How long is normal to wait for Biopsy results ???

Hi, this is the first time i've sent a post on here, but i've read more than a few and have already found comfort to know there's someone to talk to. I've had a mammogram and ultrasound which both say i have a 'lump' and two lymph nodes are enlarged. I had a biopsy last Tuesday, they said the results would be 2 - 3 days but it's now over a week ago !! I phoned yesterday but they said when they have the results they'll let me know. I have pains in my back and am scared it might have spread there - or that could be stress? - but I just don't know. I first went to my doctor 5 weeks ago and haven't told anyone, except my husband, as I want to be able to answer my mum and sister's questions in a positive way. But I just don't know.

Also does anyone know if they can tell if it's spread just by the biopsy? They did a 'fine' needle biopsy under my arm, aswell as the four 'larger needle' biopsy on my breast. Would appreciate any help out there, I'm trying to keep positive but it's taking so much time, and I can think of nothing else.

Thanks, June


    Hi Suzy,

    Welcome to the forum.

    It is never easy waiting for the results of tests and three weeks will seem like a lifetime. Unfortunately, it is what it is and the best thing to make the time pass is to keep yourself busy.

    Your emotional state is perfectly normal. Most of us find ourself crying buckets for no particular reason. There are so many unknowns at the moment that your mind goes into overdrive and, all the nasty little 'what ifs' creep in during the early hours of the morning. This will all gradually settle down once you know exactly what you are dealing with and start to move on.

    Do please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Still hoping for good results in 2 weeks time.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Suzy

    Welcome to the forum

    I know it’s easier said than done but do try not to worry. The not knowing is the worst. I drove myself insane with worry!

    you have come to the right place-everyone is so knowledgeable and friendly. 

    What I can advise is the same as Jolamine-try and keep busy. Take it one day at a time. Get today out of the way and deal with tomorrow when it comes. I can also advise to stay off google-it will only add to your worries! If you’re ever in need of a chat then do come to this forum!

    I wish you the best with your results. Here if you need a chat and do keep us updated xxx

  • Hi there I had a lumpectomy and had to wait 4 weeks for the results. Went back last Thursday and now going in this Thursday for sentinel node biopsies which will be about another 3 weeks to wait. It’s hard waiting around for results as I well know. Hopefully you will soon get to know x

  • Hi guys


    thank you for your replies to my worries.

    luckily I’m very busy at work which I feel is the best place to be right now,, it certainly is a long wait but like you all say just get through today.

    im just worried about these random meltdowns I’m waking up with

    great to know there are people out there going through this too and I’m not being the dramatic one, I’m normally really tough




    Hi Suzy,

    You are definitely not being at all unusual with your meltdowns. As I said previously, most of us have them and they will eventually settle down as you find out more about your diagnosis.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi I know how you feel, I had biopsies done two weeks ago was told two to three weeks of been two weeks today and I'm going crazy I hope you have had yours now 

  • hi

    i know how you feel I waited 4 weeks for my results, it does get easier I didn’t think it would. I have had my results back and great news the cysts are benign .. hope you get the same results 


    good luck 

  • That's great news, I'm starting to think maybe the old saying is right no news is good news, let's hope so although the consultant said at the very least I needed the duct removed 

  • I got my biospy done 2 weeks ago tomorrow they told me the results will take up to 2 weeks so I was hoping to hear something today but maybe tomorrow the wait seems so long x

  • Hi

    Is horrible isn't it, I hope we both hear soon, I just can't settle just want to know either way, finding in getting frustrated with it now..

    Tried calling the clinic earlier but it was 5.30, I was annoyed they where closed when people are waiting for these results, shame we can't just turn off from it at home time

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