Feeling a little lost in terms of where to look for help/guidelines and hoping that someone here might be able to help.
I'm 36 years old and was diagnosed with complex atypical endometrial hyperplasia following a hysteroscopy and biopsy last March. Due to my age and desire to retain the possibility of future pregnancies, my gynaecologist suggested we try hormone therapy before committing to a hysterectomy. In June this year I received an appointment with a gynaecological oncologist who stressed that hormone therapy could be a risk considering the extent of my symptoms and doubled my dosage of progestogen with strict instruction that I undergo a repeat biopsy/hysteroscopy in September.
Second biopsy/hysteroscopy happened this week and whilst I don't have results yet, I was advised post-procedure by one of the doctors present in theatre that I should prepare for the worst as things looked highly suspicious. I was also told that I was now officially an oncology patient and no longer to be treated via gynae, and that follow-up/results would happen within 6 weeks but most probably within two due to fact that I've already been diagnosed as pre-cancerous. Today I find out that I've been given a general gynae clinic appointment for nearly 8 weeks time and am now torn between preparing for a cancer diagnosis and hysterectomy or reassuring myself that perhaps the hormone therapy is having an effect.
It's been a year since I began attending appointments and tests for abnormal bleeding and I've been in increasing pain since December last year to the extent that eating and sleeping are now affected on a daily basis. Is it usual that I have another 8 weeks of waiting to find out whether it's cancer? Would really appreciate hearing from anyone that's gone through this process and can give me an idea of what's normal in terms of results and progression. Thanks in advance.