an electrical shaver up until tonight but it broke so I had to take a manual shave. Anyway, when taking this shave I felt a lump on the right side when brining the shaver down my neck to do my beard. I had never noticed this before when I was manually shaving last year, but like I say, this is the first time I have done a manual shave since September last year, so I'm obviously worried that this lump has grown since then. The lump basically feels like an adams apple, but on the right side and it moves when I swallow. I've never had a promonant adams apple but this feels just like it. I'm sure though that it isn't my adams apple though because firsty it wouldn't be on the right side, and secondly I'm sure that it wasn't as prominent last September.

I have an ENT appointment on 1st April but I really do not want to wait until then. My GP did feel for lumps/swelling on the left side of my neck when I told him about a sore throat on the left side, but obviously he didn't feel the right side, and thus did not feel this.

Is this likely to be linked to my sore throat or is it something totally different? And if it is linked then why is the lump on the right side, yet the sore throat and ear pain is on the right.

I have also lost around 70lbs in weight in the past year but I have been on a strict diet so hopefully the weight loss is nothing sinister.

  • Hi I would never ever want to worry you in any way but I will be frank with you all the symptoms you have been getting are throat cancer symptoms and you need to get your GP ASAP and say look I think it could be this I need checked out by some sort of scan. -Diane x

  • Hi I’ve got similar symptoms but it’s all left sided it’s getting me down if I’m honest I’ve had antibiotics ENT camera and a ultrasound and they telling me that there’s nothing to be concerned about but like you pain in left ear left side pain from tonsil down woulda feels like a lump as well and it’s really painful when I eat are drink did you get any results are can anyone else help me please I’m desperate for help and answers any help at all would be great I’m a 46 year old male called Steve thanks ....

  • Did you get any answers Miller I'm going through similar circumstances