Does an MDT meeting mean there is reason to worry?

Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum, I am hoping to be able to talk to some people and perhaps gain a bit of insight to what is going on.

I am 26, and about 6 weeks ago had a suspicious mole removed from my upper back. This of course was sent of for biopsy. At this point I was not really worried.

Today, I finally get a bit more information from the consultants secetary in that the results have come back, however before I can be told anymore they need to have an MDT meeting. I looked into what an MDT meeting is, and searches primarily include "cancer patients".

Does this mean they have found something, or is this standard practise for all mole removals?


  • Hi LeeBee,

    I work in the NHS and sometimes our acronyms can be confusing. MDTs are not limited to cancer care, I can't think of anywhere apart from the odd general practice which doesn't have them these days. In the good old days these were often called case conferences.

    Most teams (whatever specialty from Mental Health to Heart Surgery) have regular team meetings to discuss new cases and to allocate the right people to the right patients. The meetings are called Multi-Disciplinary Team meetings, as they include more than one profession (discipline) to distinguish them from other regular nurses meetings, doctors meetings etc.

    All that will happen is that all the new cases for the week will be assessed at the same time and actions agreed for each patient and the cases given to the most appropriate member of the team for action. Generally all cases, however serious, go through this process which also ensures everyone on the team has a fair workload.

    I hope this helps. Good luck with your results.


  • Dear Leebee1709


    I have never posted on anything like this before, but I just came across your question about MDT meeting(s) as I have been waiting for results for over 6 weeks- having chased I found out today my doctors were going into an MDT meeting. I don’t know what that means, but like you,  I have searched, and everything online suggests something sinister. Can you give me any light to this? I know your post was a few months ago but I hoped you might be able to help? I hope you are very well xx

  • Hi Alice,

    Waiting for results is about the worst part of this experience. My reply to LeeBee covers what MDTs are. There's nothing sinister about them in themselves.

    Most hospitals have multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) made up of various doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals who all specialise in different therapies and conditions. They work as a team and at an MDT meeting cases (including the results of scans and diagnostic tests) are discussed and allocated to the most appropriate members of the team. 

    Cases discussed by the team often range from those where nothing untoward has been found, in which case it is agreed who gets to tell the patient the good news, through to giving the patient a diagnosis and discussing treatment options with them. In my personal life I have had both extremes as a result of an MDT meeting.

    Best wishes

  • Hi dave , sorry texting on someone's post but just wanted to say , you gave me some advice a while ago about my oldest son ... your words stayed with me , and yesterday I did put your advice into action ... I'll be forever grateful and just wanted you to know your words can really change people's life's x chrisie 

  • I have recently had two procedures,  last January and earlier this month for possible  prostate and bladder cancer.

    Following the first procedure and biopsy I was advised the biopsy was negative. However because my symptoms continued to exist I had the same procedure a second time. Following that I was advised the result was still negative. My Consultant then said he would bring it to the next MDT to hear if there might be an alternative diagnosis or remedy to the problem.

  • I know that this is an old post but I've been waiting for result of a biopsy on my breast.  At the appointment the dr who did the biopsy said she didn't think there was anything to worry about as the sample looked ok  I've recurved a phone all today telling me an appointment has been made for next Tuesday at 10 to discuss results. I said I thought the dr said my results would come through the post, which I may have miss heated she said they don't normally do that and my appointment was at 10 o'clock after the MDT meeting, does that mean it about me or is this a general meeting.  I'm so worried now as originally my consultant made me think it would be ok.  

  • Hi Lee Bee,

    I have had a rare nasty cancer that has been with me for 15 years.

    In that time i have had a lot of MDTs and they are nothing to be scared of in fact the opposite. The team seems to have got the MDT quickly together.. Many different Specialists sit on the team and discuss the best way forward for you, Once this hs been done they may have a stategy for you to help you.Try and get an appointment with your Specialist to explain what is happening to you? Dont always believe an MDT is bad, They have some good brains in that room.

    All the vey best


  • Hi Moonpie,

    The days are long gone when consultants worked in isolation. These days most patients receiving hospital care are treated by a consultant led (or nurse led, or midwife led) team. An MDT is simply a team meeting where patients’ cases and their care plans are discussed. Sometimes its literally just “Mre Bloggs has had a scan/test, what were the results? Nothing unusual. OK - Jane if you could see her at her next appointment and give her the good news, that would be great. Next is Mr Jones - etc.

    The problem with any profession is they often use jargon which sounds scary or complicated to outsiders. 

    It’s bad practice to give results by phone or letter because even if the news is good we all have questions, even if it’s just “are you sure?”.

    Good luck with your results




  • Thanks Dave. 

    Thankyou for replying 
    when I had my biopsy the doctor seem quite possitive that it would be ok. But the telephone call yesterday from whoever makes the appointments scared me.  She said my appointment was booked for 10 after the MDT meeting I googled it as I didn't know what is was and it said a meeting to discuss cancer care.  I don't know if the lady who phoned had my results in front of her or she just makes appointments and was generalising.  
    hopefully it'll be good news on Tuesday keeping everything crossed. 